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The reason why Reformed Samaritanism allows you to choose your personal Messiah

The reason why Reformed Samaritanism allows you to choose your personal Messiah

The New testament states that faith in a Messiah called “Jesus” (in other words, calling Jesus your Lord and Savior) cannot guarantee your salvation. Why? Because Jesus himself said that many of his followers will end up lost. As is written:
«Many will say to Me on that day, “Lord, Lord, didn’t we prophesy in Your name, and drive out demons in Your name, and perform many miracles in Your name? ” Then I will declare to them, “I never knew you. Get away from Me, you workers of lawlessness! ”»- Matthew 7: 22-23 (Tree of Life Bible).
In other words, there is no salvation unless there’s also sincere repentance, as well as the deeds that such repentance entail. As is written:
“No, I tell you! But UNLESS YOU REPENT, YOU ALL WILL PERISH the same way”- Luke 13: 3. And also says, “So they went out and proclaimed that ALL SHOULD REPENT”- Mark 6: 12.
And finally says: “Rather, I kept declaring—first to those in Damascus, and then Jerusalem and throughout all the region of Judea, and also the Gentiles—that THEY SHOULD REPENT, AND TURN TO GOD, PERFORMING DEEDS CONSISTENT WITH THAT REPENTANCE”- Acts 26: 20.
Thus, Christian Scripture teaches sincere repentance (the triumph of our impulse to do good over our impulse to evil) is indeed the ultimate Messiah (Redeemer). And this is consistent with the Hebrew Scripture, which goes on to say: “But A REDEEMER WILL COME to Zion, and [TO WHOM IN ZION WILL THE REDEEMER COME? …] TO THOSE IN JACOB WHO TURN FROM TRANSGRESSION [in sincere repentance]”- Isaiah 59: 20.
Thus, it can be properly said that, although neither Moses, Jesus, nor Muhammad are the literal Messiah, whenever the words of any of these great men successfully turn you away from sin [into sincere repentance] in that very moment they have become [by “antonomasia”, or “association”] your personal Messiah.
And the former is the reason why, although it’s foundation is Moses, God’s Law, repentance, and obedience to the Ten commandments written upon the two stone tablets, Reformed Samaritanism doesn’t demand from it’s followers to believe in any specific Messiah, but rather allows it to be a private and personal issue not to be imposed upon anybody else.



«The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself»



Jesus taught Samaritan Theology!

Reformed Samaritanism teaches that Jesus of Nazaret was a good Samaritan. And as it is the case with any good Samaritan, Jesus taught that good theology cannot save anybody, unless such theology is accompanied by the good works that please the Creator.
Why were the Moabites and the Ammonites prevented from entering into God’s assembly [in order to become part of God's holy people]? Was it due to their idol-worshiping Paganism? Was it their lack of faith in a coming redeemer (Messiah)?
No! If God was angry with them, it was only because they showed no mercy to the suffering Hebrew slaves, starving for lack of food and water.
As it is said: “An Ammonite or Moabite shall not enter into the congregation of the Lord; even to their tenth generation shall they not enter into the congregation of the Lord for ever: [Why?... ] BECAUSE THEY MET YOU NOT WITH BREAD AND WITH WATER IN THE WAY, WHEN YE CAME FORTH OUT OF EGYPT... ”- Deut. 23: 3-5, KJV Bible.
Is the former a some sort of weird " new age theology" invented by Reformed Samaritans? Or is it instead the eternal truth preached by Jesus to the multitudes, when he went on to say: " BLESSED ARE THE MERCIFUL; FOR THEY SHALL OBTAIN MERCY" - Matthew 5: 7 (Or put another way, " Cursed are those who show no mercy, as no mercy will be shown unto them" )?
Thus, Reformed Samaritanism is to believe what is not only taught by the Hebrew Scripture, but even by Jesus himself-- that every man will " sow" the same goodness [or evil] he has " planted"; that if we show no mercy to our suffering fellow human beings, no mercy will be shown unto us.
As Jesus himself taught, saying: " Then shall he [The Supreme Judge] say also unto them on the left hand, DEPART FROM ME, YE CURSED, INTO EVERLASTING FIRE, PREPARED FOR THE DEVIL AND HIS ANGELS; FOR I WAS HUNGRED, AND YE GAVE ME NO MEAT; I WAS THIRSTY, AND YE GAVE ME NOW DRINK" - Matthew 25: 41-42
So, the New Testament bears witness to the fact that Jesus of Nazareth followed [and taught] the Samaritan interpretation of mankind's ultimate destiny: that, regardless of our particular Samaritan, Jewish, Christian, or Muslim theologies, we will reap the same goodness we have willingly sowed upon our suffering fellow human beings.
And this might explain the reason why, instead of using a fellow Jew [symbol of strict theological certainty], Jesus chooses to make a Good Samaritan the golden standard of God's message of love for mankind; as Samaritans are correctly taught what the Hebrew Bible's message is all about. As is written: “So in all things, do to others what you would want them to do to you- for this is the Torah [God's Law] and the Prophets”- Matthew 7: 12, Tree Of Live Bible version.



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