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I Английский язык для студентов строительных специальностей



metal connectors cast into them or pouring a layer of in situ concrete on top of floor members, bonding them together. Precast prestressed construction is widely used, and it is the dominant form of construction in Russia and Eastern Europe.

Find in Text 7A the paragraph saying about reinforced concrete regarded as one of the major structural materials in buildings and translate it into Russian.

Read aloud paragraph 6 of Text 7A.

Explain the following references.

a) They may be used in both residential and commercial
buildings as structural and aesthetic materials.

What does the pronoun they refer to?

b) They are engineered for long spans and are doubled up in
places where a wall will be aligned over them.

What does the pronoun they refer to?

c) It is a strong and stiff material. What does the pronoun // refer to?

d) // can be quickly fabricated and erected. What does the pronoun it refer to?

e) It is used almost exclusively to support roofs What does the pronoun it refer to?

f) they can be made to act compositely with the concrete. What does the pronoun they refer to?

g) These include beams of rectangular cross section, hollow
floor slabs, and single- and double-stem T shapes.

What does the pronoun these refer to?


Underline or mark the main ideas of Text 7A and retell it in English.

19. Skim Text 7B "Beams" and try to understand what it is about and what information is known to you.



A beam is a structural element that is capable of withstanding load primarily by resisting bending. The bending force induced into the material of the beam as a result of the external loads and external reactions to these loads is called a bending moment.

Beams generally carry vertical gravitational forces but can also be used to carry horizontal loads (i.e. loads due to an earthquake or wind). The loads carried by a beam are transferred to columns, walls, or girders, which then transfer the force to adjacent structural compression members.

Beams are characterized by their profile (the shape of their cross-section), their length, and their material. In contemporary construction, beams are typically made of steel, reinforced concrete or wood. One of the most common types of steel beam is the I-beam or wide-flange beam (also known as a universal beam or, for stouter sections, a universal column). This is used in steel-frame buildings and bridges. Other common beam profiles are the C-channel, the hollow structural section beam, the pipe, and the angle.

Internally, beams experience compressive, tensile and shear stresses as a result of the loads applied to them. Typically, under gravity loads, the original length of the beam is slightly reduced to enclose a smaller radius arc at the top of the beam, resulting in compression, while the same original beam length at the bottom of the beam is slightly stretched to enclose a larger radius arc, and so is under tension. Above the supports, the beam is exposed to shear stress.

6. Зак. 312

Английский язык для студентов строительных




There are some reinforced concrete beams that are entirely in compression. These beams are known as prestressed concrete beams, and are fabricated to produce a compression more than the expected tension under loading conditions. High strength steel tendons are stretched while the beam is cast over them. Then, when the concrete has begun to cure, the tendons are released and the beam is immediately under eccentric axial loads. This eccentric loading creates an internal moment, and, in turn, increases the moment carrying capacity of the beam. They are commonly used on highway bridges.

Mathematical methods for determining the beam forces (internal forces of the beam and the forces that are imposed on the beam support) include the moment distribution method, the force or flexibility method and the direct stiffness method.

Most beams in reinforced concrete buildings have rectangular cross sections, but the most efficient cross section is a universal beam. A universal beam is only the most efficient shape in one direction of bending: up and down looking at the profile as an I. If the beam is bent side to side, it functions as an H where it is less efficient. The most efficient shape for both directions in 2D is a box (a square shell), however the most efficient shape for bending in any direction is a cylindrical shell or tube. Efficiency means that for the same cross sectional area (volume of beam per length) subjected to the same loading conditions, the beam deflects less. Other shapes, like L (angles), С (channels) or tubes, are also used in construction when there are special requirements.


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