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I Английский язык для студентов строительных специальностей



Verb Adjective

depend ___________


dominate ___________

exist ___________


Verb Adjective

cloud —---------------

might —---------------

worth —---------------

smoke —---------------


Pattern 24 Verb + -ive> Adjective

The -ive suffix means having a tendency, character, or quality.

Example: construct — строить —» constructive — строи­тельный

Verb Adjective

produce ------------------------

act ------------------------

attract ------------------------

create ------------------------

effect ------------------------

Pattern 25 Verb + -y -»Adjective

The -y suffix means full or converted with, tending to, like or typical of.

Example: sun — солнце -»sunny — солнечный


Read and translate the following sentences paying attention to the forms and functions of the Gerund.

A) Subject


Smoking is not allowed here. — Курить {курение) здесь не


1. Knowing English is helpful for any building engineer. 2. Cutting stones and timbers became possible with the invention of tools. 3. Learning to use a computer is important for every civil engineer. 4. Adding heat to a substance does not always cause a rise of its temperature. 5. Maintaining the equipment in good condition helps students to make experiments well.

B) Part of a Predicate


His greatest pleasure is reading books. — Самое большое удо­вольствие для него — это чтение {читать) книг(и).

1. In Russia, most of the houses built after World War II were big, usually 5—10 stories high, with small apartments. In these boroughs, the goal was saving space and creating as many apartments


as possible. 2. Seeing is believing. 3. The most common floo finish is carpeting, most of which is now made of synthetic fibres 4. Our aim is finding new ways of using this material in the buildin industry. 5. The problem to be discussed is making a new program for a computer.

C) Direct Object


I like readingbooks. — Мне нравится читать {чтение) книга. Tom likes being read such books. — Том любит, когда ему читают такие книги.

I remember having seen this film. — Я помню, что я смотрел этот фильм.

I remember having been told 'about this film. — Я помню, что мне рассказывали об этом фильме.

1. At the building site, precast members are joined together by a number of methods, including welding together metal connectors cast into them or pouring a layer of in situ concrete on top of floor members, bonding them together. 2. If you like wearing high heels and beautiful clothes, you may not be happy on a building site. 3. They expected being given further assistance. 4. Most local authorities started providing social housing, mainly for elderly people with low incomes. 5. He remembers having been shown this project.

D) Indirect Object


I am pleased with his learning English. — Я доволен тем, что он изучает английский язык.

We are interested in being invited to the first night. — Мы за­интересованы в том, чтобы нас пригласили на премьеру.

Не reproached himself for having said it. — Он упрекал себя за то, что сказал это.

Не was surprised at having been asked about it. — Он был удивлен, что его спросили об этом.

1. The municipal engineer serves local or state government directly in planning and supervising the construction and management of water-supply and sewage-disposal systems, roads and bridges, public-transport systems, public buildings, and many other significant features of modern life. 2. My friend is good at speaking English and German. 3. When I was at school, I thought of working in construction. 4. These decisions are connected with planning, organizing, directing and controlling the work to be done. 5. The investors insisted on being informed about the financial position of the project they supported.

E) Attribute


I don't like his manner of reading. — Мне не нравится его манера чтения.

1. It is seen as an easier installation and a better solution for supporting roofs as opposed to the use of lumber struts and purlins as bracing. 2. There are three historically common methods of framing a house. 3. The task of building the project is the responsibility of a firm of contractors. 4. Civil engineering is the profession of designing and executing structural works that serve the general public. 5. Mathematical methods for determining the beam forces include the moment distribution method, the force or flexibility method and the direct stiffness method.

F) Adverbial Modifier


We enrich our knowledge by reading books. — Мы обогаща­ем свои знания, читая {чтением) книги.

Не entered the room without being noticed. — Он вошел в ком­нату незамеченным.

1. Glued laminated beams are created by glueing the faces together to create beams. 2. The energy effectiveness of stone is


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