Medical humor: medical slang. The gallbladder. Cholecystitis
Liver bomb - medical slang for a patient with liver failure with tendency to explode from complications thereof, including GI bleeding, ascites, kidney failure, lung failure, and altered mentation. I had the worst call of my life! I admitted 4 liver bombs and sent three to the ICU! THE GALLBLADDER Phonetic exercise: gallbladder [‘g : l‘blæ də ], non-vital [, n n’vaitl], hollow [‘h lou], release [ri’li: s], concavity [k n’kæ viti], fundus [‘fΛ ndə s], diameter [dai’æ mitə ], store [st : ], gallstones [‘g : lstounz], cholelithiasis [, k lili’θ aiə sis], cholecystitis [, k lisis’taitis]
Make a report on the gallbladder according to the plan below: Definition: a small non-vital organ; a hollow organ. Functions: first(ly), to store bile produced in the liver; second(ly), to release bile when food containing fat enters the digestive tract. Location: in a concavity of the liver. Structure: three sections: the fundus, the body, and neck Size and volume: 8 cm in length and 4 cm in diameter; stores about 50 milliliters of bile. The most common diseases: gallstones (cholelithiasis), cholecystitis, gallbladder cancer.
CHOLECYSTITIS Phonetic exercise: gallbladder [‘g : l‘blæ də ], gallstones [‘g : lstounz], cholelithiasis [, k li’li’θ aiə sis], cholecystitis [, k lisis’taitis], choleliths [, k li’li’θ s], consequence [‘k nsikwə ns], duct [dΛ kt], necrosis [nek’rə usis], rupture [‘rΛ pt∫ ə ], surrounding [sə ‘raʊ ndiŋ ], obstruction [ə bs‘trΛ k∫ n], gastrointestinal tract [, gæ strə uin’testinl ‘træ kt], quadrant [‘kw drə nt], scapula [‘skæ pjə lə ], diaphragm [‘daiə fræ m], fistula [‘fistjulə ], nausea [‘n : siə ], procedures [prə u‘si: d3ə z], laparoscopy [, læ pə ‘r skə pi], bile [bail], biliary [‘biliə ri], injury [‘ind3ə ri], abscess [’æ bsə s], wound [wu: nd], hernia [‘hə: niə ] Make a report on cholecystitis according to the plan below: Definition: inflammation of the gall bladder. Causes and pathology: cholelithiasis (the presence of choleliths, or gallstones, in the gallbladder), with choleliths most commonly blocking the cystic duct directly. The gallbladder's wall becomes inflamed. Consequences and complications: necrosis and rupture, irritation of surrounding structures such as the diaphragm and bowel; perforation and formation of a fistula with the nearby small bowel, leading to symptoms of intestinal obstruction. Symptoms, signs, clinical manifestations, clinical features: pains in the right upper quadrant; constant, severe pains, pains 'referring' to the right flank or right scapular region at first, pains after eating greasy or fatty foods such as pastries, pies and fried foods; a low grade fever, vomiting and nausea, belching, etc.
Evaluation: History: a personal medical history, a medication history, a family history, an alcohol consumption history, an infectious disease history, a social history, an occupational history, etc. Physical examination: observation, percussion, and palpation. Instrumental evaluation: common blood count, blood tests for elevated bilirubin, C-reactive protein tests; radiology: sonography, CT, etc. Treatment: fluid resuscitation and antibiotics, surgical removal of the gallbladder (cholecystectomy), open surgery or a laparoscopic procedure, etc. Advantages of laparoscopic procedures: less morbidity and a shorter recovery stay. A laparoscopic procedure may also be 'converted' to an open procedure during the operation if the surgeon feels that further attempts at laparoscopic removal might harm the patient. Complications of cholecystectomy: bile leak, bile duct injury (about 5-7 out of 1000 operations), abscess, wound infection, bleeding (liver surface and cystic artery are most common sites), hernia, organ injury (intestine and liver are at highest risk, especially if the gallbladder has become adherent/scarred to other organs due to inflammation (e. g. transverse colon), deep vein thrombosis/pulmonary embolism, etc.
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