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I Английский язык для студентов строительных специальностей



6. be distinct from [di'stirjktj — отличный (от других)
Those two construction plans are quite distinct from each other.

7. emerge [I'ms: dh;] v — появляться
emergence [шэ: djans] n — появление

Some new theories emerged on. Egyptian pyramid construction. The 1980s saw the emergence of many new building practices.

8. deal (with) [di:l] v — иметь дело (с), рассматривать

In the building field we usually deal with complex plastics.

9. service ['ss: vis] n — служба, обслуживание; (pi.) комму­
никации, инженерное оборудование здания
serviceability [,sa:vis3'bihti] n — полезность, пригод­
ность, эксплуатационная надежность, работоспособ­

They require access to the ceiling void to install the services. In civil engineering, serviceability refers to the conditions under which a building is still considered useful.

10. carry out v — проводить, выполнять

All operations can be carried out on the top of the concrete slab.

11. entire [in'taia] adj — полный, совершенный, целый
entirely [m'taiah] adv — полностью, всецело, совершенно

The 20th century saw deep changes in the entire range of building. The units can be put up by unskilled labour, entirelyhy hand, and without the use of mechanical equipment.

12. sway n v — качание; качаться, наклоняться
This new type of construction is perfectly safe; but in the search

for a perfect construction, another factor has entered — sway. Like trees, tall buildings must be able to sway in the wind.

13. linear ['lima] adj — линейный
A linear dimension is measured along a straight line.

14. retain [n'tem] v — удерживать, поддерживать, сохра­

A building with a large volume in relation to its surface area retains more heat.

15. advance [ad'vams] n v — продвижение вперед, успех,
прогресс; продвигаться вперед, делать успехи, разви­

There have been great advances in building construction in the last 50 years. The construction plan is advancing well.

16. behave [bi'herv] v — работать (о конструкции, материале)
behaviour [bi'hervja] n — работа, свойства, характерис­
тика, поведение (системы)

Metals behave in different ways when heated. A system of equations that describes the nonlinear behaviour of beams is presented.

17. technique [tek'ni:k] n — методика, метод, способ, про­
цедура, технический прием, технология

An interesting new technique for constructing concrete roofs was developed by the structural engineering department.

18. conform (to) [k9n'fo:m] v — соответствовать (чему-л.), согласоваться (с), приспосабливаться, подчиняться (пра­вилам)

19. precise [pn'sais] adj— точный, определенный precisely [pri'saish] adv — точно, определено accurate ['askjurat] adj — точный, тщательный


Английский язык для студентов строительных специальностей



accurately ['askjuretli] adv — точно

This makes it easy for the surveyor to take precise measurements for any point of the area. The coming of the Iron Age brought tools which made possible fine accurate stone cutting. Loads can be calculated accurately.

20. term [ta:m] n — срок; термин in terms of — с точки зрения

That was his second term as Prime Minister. This is a comprehensive dictionary of construction terms and building industry terminology listed in alphabetical order. Rough carpentry is the job of the framing carpenter in terms o/construction.

Read and translate the following international words. Look up their transcriptions in the dictionary if necessary. Mind the part of speech.

Criteria n, discomfort n, empirical adj, utilize v, install v, revolution n, pyramid n, formalize v, dynamic adj, creativity n, license v, accredit v, professional n adj, elastic adj, topographic adj, client n, summarize v, process n, adaptation n, atmosphere n, final adj, fund n.

Match the pairs of antonyms from A and В and translate them.

В a. entire b. collapse с precise d. conform e. safety f. emergence g. linear h. distinct


1. differ

2. disappearance

3. incomplete

4. curved

5. stand

6. similar

7. inexact

8. risk

4. Match the noun(s) on the left with a suitable item on the
right. Use each item once only.

1. A technique 2. The advance 3. The goal 4. The building sway 5. The term 6. Serviceability 7. A structural engineer 8. The structure

a. can't be achieved.

b. checks the beam strain,
с is for three years.

d. was provided for.

e. shows strange behaviour.

f. was developed.

g. was taken into account,
h. was made in construction.


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