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¿Que significa el verso que dice: “¿Quién es hombre medroso y pusilánime? Vaya, y vuélvase a su casa, y no apoque el corazón de sus hermanos, como el corazón suyo”- (Deuteronomio 20:8, Reina Valerea 1960)?

¿ Que significa el verso que dice: “¿ Quié n es hombre medroso y pusilá nime? Vaya, y vué lvase a su casa, y no apoque el corazó n de sus hermanos, como el corazó n suyo”- (Deuteronomio 20: 8, Reina Valerea 1960)?

El verso en Deut. 20: 8 intima que, en caso de que nos falten las fuerzas para pelear la batalla que demanda nuestra pertenencia al Pueblo Santo [no importando si la batalla es fí sica o espiritual; ni tampoco si las fuerzas que nos faltan son fí sicas o espirituales], tenemos la responsabilidad de no ser un lastre para los demá s creyentes. Por ejemplo, la Ley de Dios prohí be tanto la inmoralidad sexual, como el cerdo y la usura; Pero, si se diese el caso de que le faltase a usted la fuerza [o la disciplina] para abstenerse de tales cosas, entonces debe al menos evitar ser un lastre para quienes en efecto tienen esa fuerza.

¿ Como? Pues, en primer lugar, manteniendo privada su conducta. En segundo lugar, usted simplemente podrí a considerar otra religió n-- una que le permita tales cosas. No importando la opció n que usted finalmente escoja, sea honesto consigo mismo y evite ser de tropiezo para quienes pelean la buena batalla, procurando obedecer lo ordenado por el Creador.

Evite el tratar de justificar lo injustificable, y no pretenda apocar el corazó n de los demá s creyentes alegando que la obediencia no es necesaria [como si el favor Divino no fuese el producto de nuestra obediencia al Creador, sino el de tener la teologí a correcta]; que la Ley es imposible de guardar; que nadies es perfecto; que Dios no presta atenció n a nuestras preferencias sexuales, a nuestras preferencias gastronomicas, ni a la forma en que nos ganamos el dinero.

En resumen, si es incapaz de contribuir con “el trabajo” que toda comunidad de creyentes esta llamada a realizar, al menos “no moleste” a quienes ya se encuentran realizando tal trabajo.


Beware of self-delusion!

The man who, upon witnessing the wonders and wisdom of Nature, proceeds to say: “this nature is no proof that a God is behind it! ”, disconnects himself so much from reality, that will eventually look upon his own genitals, and proceed to say: “these genitals are no proof that a man is behind them!


What is Reformed Samaritanism?

Reformed Samaritanism is a sort of moral equivalent to Newton’s Law of Physics (“action and reaction”; “cause, and effect”, “sowing and reaping”, “measure for measure”, etc). In other words, the idea that the Holy One [blessed be He] has designed His moral universe so as to make it unavoidable for man to “reap” whatever is that he has willingly [and without remorse] “planted” upon “the garden” that is our physical universe.
In addition, Reformed Samaritanism is the firm conviction that God is like a loving and caring Father (“But Adonai your God refused to listen to Balaam, and Adonai your God turned the curse into a blessing for you because He loves you… Isn’t He your Father who ransomed you? He made you and established you”- Deut. 23: 6, & 32: 6); not a morally flawed and self centered human being (“The Rock—blameless is His work. Indeed, all His ways are just. God of faithfulness without iniquity, righteous and upright is He. Did it corrupt Him? No! The blemish is His children’s... ”- Deut. 32: 4-5).
Therefore, God’s blameless character prevents Him from being so much concerned with the dribble of human perfection, as He is with our sincere pursuit of repentance; of Holiness; of a life characterized by justice, mercy, humility; and lastly (but not less important), of our desire to “sow” upon our needy fellow creatures the same goodness we would wish for ourselves; the goodness portrayed by God’s 10 Supreme Laws-- all of which allow His children to earn the right to enjoy a good and abundant “harvest” in the world to come.
And whence do we get all of this? We get it from the verses that go on to say: “ Far be it from You to do such a thing—to cause the righteous to die with the wicked, so that the righteous and the wicked share the same fate! Far be it from You! Shall the Judge of the whole world not exercise justice? ”…
... “One who covers up his transgressions will not prosper, but whoever confesses and forsakes them finds mercy (or, ‘forgiveness’) ”… «Speak to all the congregation of Bnei-Yisrael (children of Israel) and tell them: “ You shall be kedoshim (holy), for I, Adonai your God, am holy ”»… “ turn from evil and do good, so you may live forever ”…
... “He has told you, humanity, what is good, and what Adonai (the Lord) is seeking from you: only to practice justice, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God ”… “He declared to you His covenant, which He commanded you to do—the Ten Words— ”... «A final word, when all has been heard: “ fear God and keep His mitzvot (commandments)! for this applies to all mankind ”»…
... “ As you have done, it shall be done to you ”… “ Say to the righteous, he will be well, eating the fruit of their deeds. Oy, the wicked! It will be bad for him, for the dealing of his hands will be done to him”…
... “Therefore, listen to me, you men of understanding: Wickedness is far from God, injustice from Shaddai. For He repays a person for what he has done. .. ”- Prov. 28: 13, Lev. 19: 2, Psalm 37: 2, Micah 6: 8, Deut. 4: 13, Ecclesiastes 12: 13, Obadiah 1: 15, Isaiah 3: 10-11, Job 34: 10-11 (Tree Of Life Version)




«While still young, we tend to display a “tribe” (or “gang”) mentality, blindly worshiping our establishments-- our party members are viewed as unconditional friends, while the rest are viewed [at best] as suspicious competitors... Fortunately, the practical experience that comes with old age tends to clarify things a little bit; teaching us that no man [nor any man-made institution] ought to be given blind allegiance [as the former is a subtle form of ignorant idolatry], and that no man should be our supreme paradigm. Rather, our tribe’s name should be “Justice”… “Mercy” should be our Gang’s motto… And “Humility” should be both our supreme party and establishment. As is written: “It hath been told thee, O man, what is good, and what the Lord doth require of thee: only to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God ”- Micah 6: 8, JPS 1917 Edition»




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