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Beware of theological hair splitting!

Beware of theological hair splitting!

The theological hair-splitting that often characterizes the noble Christian religion can become a serious [and even dangerous] thing. Why? Because, sooner or later, it's false sense of honesty [as well as of intellectual integrity] will fall under it's own weight (getting the Christian believer seriously depressed).
In other words, deep down inside, his soul will start groaning, wondering the reason why, if Christian theology is the absolute truth, he still has to labour so hard [doing all sort of dizzy intellectual gymnastics, as if he were holding the post of a White House press secretary] in order to justify what any otherwise objective and rational being would immediately recognize as being just loud theological fanfare, bold suppositions, hyped conjectures, false syllogisms, half cooked lies, wishful thinking, brazen incoherences, and shameless contradictions.
And the former might [partially] explain the reason for the grave problem of severe depression, mental diseases, and suicide cases currently sweeping through so many Christian communities. And why would this be so? Because Christianity's open abandonment of God's Law makes it's followers liable to fall under the curse of madness, and of mental confusion foretold by God's Law.
As is written: «BUT IF YOU DO NOT OBEY THE LORD YOUR GOD BY CAREFULLY FOLLOWING ALL HIS COMMANDS... these curses will come and overtake you: ... THE LORD WILL AFFLICT YOU WITH MADNESS, BLINDNESS, AND MENTAL CONFUSION»- Deuteronomy 28: 15 & 28, Christian Standard Bible. May the Creator have mercy of our dear Christian brothers!


The relationship between God's sovereignty, free will, sin, and suffering

The way Reformed Samaritans explain the relation between free will, sin, and suffering is the following: God initially created all souls in a perfect state, and in a perfect environment-- a heavenly [non physical] realm with no evil, pain, disease, death, suffering, ignorance, strife, injustice, condemnation, etc.
But, after an almost infinite amount of time, the created souls yearned to " grow up", in order to become moral entities [thereby becoming like their Heavenly Father, who not only knows good and evil, but also makes goodness conquer evil just as light conquers darkness]. Thus, God created a physical realm filled with pain and evil-- a sort of " school" for the souls, where the latter could willingly choose to attend.
Thus, whenever a heavenly soul wants to increase it's moral stature, it is given the opportunity to choose beforehand the kind of physical life it wants to experience on Earth-- how much pain, suffering and bad decisions it needs to experience, in order to continue it's journey toward moral perfection.
But, before making such decision, the soul can pick all the details of it's earthly journey-- when will it be born, where will it meet it's end, what will all of it's decisions be, and what kind of punishments and/or rewards will such decisions entail.
Once the soul makes it's final selection concerning the kind of life it wants to experience, it is asked to sign it's name upon the Book of Life. Why? So that if [in the future] any soul dares accusing God of it's personal sufferings, it could be demonstrated that it was the soul [and not the Creator] the one who chose the Life such soul now experiences.
After the soul makes it's final decision, an angel strikes it's forehead [thereby making it forget everything it has experienced in heaven], and immediately places it inside the womb of it's future mother.
The soul will then be born, and proceed to experience the life it has already chosen. At the end of it's earthly journey, when the soul is in the process of transitioning back into it's heavenly real, it is given a fast review of it's whole life, so that it can pass judgment upon it.
If the soul has been walking the path of those who seek God, a congregation of " past graduates" comes to cheer and salute it [just as if you had been running a long marathon, and your intimate family members are waiting for you at the finish line].
But, even if the soul had chosen a wrong lifestyle, if the soul's [sincere] judgment is, “The life I have lived was wrong; if I could start all over again, I would make it better", that alone would be enough for it to “pass it's grade”, and therefore be allowed to stand again with the righteous, back in the heavenly realm.


The end of Western Civilization

Sadly, the Western World is coming to it's end, as we are currently experiencing the proverbial “death by a thousand cuts” (Family breakdown, Drug addiction, economic uncertainty, gang violence, media deception, atheism, fraud, moral relativism, divorce, abortion, chronic depression, suicide, homelessness, feminism, gender & critical race theory, forced vaccinations, etc).
Soon, Western societies will bleed themselves to death. Unfortunately, just as it happened right after the Titanic hit the proverbial iceberg, there’s nothing anyone can do to stop America’s demise. Unless the Creator (blessed be He) performs a miracle, and America turns back to Him, our big and proud Ship will soon find itself at the bottom of the Sea…. May God have mercy of America!



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