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The reason why no prudent person would ever brag about being an atheist

The reason why no prudent person would ever brag about being an atheist

Belief in the God of the Hebrew Bible, doesn’t demand you to portray the Creator as being “an old man living in the Sky”. What it actually entails, is the belief in the existence of a Supreme (yet undetermined) Power, who rules and judges mankind according to a simple but unavoidable moral Law: a Law that could be summarized as “sowing and reaping” (also know as law of “measure for measure”).
In other words, that if you do good, sooner or later goodness will be done unto you (“what goes around, comes around”); if you forgive, you too will be forgiven; if you show mercy, mercy will be shown unto you; if you talk to God (in prayer), God will somehow manage to talk back to you; if you exalt the Creator, the Creator will also exalt you; if you try to [unjustly] destroy someone else, someone else will also try to destroy you;
and if you cheat and lie unto other people, other people will in the end try to cheat and lie unto you. Thus, it befits the wise and prudent person never to tell anyone he harbors atheistic ideas.
Why? Because knowledgeable people might lose their trust in him, as they’ll think this person doesn’t believe there’s reward for the good he can do, nor any punishment for the evil he might perform (a stance we wouldn’t tolerate on anyone responsible for an important duty, like taking care of our elderly parents, or trying to heal our sick children).
In short, to brag about being an atheist is no good at all, as it shows our lack of prudence and good judgment (signs of a corrupted mind). And maybe that is the reason why the Hebrew Scripture goes on to say: “The fool said in his heart: “There is no God”. They are corrupt; their deeds are vile... ” (Psalm 14: 1, Tree Of Life Bible)


The 7 Steps plan for Cultural Marxist to destroy Civilization, thereby achieving Global Tyranny

1) Promote secular materialism, so that people conceive life as a struggle to obtain as much money, sex, power, pleasure, fame, and recognition as possible
2) Promote the belief that, in this world, there's nothing more important [or more gratifying] than money, sex, power, pleasure, fame, and recognition.
3) Promote atheism and moral relativism, so that people feel no remorse whenever they have to cheat, steal, lie, kill or enslave other people, in order to achieve the money, sex, power, pleasure, fame and recognition they need.
4) Promote the idea that those who achieve money, sex, power, pleasure, fame and recognition are " the good guys"; " the winners" we must all pay respect, encourage, admire, and imitate.
5) Promote the idea that " the end justifies the means"
6) Promote people's rejection of the idea that " all life is sacred". Instead, make them believe that, the life of " the good guys" (the Winners) is far more valuable than that of " the losers", as winners are good for the World, while losers are bad for it.
7) Convince people that secular, gay, and Marxists Jews are " the winners" we should all aim to become; that their “success” deserve our respect and admiration. Convince people that we should not dare insult the Jews, as they have achieved the money (banking industry), the power (political establishments), the sex & pleasure (porn industry), the fame (Hollywood industry), and the recognition (Mass media) that only the best of the good guys deserve...


God, the Universe, and mathematical theory

By inventing integral calculus, Sir Isaac Newton [the greatest scientist of all ages] demonstrated that articulating complex mathematical theory demands possession of a rational mind endowed by great logical and reasoning powers.
Thus, the fact that the universe's behavior can be described by means of theoretical (mathematical) equations (Einstein's equation defining the relationship between mass and energy, The equation of Gravity and the equations of motion postulated by Newton, the Laws of probability and statistics, Bernoulli's equation governing fluid mechanics, Ohm's and Faraday's equations governing the behavior of electricity and magnetism, etc. ) is evident proof of the veracity of one of the following statements: (1) The Universe [with everything it contains] has a rational mind [and thereby is a conscious being]; (2) The Universe is the manifestation of the logic and reasoning of a rational mind that, although conscious, is not contained within the Universe [thus being prone to be called its “Architect”, or “Creator”]


Moisé s es la manifestació n de י ה ו ה (Dios) en la Tierra

La Escritura Hebrea, confirma que Moisé s (y no Jesú s), es la personificació n de Dios en la Tierra. ¿ De donde deducimos esto? Pues, en primer lugar, lo deducimos del hecho de que Moisé s era un Israelita. Es que, hablando acerca de los Israelitas, י ה ו ה [el Creador, bendito sea] nos muestra que estos son dioses [es decir, que podí an efectuar los mismos milagros que los impí os adscribí an a sus dioses paganos]. Como esta escrito: «Vosotros sois dioses, Y todos vosotros hijos del Altí simo»- Salmo 82: 6.
En segundo lugar, si sabemos que Moisé s era Dios, es porque la Escritura no solamente enseñ a que Moisé s era “un dios”; sino que afirma que era “El Dios”; es decir, que Moisé s es el “Elohim” que el libro de Gé nesis identifica como el Creador de todo el Universo. Como esta escrito: «Mira, yo te he constituido “Elohim” (el Dios de la Creació n) para Faraó n»- É xodo 7: 1. Y, todo esto, explica la razó n por la cual nadie [fuera de Moisé s], pudo jamas volver a abrir las aguas del mar Rubio; nadie fuera de Moisé s pudo volver a sacar agua de la Peñ a; nadie fuera de Moisé s logro volverá a hacer que descendiese Mana durante cuarenta añ os; y nadie fuera de Moisé s, logro volver a hacer que su rostro brillase con la gloria Divina durante cuarenta añ os. Es que, así como el Creador (Elohim) es ú nico, de ese mismo modo Moisé s (su manifestació n en la Tierra) es tambié n ú nico.
En resumen, cuando la Ley promete que Dios mismo estarí a presente entre su Pueblo («Porque yo mismo que hablo, he aquí estaré presente»- Isaí as 52: 6); o cuando promete que Dios vendrí a a reinar sobre la Tierra («Y י ה ו ה será rey sobre toda la tierra»- Zacarí as 14: 9), en realidad hablaba tanto de las cosas que, durante siglos, ha hecho Moisé s; como de las cosas que hará Moisé s en el futuro, cuando se manifieste por segunda vez a Israel, y todos comprendan finalmente que “Moshe” (Moisé s), es el “Moshia” (el " Mesí as", o " ungido" que libera a los escogidos).



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