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Liver cirrhosis. Liver cancer


Phonetic exercise:   cirrhosis [sɪ ˈ roʊ sɪ s], liver [‘livə ], consequence [‘k nsikwə ns], chronic [‘kr nik], fibrosis [fai’broʊ sis], process [‘proʊ sə s], hepatitis [, hepə ‘taitis], damage [‘dæ mid3], toxins [‘t : ksinz], acute [ə ‘kju: t], cyanosis [, saiə ’n usis], pressure [‘pre∫ ə ], hypertension [, haipə ’ten∫ n], inflammation [, inflə ’mei∫ n], characterized [‘kæ ktə raizd], ascites [ə ’saiti: z], tissue [’tisju:, ’ti∫ ju: ], virus [‘vaiə rə s], viral [‘vaiə rə l], asymptomatic [ə, simptə ‚mæ tik], scar [‘sk ], alcohol [‘æ lkə ‘h l], alcoholic [, æ lkə ‘h lik], malaise [mə ‘leiz, mæ ‘leiz], nausea [‘n : siə ], abdomen [‘æ bdə men], abdominal [æ b’d minl], diarrhea [‚daiə ‘riə, ‚daiə ‘ri: ə ], jaundice          [‘d3 : ndis], discomfort [dis‘kΛ fə t], diet [daiə t], ultrasound [‘Λ ltrə saund]


Make a report on liver cirrhosis according to the plan below:

Definition: consequence of chronic liver disease characterized by replacement of liver tissue by fibrosis, scar tissue and regenerative nodules.

Causes: alcoholism, hepatitis B and C, fatty liver disease, hepatotoxic drugs or toxins etc.

Epidemiology: the 10th leading cause of death for men and the 12th for women in the United States.

Complications: ascites (fluid retention in the abdominal cavity), hepatic encephalopathy (confusion and coma), hepatocellular carcinoma, portal hypertension, immune system dysfunction, leading to infection.

Symptoms, signs, clinical manifestations, clinical features: enlarged or shrunken liver, splenomegaly (increase in size of the spleen), ascites (accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal cavity), jaundice (yellow discoloring of the skin and eyes); other symptoms: weakness, fatigue, anorexia, weight loss, bruising and bleeding, itching, etc.


History: a personal medical history, a medication history, a family history, an alcohol consumption history, an infectious disease history, a social history, an occupational history, etc.

Physical examination: observation, percussion, and palpation.

Instrumental evaluation: liver biopsy, laboratory blood tests, ultrasound, etc.

Treatment: cannot be reversed; a healthy diet, antibiotics, laxatives; avoidance of alcohol and paracetomol; vaccination of susceptible patients for Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B; diuretics to suppress ascites; propranolol to lower blood pressure over the portal system; liver transplantation, etc.



Phonetic exercise: cirrhosis [sɪ ˈ roʊ sɪ s], liver [‘livə ], cancer [‘kæ nsə ], carcinoma [, k si‘noumə ], consequence [‘k nsikwə ns], chronic [‘kr nik], fibrosis [fai’broʊ sis], process [‘proʊ sə s], hepatitis [, hepə ‘taitis], damage [‘dæ mid3], metastases [mi‘tæ stə esi: z], nausea [‘n : siə ], cyanosis [, saiə ’n usis], pressure [‘pre∫ ə ], hypertension [, haipə ’ten∫ n], inflammatimon [, inflə ’mei∫ n], characterized [‘kæ ktə raizd], ascites [ə ’saiti: z], tissue [’tisju:, ’ti∫ ju: ], virus [‘vaiə rə s], viral [‘vaiə rə l], asymptomatic [ə, simptə ‚mæ tik], scar [‘sk ], alcohol [‘æ lkə ‘h l], alcoholic [, æ lkə ‘h lik], malaise [mə ‘leiz, mæ ‘leiz], nausea [‘n : siə ], abdomen [‘æ bdə men], abdominal [æ b’d minl], diarrhea [‚daiə ‘riə, ‚daiə ‘ri: ə ], jaundice [‘d3 : ndis], discomfort [dis‘kΛ fə t], diet [daiə t], ultrasound [‘Λ ltrə saund], cadaveric [kə ‘dæ və rik], infectious [in‘fek∫ ə s], methods [‘meθ ə dz], prostate [‘pr steit], techniques [tek’ni: ks], modality [mə u’dæ lə ti], auscultation [, : skə l’tei∫ n], percussion [pə ’kΛ ∫ n; pə: ’kΛ ∫ n], palpation [pæ l’pei∫ n]


Make a report on liver cancer according to the plan below:

Definition: a cancer which starts in the liver, as opposed to a cancer which originates in another organ and migrates to the liver, known as a liver metastasis.

The most frequent forms: hepatocellular carcinoma; metastases from other tumors, frequently from tumors of the GI tract (like colon cancer) but also from breast cancer, ovarian cancer, lung cancer, renal cancer, prostate cancer, etc.

The main risk factors, risk situations, risk groups for hepatocellular carcinoma: alcoholism, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, Aflatoxins (naturally occurring mycotoxins), cirrhosis of the liver, Wilsons disease (a genetic disorder in which copper accumulates in tissues), anabolic steroids,

Symptoms, signs, clinical manifestations, clinical features: abdominal mass, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, anemia, back pain, jaundice, itching, weight loss, fever, an enlarged liver, some other liver dysfunction, etc.

Evaluation: History: a personal medical history, a medication history, a family history, an alcohol consumption history, an infectious disease history, a social history, an occupational history, a history of toxins, etc.

Physical examination: observation, percussion, and palpation.

Instrumental evaluation: CT scanning of the abdomen, MRI studies, etc.

Treatment: surgical resection to remove a tumor together with surrounding liver tissue; liver transplantation to replace the diseased liver with a cadaveric liver or a living donor graft; selective internal radiation therapy; hormonal therapy; cryosurgery: a new technique that can destroy tumors in a variety of sites (brain, breast, kidney, prostate, liver), etc.



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