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Study the following patterns and complete the charts. Read and translate them into Russian. Use your dictionary if necessary.

Pattern 30

re- + Verb -> Verb

The re- prefix means a repeated action, again in a new and a better way.

Example: consider — рассматривать — > reconsider — пере­сматривать










c) im- is used before some words beginning with m or p, e.g. impolite;

d) il- can be used before /, e.g. illegal;

e) ir- is used before a few words beginning with r, e.g. irreplaceable;

f) dis- is used before some adjectives and verbs, e.g. dislike.

Adjective/Verb Adjective/Verb
acceptable ______________












Pattern 31

un-, in-, im-, il-, ir-, dis- + Adjective/Verb -» Adjective/Verb

The un-, in-, im-, il-, ir-, dis- prefixes have a negative or opposite meaning.

Example: able — способный —> unable — неспособный

a) un- is the most common, e.g. unusual;

b) in- is often used before words with a Latin origin, e.g. invisible;


Read and translate the sentences in the left and right columns into Russian. Say whether the action of the object clause precedes, follows or is simultaneous with the action of the principal clause in these sentences. Mind the sequence of tenses.

Английский язык

Для студентов строительных специальностей




Example Не said that he worked (was working) at the plant. зал, что работает на заводе. Не said that he had worked at the plant. — Он сказал, чт работал на заводе. Не said that he would work at the plant. — Он сказал, чт будет работать на заводе.

9. Read and translate the following sentences into Russian paying attention to the rules of the sequence of tenses. 1. He reported that the building industry had developed from the process of using natural materials for building simple shelters in early times to the complex industrial process of modern times. 2. He said that many of the materials used then were made in factories and were often partly put together before they even reached the building site. 3. The last half of the 18th century saw the unfolding

1. Не says he needs a holiday.

2. She?/гш&? that I went home

3. They know Peter w7/ see them later.

4. My friend «zy.? he can speak French.

5. He says he /га$ seen that book on the teacher's table.

6. He says I am wasting my time.

7. Jane says she may arrive later.

8. He thinks she has been sleeping.

9. Mary says he should go to the dentist's.

10. Sarah says she must finish
the report. _________

He said that he needed a


She thought that I had gone

home early.

They &иен> Peter would see

them later.

My friend said he could speak


He said he fed seen that book

on the teacher's table.

He said I was wasting my time.

Jane said she might arrive later.

He thought she /гас? feeen


Mary jaiitf he should go to the


Sarah sa/d" she must {had to)

finish the report.

of a series of events, primarily in England, that later historians would call the first Industrial Revolution, which would have a profound influence on society as a whole as well as on building technology. 4. I told them that we were starting a new company. 5. The article said that large buildings as factories, warehouses, schools, and hospitals had to be built of materials that would bear heavy weights. 6. The teacher explained to the students that arches, called trasses, had been used to span the area to be left open. 7. He told us that high-rise buildings could be described as skyscrapers. 8. The second industrial age saw the reemergence of concrete in a new composite relationship with steel, creating a technology that would assume a major role in building construction. 9. He reported that there were special techniques used in building skyscrapers which were described in a separate lecture. 10. The teacher told his students that we might put the buildings around us into two groups: commercial, industrial, or institutional buildings, and smaller, residential ones.


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