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The curious way in which God’s Law foretold that the Hebrew people’s spiritual journey would be centered around “Edom” (Christianity)

The curious way in which God’s Law foretold that the Hebrew people’s spiritual journey would be centered around “Edom” (Christianity)


Israel’s journey toward the promised Land [the latter being a prototype of the World to come] was allegorically portrayed by a long and harsh wandering thru the wilderness-- a journey that turned out to be far longer than originally expected, and included stops maybe no one would wish to make; but, at each stop, an important lesson was acquired; a lesson that remained with the people for the rests of their journey.

Curiously, a big part of the journey thru the wilderness was spent circling around Edom’s territory (Mount Seir). As is written: “Then we turned, and took our journey into the wilderness by the way of the Red sea, as the Lord spake unto me: and we compassed mount Seir many days ”- Deuteronomy 2: 1. And since ancient Hebrew tradition claimed that Edom [Israel’s brother turned into a bitter enemy] became the ancestor of “Rome” (the seat of Christian religion), the latter might be God’s unique way of hinting at the fact that, he who claims to represent the Israel that will eventually make it to the promised Land [Olam Ha-ba], needs to spent a significant amount of time and effort trying and make make peace with his Christian brother. Why? Because, by so doing, he is assured of life everlasting. As is written: “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren [like would be the case for Edom & Israel] to dwell together in unity! . .. ”- Psalm 133: 1. And what comes immediately next? -- “ For there the Lord commanded the blessing, even life for evermore! ” (Psalm 133: 3). May peace be upon you!




«Elijah [the prophet] said: “I call Heaven and Earth to witness that, whether it be a Jew or a heathen, whether it be a man or a woman, a manservant or a maidservant, the Holy Spirit will suffuse each of them in keeping with the deeds he [or she] performs”»- Tanna debe Eliyahu, edited by Friedmann, Page 48


Why do the followers of Reformed Samaritanism consider themselves to be “Hebrew believers”? Why not simply “Jewish believers”?

Ancient Israelite believers never considered themselves to be “Jewish” (unless they were also members of the tribe of “Yehudah”, from which the word “Yew”, or “Jew”, derives). Back then, no matter what tribe a person belonged to (Levite, Ephraimite, Danite, etc) he would consider himself to be a follower of “the Hebrew Religion”. And that's why Scripture quotes prophet Jonah (peace be upon him) bearing witness to the fact that he wasn't a Jew, but rather a Hebrew. As is written: “... I AM AN HEBREW; and [therefore] I fear the Lord, the God of heaven... ”- Jonah 1: 9 (King James Bible).
In fact, the word “Jewish” is not even once mentioned in the five books of Moses. Why isn't it even prophetically mentioned within God's Law? Maybe because it would come to be a term associated with rebellion against the Creator; a term associated with stubbornness, and exile; a term used to identify the surviving Hebrew believers from among the [chastised] southern kingdom of Judah.
So, technically speaking, a person who doesn't belong to the tribe of Judah (or Benjamin), cannot call himself “Jewish” (no matter what religion he belongs to). But, if that same person wholeheartedly chooses to embrace God's Law, he can rightly start to call himself “a Hebrew believer”.
And whence do we get that the Creator bears witness of the former? We get it from the English translation of the Hebrew verse that goes on to say: “And if THY BROTHER, AN HEBREW MAN, OR AN HEBREW WOMAN, be sold unto thee, and serve thee six years; then in the seventh year thou shalt let him go free from thee”- Deuteronomy 15: 12.
Notice how God doesn’t describe the individual member of His holy people as being “AN JEWISH MAN”, or “AN JEWISH WOMAN”; Rather, He describes them as “AN HEBREW MAN”, or “AN HEBREW WOMAN”. So, instead of becoming “a Jewish male believer”, or “a Jewish female believer”, a person should strive to become “a Hebrew male believer", or “a Hebrew female believer”.


¿ Que nos enseñ a la historia de Lot en Sodoma?

(1) Que la homosexualidad es el preludio del ateí smo (pues aú n cuando tení an dos á ngeles delante de sus ojos, los sodomitas no tuvieron temor de Dios) …
(2) Que el ateí smo es el preludio al totalitarismo (pues, al final de la historia, los sodomitas intentaron imponer su vileza por la fuerza)...
(3) Que el totalitarismo es el preludio de los exterminios en masa (pues, cuando una sociedad se hace abrumadoramente atea y homosexual, la vida pierde todo valor, y Dios no tiene otro remedio sino permitir que sea destruida)


«No matter if secular or religious, if my ideology cannot set me free from my bondage to money, sex, and power, then my ideology is little more than “a big flash, for a small picture”»



«Whence do we know God isn’t pleased with open homosexuals? We know it from the fact that both male dogs and male homosexuals feel the urge to “lick” the male organ. But God’s Law declares the former beast to be ritually impure [and therefore forbidden from entering God’s Temple]. So, just as He won’t allow dogs into His Holy place, neither will He allow homosexuals into it. And that’s why the Almighty draws a parallelism between Dogs and Sodomites, when He goes on to say: “There shall be no harlot of the daughters of Israel, neither shall there be a sodomite of the sons of Israel. Thou shalt not bring the hire of a harlot, or the price of a dog, into the house of the LORD thy God for any vow; for even both these are an abomination unto the LORD thy God. ”- Deut. 23: 18-19, Jewish Publication Society Bible, 1917 Edition»


«El Samaritanismo reformado enseñ a que, a los ojos del Dios de Abraham, no hay Judí os, Cristianos, Musulmanes, ni Samaritanos… solo hay gente que esta a favor del pecado (del adulterio, del fraude, del enriquecimiento ilí cito, de la mentira, del revisionismo histó rico, del relativismo moral, de la Sodomí a, del adulterio, del lesbianismo, del asesinato de niñ os inocentes, del robo de tierras, del robo de recursos, del robo de propiedades ajenas, etc); y gente que esta en contra del pecado»




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