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Английский язык для студентов строительных специальностей



The appearance of new materials resulted in great buildings erected during the following centuries.

14. void n — пустота, пора, полость

Voids cause a serious loss in strength of concrete.

15. bond n v — перевязка кирпичной кладки, связь; соеди­
нять, связывать

Flemish (Dutch) bond — фламандская перевязка

header bond ['heda] — тычковая перевязка

English bond — английская (цепная) перевязка

rat-trap bond — кладка в один кирпич (кирпичи на


stretcher bond f'stretja] — ложковая перевязка

The bricks can be arranged in a variety of patterns giving rise to different types of bonds. The bricks were strongly bonded together. Flemish bond renders the appearance of the face work more attractive and pleasing. Header bond permits better alignment and as such it is used for walls curved on plan. In English bond ont course consists of bricks with their ends toward the face of the wall, and the next course consists of bricks with their lengths parallel to the face of the wall. In the rat-trap bondhxicks, are placed on edge in 1:6 cement mortar.

16. metal tie [tai] — металлический анкер

Structural bonding of masonry walls may be accomplished by the use of metal ties embedded in connecting joints.

17. durable ['djuarabl] adj — долговечный, прочный
durability Ldjusra'bilati] n — долговечность, прочность

The fundamental object in proportioning this material is the production of a durable material. The major characteristics of aluminum in which the architect is interested are its durability and light weight.

18. split adj v — расколотый, разрезанный, разделенный,
разъемный; раскалывать, разделять

It is much more difficult to split masonry units than it is to cut them to length. Split bricks and blocks look bad.

19. proper ['ргорэ] adj — правильный, соответствующий
properly adv — должным образом, как следует, пра­

In building structures special attention must be paid to the proper use of materials. The town must work properly but it should also give pleasure to those who look at it.

20. moisture ['moist/a] n — влага, влажность
This soil needs moisture.

evaporate [I'vsepareit] v — испаряться, выпариваться The small pool of water evaporated in the sunshine.

2. Read and translate the following international words. Look
up their transcriptions in the dictionary if necessary. Mind the
part of speech.

Interval n, absorption w, garage n, granite n, ideal adj, industrialize v, travertine n, individual adj, potential adj, degradation n, practical adj, circulate v, progress n v, complex adj, artistic adj, block n, select v, qualify v, utilitarian adj, visual adj, finish v n, extensive adj, alternately adv, perpendicular n adj, base n v, oppose v, protective adj, initial adj.

3. Match the pairs of antonyms from A and В and translate


1. disconnection a. solid

2. disappearance b. bond

238 J Английский язык для студентов строительных специальностей




c. appearance d. split e. plumb f. durable g. joint h. absorb i. proper J. fit

3. inappropriate

4. horizontal

5. exude

6. mismatch

7. penetrable

8. fragile

9. whole 10. untie

Match the noun(s) on the left with a suitable item on the right. Use each item once only.

1. The courses 2. The building 3. Stucco 4. A bricklayer 5. Header bond 6. Rubbers 7. A metal tie 8. Mortar joints 9. A brickwork pattern 10. A plumb

is applied wet.

were pointed.

create carved brickwork.

was embedded in connection joints.

are laid horizontally, is required to lay straight courses.

has a brick veneer.

checks vertically.

is used for curved walls.

builds walls.


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