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38 Common sense Reasons Why Jesus cannot be (literally) God

38 Common sense Reasons Why Jesus cannot be (literally) God

1- God Doesn’t Change His Nature (Malachi 3: 6)
2- God Almighty is Greater than Jesus (John 14: 28 )
3- No one is “Good” including Jesus. Only GOD is “Good” (Luke 18: 19)
4- Jesus said he doesn't know when the Hour will come. Only GOD Knows (Mark 13: 32)
5- Jesus said that “OUR God is One GOD” (Mark 12: 29 )
6- Jesus also said “My GOD and your GOD” (John 20: 17)
7- Jesus bowed his face down to the ground to GOD Almighty (Matthew 26: 39)
8- Jesus was tempted by Satan for 40 days (Mat1: 4), while GOD Almighty can not be tempted (James 1: 13)
9- Jesus said he is a man (John 8: 40)
10- God is neither a man nor a son of a man (Numbers 23: 19)
11- No one can see God (1 John 4: 20); but people saw Jesus
12- God is the living and everlasting (Habakkuk 1: 12)
13- Jesus always confessed he is just a prophet sent by God (Matthew 21: 10-11)
14- God Declared Himself to be God, Jesus didn't (Ezekiel 20: 20)
15- Jesus said his real mission was to preach, not sacrifice (Mark1: 38)
16- Jesus desired Mercy, not Sacrifice (Matthew 9: 13)
17- Jesus referred to himself as Servant: Matthew 10: 24, 24: 45, 12: 18 John 13: 16
18- Jesus referred to himself as Prophet: Matthew 8: 20, 13: 16, 21: 11, Mark 6: 15, 6: 4, 9: 37, Luke 7: 16, 9: 8, 9: 19, John 13: 17, 7: 16, 6: 14, 7: 40
19- Jesus referred to himself as Son of Man: Matthew 5: 9, 17: 22, 8: 20, 18: 11, 26: 2, Luke 9: 22, John 5: 27
20- Jesus referred to himself as a slave: John 13: 16, Matthew 10: 24
21- Jesus referred to himself as a Student: Matthew 10: 24
22- Father is Greater than Jesus (John 14: 28). How can someone be greater than God?
23- Jesus was taught by the Father (John 8: 28)
24- Jesus can do nothing by himself (John 5: 19, John 5: 30)
25- Jesus does not even have his own doctrine (John 7: 16)
26- Jesus ascended to his God (John 20: 17)
27- According to Christian theology, Jesus died as recorded in Matthew 27: 27-56. But the Bible says that God is infinite (Psalm 102: 27-27)
28- Jesus needed to Pray, Eat, Drink and Was Helped by Woman, as stated in Luke 8: 1-3. But the God of the Hebrew Bible is self-sufficient (Psalm 50: 12)
29- God remains the same in nature (Hebrews 1: 12)
30- Jesus is the same human today, yesterday and forever (Hebrew 13: 8)
31- Jesus could not save anyone as he was not even able to save himself (Hebrews 5: 1-8)
32- Jesus said he was sent to the lost sheep of Israel (Matthew 15: 24)
33- If Jesus was the Son of God (the Father), and at the same time was one with God (the Father), then that would imply Jesus was his own father (and the idea of a son being his own father is plain madness)
34- Jesus never told people to worship him.
35- Jesus didn’t teach Trinity
36- God is the essence of the worship. He is the object of worship. Had Jesus been God, he would have told people to worship him. Truly, he did the exact opposite, as in Matthew 15: 9
37- Jesus never called his followers Christians, Paul did
38- Jesus as a servant of God (Matthew 12: 18)


The reason why even conflicting religious traditions can be validly viewed as “spiritual anesthetics” in the hands of a wise and merciful Creator

Although each of the several monotheistic traditions claims (directly or indirectly) to be the sole custodian of theological truth, the fact is that, if you spend enough time among Jews, Samaritans, Muslims, and Christians, you will be surprised to find that there’s holy people among each of these groups; God fearing people reflecting the justice, mercy, and humility that characterizes those walking the path of righteousness.
But how can people following diverting [and often opposing] theologies achieve the same noble results? The answer might be illustrated by the following example: Three patients go and visit the same urologist, in order to get a circumcision. After the procedure is over, you asks each patient to describe their procedure and find out that each one received a different kind of anesthetic. Why? Because not all of them responded equally well to the same medication, so the doctor wisely chose to personalize the medication, in order to meet their different needs.
And something similar happens when it comes to God’s dealings with mankind. Why? Because the Divine physician wants every man to undergo a similar circumcision; only that this one is a circumcision of the heart. As is written: “CIRCUMCISE THEREFORE THE FORESKIN OF YOUR HEART, and be no more stiffnecked”- Deuteronomy 10: 16, & Jeremiah 4: 4, KJV.
This “circumcision of the heart” consists of letting go of evil (“DEPART FROM EVIL, AND DO GOOD; and dwell for evermore”- Psalm 37: 27, KJV), in order to start embracing a life of holiness; of justice, mercy, and humility (“He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and WHAT DOTH THE LORD REQUIRE OF THEE, BUT TO DO JUSTLY, AND TO LOVE MERCY, AND TO WALK HUMBLY WITH THY GOD? ”- Micah 6: 8, KJV).
Just as it happens with our physical circumcision, our spiritual circumcision can be a painful process, and therefore demands the help of some sort of personalized (spiritual) anesthetic.
And that’s precisely the role played by the different monotheistic traditions-- to be God’s personalized (spiritual) anesthetic. Consider the following case: If God were to tell a young, healthy, blue eyed, blond haired, nicely shaped western woman that He wants her to live a life of holiness, so she must therefore start covering up her body [in order to avoid adultery and fornication], it would be almost impossible for her to undergo such transition.
But, if God were to allow this woman to believe that salvation doesn’t depend on her modest attire, but rather on her faith in Muhammad’s message, she will soon become a Muslim, and in no time will end up dressing in the modest and holy fashion God that always wanted for her. So, in the former case, Islam played the role of God’s personalized anesthetic for the circumcision of the woman’s heart.
And something similar happens with both Christianity and Judaism, where their respective theologies work as Divine anesthetics for people with different mindsets and personalities.
Consider the case of Roman Christianity-- Jesus urged his followers to be merciful, caring for the poor. Thus, he asked his followers to sell all of their belongings, and give them to the needy (“… SELL ALL THAT THOU HAST, AND DISTRIBUTE UNTO THE POOR, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, follow me”- Luke 18: 22, KJV).
But such self-denial would have been impossible for the average Roman citizen, as back then Rome owned the whole world. Thus, in order to achieve the same result, God started to use Christianity’s “spiritual anesthetic”. How? By letting Paul preach the idea that your salvation has nothing to do with your actions, but rather is the result of your faith in Jesus Lordship and resurrection (“FOR BY GRACE ARE YE SAVED THROUGH FAITH; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: NOT OF WORKS, LEST ANY MAN SHOULD BOAST… THAT IF THOU SHALT CONFESS WITH THY MOUTH THE LORD JESUS, AND SHALT BELIEVE IN THINE HEART THAT GOD HATH RAISED HIM FROM THE DEAD, THOU SHALT BE SAVED”- Ephesians 2: 8-9, & Romans 10: 9).
Thus, thousands of Roman citizens started to embrace Christian theology, without suspecting that the former was being used as the divine anesthetic to help them endure their spiritual circumcision. And from whence do we know that it was effective enough? We get it from the fact that, in the end, these believers had no problem embracing a life of selflessness and charity.
As is written: “Now there was at Joppa a certain disciple named Tabitha, which by interpretation is called Dorcas: THIS WOMAN WAS FULL OF GOOD WORKS AND ALMSDEEDS WHICH SHE DID”- Acts 9: 36, KJV; “IF A BROTHER OR SISTER BE NAKED, AND DESTITUTE OF DAILY FOOD, AND one of you say unto them, Depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled; notwithstanding YE GIVE THEM NOT THOSE THINGS WHICH ARE NEEDFUL TO THE BODY; WHAT DOTH IT PROFIT? ”- James 2: 15-16, KJV; “… I have shewed you all things, how that so labouring YE OUGHT TO SUPPORT THE WEAK, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, IT IS MORE BLESSED TO GIVE THAN TO RECEIVE”- Acts 20: 25, KJV; “… AND [YOU] TOOK JOYFULLY THE SPOILING OF YOUR GOODS, KNOWING IN YOURSELVES THAT YE HAVE IN HEAVEN A BETTER AND AN ENDURING SUBSTANCE”- Hebrews 10: 34, KJV.
In short, the “spiritual anesthetic” (Islam, Christianity, Judaism, etc) used by our Creator [while performing our heart’s circumcision] is of secondary importance, as what really matters is the end result: that we part ways from our evil behavior (pride, deception, selfishness, immorality, etc), and start embracing goodness (obeying God’s commandments, as by so doing we start sowing unto our fellow creatures the same goodness we will eventually reap for ourselves).
Then your light will break forth like the dawn, and your healing will spring up speedily. Your righteousness will go before you, the glory of Adonai as your rear guard. ” THEN YOU WILL CALL, AND ADONAI WILL ANSWER. YOU WILL CRY AND HE WILL SAY, “HERE I AM. ” If you get rid of the yoke among you— finger-pointing and badmouthing— IF YOU GIVE YOURSELF TO THE HUNGRY, AND SATISFY THE DESIRE OF THE AFFLICTED, THEN YOUR LIGHT WILL RISE IN DARKNESS, AND YOUR GLOOM WILL BE LIKE MIDDAY. Then Adonai will guide you continually, satisfy your soul in drought and strengthen your bones. You will be like a watered garden, like a spring of water whose waters never fail.
Some of you will rebuild the ancient ruins, will raise up the age-old foundations, will be called Repairer of the Breach, Restorer of Streets for Dwelling. If you turn back your foot from Shabbat, from doing your pleasure on My holy day, and call Shabbat a delight, the holy day of Adonai honorable, If you honor it, not going your own ways, not seeking your own pleasure, nor speaking your usual speech, then You will delight yourself in Adonai, and I will let you ride over the heights of the earth, I will feed you with the heritage of your father Jacob”. For the mouth of Adonai has spoken”- Isaiah 58: 6-14, Tree Of Life Bible Version



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