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The mind games played by Marxist politicians, in order to achieve absolute powers

The mind games played by Marxist politicians, in order to achieve absolute powers

For any specific country, the Marxist agenda will typically move along the following guidelines: In the First place, underhanded Marxist leaders will try to strip the nation from anything that brings into it any significant measure of hope, stability, and cohesion [it's right to self-defense, it's native culture, it's native traditions, it's native religion, it's moral values, it's family values, it's peaceful coexistence, etc]... Secondly, when they have managed to bring the society into total despair, Marxist leaders will proceed to collapse it's economy, making government institutions non-functional... Lastly, as at this stage the general public no longer has any other hope [or whom else to lean upon] besides the government, when people cry out in desperation, Marxist leaders convince them that the only way out of the crisis is to grant them full and total control of everything (state laws, state institutions, individual freedoms, private industry, national resources, public and private property, etc)



«“There is no peace for the wicked”, says my God» (Isaiah 57: 21)

Reformed Samaritanism teaches that Sin gives people a guilty conscience, thereby robbing them of their inner peace. That's why it has been wisely said: “Practice confession and obedience, and peace of mind you'll soon experience”.
You see, the rebellious sinner has no inner peace, and that's why you'll find him always complaining, always contending, always trying to corrupt somebody, always spreading strife, dissent and rebelliousness.
But he who walks in obedience to the will of his Creator [pursuing a life of moral purity, justice, mercy, and humility] is able to find peace, happiness and gratefulness even in the midst of great pain and suffering.
And the latter is what makes a person really strong, giving him the strength required to conquer life’s greatest storms. As it is said: " The wicked flee when no one [save their guilty conscience] is pursuing them, but the righteous are as bold as a Lion" - Proverbs 28: 1


To take care of his own health is the right aptitude for the man who is wise enough to understand that health is the greatest of all gifts. Yet, letting his fear of death becoming the norm that dictates his lifestyle would be an immature act of childish cowardice. Why? Simply because, when we live in fear of losing our lives, in a very real sense we have already lost our lives (as we have lost the peace, security, and freedom that make life worth living! )”



Does religion make people weak and/or ignorant?

If religion makes people weak and ignorant, then how come the Taliban [who practice a strict form of ancient Islam] were able to defeat [and almost humiliate] the greatest, most powerful, and most technologically advanced army the world has ever seen [the USA army]???


Homosexual atheism is a Marxist tool; a dangerous, totalitarian and demagogic sect, built upon a biased and highly hedonistic ideology that aims at exploiting the passions of the masses; brainwashing it's followers, while blackmailing it's opponents”



La trampa ideoló gica del Marxismo Cultural

¿ Paz? ¿ Honor? ¿ respeto por la vida? ¿ Pero como podrá darse la revolució n que tanto anhela nuestra poderosa é lite Marxista, si primero no logra que perdamos toda sensitividad por la paz, por el respeto, y por la dignidad de la Vida humana?
¿ Que hay que vivir en paz? ¡ No! Hay que inducir a la gente a renunciar a la paz, viviendo en cambio en un constante estado de confrontació n contra aquellos que rehú san “pelear” por alcanzar la alegada “justicia social” que constantemente demanda el Marxismo Cultural...
¿ Que el hombre esta hecho a imagen y semejanza de Dios, de suerte que debe perseguir una vida de honor y respeto? ¡ No! Dí ganle a la gente que la religió n es para personas retrogradas e ignorantes... ¿ Que hay que defender toda vida humana (incluyendo los bebes en el vientre)? ¡ No! Dí ganle a las masas que la vida de quienes discrepan de “la narrativa” no merece ser defendida, pues representa un escollo al [alegado] progreso prometido por la agenda social Marxista; ensé ñ enle a la gente que la defensa de las causas ecoló gicas (los animales, el ambiente, el planeta) tiene la prioridad!!


How can a few secular Jews be rigging the entire World?

How is it possible for a small bunch of secular (Hellenistic) Jews to rule upon the entire World? Well, the answer is quite simple: they are incredibly rich, and effectively control mass media, so they can corrupt, entice and delude the gentile to play their game. If the gentile is stupid enough to fall for this trap, then he deserves what the secular Jew gives him. The gentile has the potential to be better than the Jew, but he abandons his moral advantage and tries to play the Jew’s immoral game; a game that he is bound to lose. Why is he bound to lose it? Because no one is better at collective immorality than the secular Jew, who at this point has it in his genes. Thus, the game result is not only correct, but also fair.
In this sense, it can be said that the Hellenistic Jew is God’s punishment for the evil and greed of the gentile person. Conversely, by delivering upon humanity the lessons (or “punishments”) that humanity needs, the secular Jew earns for himself the post of “tormenting demon”; a demon that, while doing God’s bidding of punishing the wicked, is bound to end up himself in hell. May God have mercy!



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