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Was Paul (peace be upon him) a deceptive person?

30 things to consider, in order to determine if Jesus (peace and blessings be upon him) is one and the same with the Supreme, non created, all knowing, all powerful, omnipresent, and unique God of Israel

Is Jesus God? Faith in Jesus can definitely bring repentance (salvation) to the Christian believer. But if Jesus (peace and blessings be upon him) is One and the same with the Supreme, non created, all knowing, all powerful, omnipresent, and unique God of the Hebrew Bible, then we must seriously consider the following issues:

1) If Jesus is the God who had no beginning, why was he called, “The firstborn of all Creation”? (Colossians 1: 15, Revelation 3: 14)
2) If Jesus and God are the same person, why did Jesus say, “… nor have I come of myself, but He (God) sent me” (John 8: 42)
3) If Jesus is the all knowing God, Why didn’t Jesus know the day and the hour of the great tribulation, but the Father only? (Matthew 24: 36)
4) The Gospel says, “He (Jesus) went to the mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God” (Luke 6: 12). Does God pray to Himself?
5) If Jesus and the Father are the same God, in the presence of whom did Jesus enter, when it is written, “… into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God... ” (Hebrew 9: 24)
6) If Jesus and the Father are two different aspects of the same God, Why did Jesus say that the Father was greater than he (John 14: 28)? Can God be greater than God?
7) If Jesus is God, who exalted Jesus, and gave him a name above any other name? (Philippians 2: 9)?
8) During Jesus baptism, who was He who spoke from heavens, saying “This is my beloved Son”? (Matthew 3: 17)
9) How can Jesus be God, and at the same time be “a Mediator between God and men”? (1 Timothy 2: 5)
10) If Jesus is God, why did Paul say that “the head of Christ is God” (1 Corinthians 11: 3)? Is there anyone ahead of God?
11) Why does it says that Jesus “delivers the kingdom to God”? And why does it says that “the Son himself will also subject himself to Him who placed all things under him”? (1 Cor. 15: 24, & 28). Is God subjected to anybody?
12) Does God have a God? To Whom did Jesus make reference, when he said that he was “ascending to my God and your God”? (John 20: 17)
13) If Jesus and God are one and the same, how can Jesus be seated “at the right hand of God”? (Psalm 110: 1; Hebrews 10: 12)
14) If Jesus [who was seen by thousands] was God, then why does the New Testament says that “no one has seen God”? (1 John 4: 12, & John 1: 18)
15) If Jesus was God, Why didn’t people die when they saw Jesus (“for there shall no man see me, and live”- Exodus 33: 20)?
16) If Jesus is God, how can Jesus [God] be dead, and God continue to be alive? (Acts 2: 23-24)
17) If Jesus was the all powerful God, why would he need someone to deliver him from death? (Hebrews 5: 7)
18) If Jesus is the all powerful God, why would he need to say, “All authority has been given to me…”? Who gave him such authority? A more powerful God? (Matthew 28: 18; Daniel 7: 13-14)
19) If Jesus was the invincible God, ¿ Why would he need to feel any fear? (Hebrews 5: 7)
20) If Jesus is the all knowing and morally perfect God, why does he needs to “learn obedience” (Hebrews 5: 8-9)?
21) How can an angel strengthen Jesus? (Luke 22: 43). Wasn’t he the almighty God?
22) Why would Satan try to tempt Jesus? (Matthew 4: 1-11). Didn’t he know that Jesus was God [and that, according to James 1: 13, God cannot be tempted by evil]?
23) When Jesus was sent to earth, he was “crowned with glory and honor”. Also, he was placed “over the works of His hands” (Hebrews 2: 7). Over the works of whom was Jesus placed in charge? And who was He that crowned Jesus with glory and honor?
24) If Jesus and God are one and the same, against whom was Satan trying to make Jesus rebel? (Matthew 4: 1). Can God be tempted to rebel against Himself?
25) Before the end of his earthly life, Jesus said “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me? ” (Matthew 27: 46) ¿ Can God forsake (or abandon) Himself?
26) How can the faithful God who says that He is no man (“For He is no man... ”- 1 Samuel 15: 29) change His mind and become a man named Jesus?
27) How can the trustworthy God who commanded us “not to put our trust in a son of man, in whom there is no salvation” (Psalm 146: 3), become a man and ask us to trust in that man’s salvation?
28) How can the God who says that “man is a vapor (vanity), and a lie” (Psalm 62: 9) change His mind in order to become a human being [thereby becoming Himself a vanity, and a lie]? Is God a liar, that He should change His mind, refusing to stand by His word? Isn’t it written, “For I am the Lord. I do not change” (Malachi 3: 6); and also, “God is not a man, that He should lie, nor a son of man, that He should repent. Has He said, and will He not do? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good” (Numbers 23: 19)
29) How can the new Testament Jesus [who so often declared himself to be “the son of man”], be the same Old Testament God [who declared Himself to be “no son of man”]? Is God schizophrenic?
30) Jesus can be an awesome messenger of God to follow... but if Jesus were to be the One and only God, why would the new testament say: “The Revelation of Jesus Christ, WHICH GOD GAVE UNTO HIM... ”? Who is this God who “gave” Jesus such revelation? How can Jesus be the ALL KNOWING GOD, and at the same be in need of getting (or be given) any new “revelation”? Didn’t the gospel state that Jesus already knew all things? (“Now are we sure that thou knowest all things... ”- John 16: 30, KJB)


Was Paul (peace be upon him) a deceptive person?

Was Paul (peace be upon him) a liar? Was he accursed for teaching other people to stray away from God's commandments? How can we know for sure the answer to such a difficult question? Fortunately for us, Paul himself seems to have [unknowingly] provided the answer.
How so? Well, the New Testament quotes the apostle stating that " the end of each one will be according to his works" (“... Their end will be according to their works”- 2 Corinthians 11: 15)?
And, if the former is indeed true [and not just a lie coming out of Paul's pen] then one just has to wonder, “What was Paul's personal end? ”; Did he experience the end of a truthful and righteous person? Or did he experience instead the end of a wicked man? Was he [at the end] rewarded like righteous Moses (who enjoyed the privilege of having the Creator personally attend to his burial, not letting any unclean human hands to touch Moses holy body)?
Was Paul rewarded like righteous Elijah (to whom God sent a chariot of fire, in order to take him like royalty up to the heavens)? Or was he instead punished like wicked king Saul (who suffered a cruel death at the hands of his pagan enemies)? Well, history tells us that Paul was indeed jailed in a foreign prison, and was eventually beheaded by his Pagan (Roman) enemies.
But the fact is that Torah provides no record of any pious Hebrew prophet ever being beheaded by any Pagan enemies of Israel. In fact, Jesus himself states that it isn't possible for a prophet to die outside Jerusalem [let alone in a foreign land]. As is written: “... for it cannot be that a prophet perish outside Jerusalem” - Luke 13: 33.
Why then would God allow Paul to be beheaded by Pagans, in a foreign land? The reason for the former might be the Divine Law of " sowing and reaping" (“As thou hast done, it shall be done unto thee... ”- Obadiah 1: 15, KJV). In other words, since Paul had led his followers to embrace the life of Pagan's (a lifestyle with no regard for God's Law), it was only just that Paul should have been led to embraced the death of a Pagan-- an unlawful death upon a Pagan (foreign) land.
And what has been Christianity's response to Paul's questionable end? Curiously, the Christian response had been foretold [by Torah] centuries earlier. You see, the book of Judges tells us that God's ark [containing the Law] was taken to a foreign land (the land of the Philistines, according to 1 Samuel 5: 2). Once there, the ark was placed inside a pagan temple-- deceptively portrayed as being “by the side” of a deceptive thing (Dagon). This angered God so much that He made sure the deceptive thing (Dagon) ended up beheaded. As is written:
“And when they arose early on the morrow morning, behold, Dagon was fallen upon his face to the ground before the ark of the Lord; and the head of Dagon and both the palms of his hands were cut off upon the threshold... ”- 1 Samuel 5: 4. Notice the parallelism!... Just as, by Dagon's beheading, God made clear it would be wrong for us to think He was actually “on Dagon's side”; likewise, by means of Paul's beheading, God made clear that it would be wrong for us to think the Creator was on Paul's side. Curiously, history tell us that half of Dagon's body was that of a man, while the other half was that of a fish.
And the former evokes Paul, as well as the typical [early] Christian evangelist, who would identify himself with the sign of a fish [in remembrance of he who said, “... Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men”- Matthew 4: 19, KJV].
Finally, instead of acknowledging God's judgment upon Dagon, for not showing proper submission to God's ark [symbol of God's Holy Law, which was stored inside the ark], the Pagans decided to “sanctify Dagon's fall”. In other words, to pretend that the whole incident of Dagon's falling beheaded upon the threshold had nothing to do with punishment, but was rather a wonderful thing; one for which Dagon should be even more honored, respected, and admired.
As is written: “Therefore neither the priests of Dagon, nor any that come into Dagon's house, tread on the threshold of Dagon in Ashdod unto this day”- 1 Samuel 5: 4, KJV. Likewise, instead of acknowledging God's [beheading] judgment upon Paul [for not showing proper submission to God's Law], Christian believers choose to “sanctify Paul's fall”; stubbornly portraying it as a wonderful thing-- something for which Paul [as well as his corresponding message] should be even more honored, respected, and admired.
May the God of Abraham have mercy of Paul's soul, as well as of all of us. Amen.



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