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The Holy faith of Reformed Samaritanism


Doing good unto all men, no matter if they are Jews or Gentiles; opposing all sort of immorality, no matter if it comes from Jews or Gentiles


“Reformed Samaritanism promotes highly controversial ideas. So, If you are an atheist, an LGBT activist, a Marxist liberal, or just a lover of the vain, shallow, cynical, and hedonistic low-life drama that often characterizes Hollywood controlled mainstream media, we strongly suggest that you stop reading immediately, as you might find this content to be highly unsettling, as well as politically incorrect”




If you fear God, them you already are our brother!

We send warm greetings to all of our visitors, regardless of their race or creed. If you fear the God of Abraham (blessed be He), and strive to obey what was commanded by Him to Moses upon the Two Stone Tablets (the Ten Supreme “Laws”, or “Commandments”), then you already are our companion. As is written: “I am companion of all them that fear thee, and keep thy precepts”- Psalm 119: 63 (1599 Geneva Bible). We pray for the content of this site to be a personal encouragement for the spiritual journey that still lies ahead. Peace be upon you!


When will the Messiah come?

An ancient Jewish Midrash states the following: While meditating near the tomb of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yohai, Rabbi Joshua ben Levi (who lived in the first half of the third century C. E. ) was visited by the Prophet Elijah. " When will the Messiah come? " asked Joshua. “Ask him”, replied the Prophet.
“Where can he be found”, asked Rav Joshua; “The Messiah is at the gates of Rome, sitting among the poor, the sick and wretched. Like them, he changes the bindings of his wounds, but does so one wound at the time, in order to be ready at a moment's notice”. Then Joshua went to Rome and met the Messiah and greeted him, saying “peace upon thee, Master and Teacher”, and the Messiah replied “peace upon thee, O son of Levi”. Joshua then asked “When will you be coming? ”, and was told “Today! ”.
Joshua went back to Elijah and was asked what the Messiah said. “Peace upon thee, O son of Levi”, Joshua replied; Elijah observed, “By that he assured you and your father of a [good] portion in the World to come”, Joshua then said that the Messiah had not told him the truth, because he had promised to come today but had not.
Elijah explained- When he told you 'Today', he was quoting the first word of a verse that goes to say, 'Today… if ye will hear his voice, Harden not your heart' (Psalm 95: 7-8, KJV)… [Thereby making Messiah's coming conditional to personal repentance & obedience; as also stated in the verse that goes on to say:
'And the Redeemer shall come to Zion, and (unto whom shall the Redeemer come?? )…. unto them that turn [in sincere repentance] from transgression in Jacob, saith י ה ו ה '- Isaiah 59: 20, KJV]. And Even the Christian gospel quotes Jesus of Nazareth agreeing with the idea that there can be no personal deliverance without sincere repentance, as it is said: “No, I tell you; but unless you repent, you will all perish as well”- Luke 13: 3, Christian Standard Bible.



Reformed Samaritanism believes “Sowing And Reaping” to be God’s Divine Message For All Mankind. As is written: «But Adonibezek fled; and they pursued after him, and caught him, and cut off his thumbs and his great toes. And Adonibezek said, Threescore and ten kings, having their thumbs and their great toes cut off, gathered their meat under my table: “ As I have done, so God hath requited me... ” - Judges 1: 6-7, KJB»


God’s true Messiah is finally revealed

The Christian doctrine of “salvation by faith in Jesus atoning sacrifice” is a noble and beautiful idea, but when closely examined, it is found to be a fancy way of talking us into accepting what might be compared to an “ideological straight jacket”; one that could be summarized as follows:
«Without accepting the justification that comes by faith in Jesus sacrifice [and Lordship], you can’t do any good worthy of God’s favor. Why? Simply because “all our righteousness is like filthy rags”».
What’s the problem with this otherwise logical idea? Well, the problem is that it is an “off the wall” interpretation of God’s message to Israel.
Why? Well, because Hebrew Scripture speaks of a Persian king named Cyrus, who decided to perform one exceptional act of righteousness- to help exiled Hebrew people rebuild their ruined Temple (2 Chronicles 36: 23).
And, although Cyrus [who was most likely a Zoroastrian, and definitely not a Christian believer] never appears as formally embracing the Hebrew faith, God was so pleased with him that, by means of prophet Isaiah, went on to say the following:
Thus saith the Lord to his anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I have holden, to subdue nations before him; and I will loose the loins of kings, to open before him the two leaved gates; and the gates shall not be shut. I will go before thee, and make the crooked places straight: I will break in pieces the gates of brass, and cut in sunder the bars of iron: And I will give thee the treasures of darkness, and hidden riches of secret places, that thou mayest know that I, the Lord, which call thee by thy name, am the God of Israel”- Isaiah 45: 1-3, KJV.
In the former passage, the Hebrew phrase translated as, “Thus saith the Lord to his anointed, to Cyrus... ”, literally means, “Thus saith י ה ו ה (the Lord) to HIS MESSIAH, to Cyrus... ”.
Thus, the verse teaches God is pleased with the person who does good, even if (like Cyrus) such person is a pagan.
There’s More! It also suggests that, no matter if Hebrew or Pagan, he who helps us “rebuild our ruined temple” [in other words, helps us mend our broken relationship with God] thereby becomes God’s own Messiah.
And the latter might explain why Scripture claims that, the moment someone moves us to abandon evil in that very moment the Redeemer (or Messiah) has arrived unto our lives. As is written:
And the Redeemer shall come to Zion, and [unto whom shall the Redeemer come? ]…. unto them that turn [away] from transgression in Jacob, saith י ה ו ה ”- Isaiah 59: 20, KJV.
In short, if Jesus is the man who brings you back to God [in sincere repentance], and helps you walk the path of obedience to God's commandments, then Jesus is [by association] your personal messiah. If it is Muhammad who helps you do the former, then Muhammad is your personal Messiah. In the case of Reformed Samaritans, such man is our master Moses, and therefore Moses is the person whom we consider to be our personal deliverer.


«No estamos realmente comprometidos con el Dios de la Escritura Hebrea, sino hasta que empezamos a amar lo que ese Dios ama, y a odiar lo que ese Dios odia»



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