A) Answer the questions that follow.
1. What does structural building engineering include? 2. What is structural building engineering driven by? 3. Does structural building engineering differ from architectural design? UNIT 8. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING \ 187 4. What must the stavctural design ensure? 5. Why does the structural design require a team of experts to complete a project?
B) Check your answers with your groupmates and Tapescript 8A of the Text. Look up the words you do not know in the dictionary. C) Retell the Text about structural building engineering. d) Tell your groupmates about structural building engineering 24. Listen to the Text "Structural Engineer". A) As you listen, make notes under the following headings. 1. The work to be done by a structural engineer. ______________ 2. The structures a structural engineer designs. ________________ 3. The areas a structural engineer is involved in. _______________ 4.The experts a structural engineer works with. _______________ 5. The properties of the materials and structures to be taken into 188 Английский язык для студентов строительных специальностей B) Check your answers with your groupmates and Tapescript 8B of the Text. Look up the words you do not know in the dictionary. UNIT 9
c) Retell the Text about a structural engineer's responsibilities and duties. SURVEYING SECTION 1 VOCABULARY AND WORD STUDY 1. Read and memorize the active vocabulary to the text "Surveying Techniques" and translate the given sentences. 1. accomplish [a'komplif] v — совершать, выполнять, до accomplish an objective [gb'djektiv] — достичь цели They managed to accomplish their construction project. We accomplish this objective through a broad range of project management and construction services. 2. gather ['дзебэ] information — собирать информацию construction market. 3. cadastral survey [kg'daestrsl 's3:vei] — кадастровая съемка A cadastral survey involves the mapping, tracing and recording of private and public land resources. Constructionlayout surveys superimpose the information shown on plans to the construction sitesothe various trades canconstruct buildings, roads and utility I Английский язык для студентов строительных специальностей UNIT 9. SURVEYING I 191
systems. The course aims to produce graduates with skills in land survey and prepare them for careers in the management of property.
4. elevate ['ehveit] v — поднимать, возвышать You can gain a better understanding of how we are working to elevate the surveying profession. A topographic surveylocates natural and man-madefeatures with elevations. 5. execute ['eksikju:t] n — выполнять, осуществлять We execute all kinds of survey. Construction planning is a fundamental and challenging activity in the management and execution of construction projects. 6. boundary ['baundAn] n — граница, межа, линия раз boundary corner — землемерный знак (угол) границы property boundary ['ргэрэп] — граница владения establish boundaries — устанавливать (определять) границы A railway line ains along the eastern boundary. A boundary comer is the point of intersection of two boundary lines. Survey maps show legal property boundaries and ownership of physical features. How do land surveyors establish boundaries'! 7. measuring tape (tape measure) ['тезэгщ teip] -- рулет A carpenter should use a measuring tape. 8. instrument n — инструмент; прибор, аппарат The instrument an electrician uses to check that a power circuit is working properly is a voltmeter. All measuring instruments are subject to varying degrees of errors and measurement uncertainty. 9. level n adj v — горизонт, уровень, отметка; нивелир, уровень (инструмент); горизонтальный; нивелировать, выравнивать levelling instrument — нивелир; ватерпас A wide use of scientific inventions has raised building to a new higher level. The building has one storey which is raised above ground level. A carpenter uses a spirit level to check vertical and horizontal work. The site needs to be level. You should build on the level, not on the slope. She levelled off\hs wet concrete with a piece of wood. 10. calibrate ['kaehbreit] v — калибровать, градуировать; Не calibrated the weighing machine. How will you allow the user to calibrate the thermometer to his desired settings? 11. plane n — плоскость, уровень, горизонт Cementing materials are usually used for joining different planes. A plane of reference acts as a guide to the location of other planes. 12. theodolite [Gi'odalait] n — теодолит A theodelite is used by surveyors for measuring angles. 13. area ['еэпэ] п — участок, район, площадь, территория
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