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Bible's Israel was just a paradigm!

Bible's Israel was just a paradigm!

Many people wrongly believe that the Hebrews mentioned in the Bible are a particular ethnic group arbitrarily elected by God in order to become His chosen people [having special privileges as well as special responsibilities]. How do we now that Bible's Israel was instead a paradigm for God's true people [those who are humble and merciful]? We know it from the verse that goes on to say: " God is indeed good to Israel, to the pure in heart" - Psalm 73: 1. Whom does the verse identify as being Israel? The pure in heart [those who are humble and merciful]!
How else do we know that Israel is composed of anyone willing to serve the God of Abraham [having mercy of their suffering fellow human beings], regardless of his race? We know if from the verse that goes on to say: " No Ammonite or Moabite may enter the Lord’s assembly; none of their descendants, even to the tenth generation, may ever enter the Lord’s assembly" - Deut. 23: 3. Why were Moabites prevented from entering Israel's assembly? It was due to their lack of mercy, as is written: " This is because they did not meet you with food and water on the journey after you came out of Egypt" - Deut. 23: 4.
But the fact is that we later find a Moabite (Ruth) not only entering Israel's assembly, but even becoming the ancestor of Israel greatest king (David). How do we explain that a forbidden Moabite is allowed to enter Israel's Congregation, thereby becoming an Israelite? We explain it by remembering that the Moabite was just a symbol for a person lacking mercy and humility, while the Israelite represented the person having a pure heart filled with mercy and humility.
Thus, the very moment Ruth decided to show mercy to her foreign [and recently] widowed mother in law [remaing by her side, in order to provide for her well being and safety], she stopped representing a Moabite, and started to become a living representation of God's true Israel (“Everything you have done for your mother-in-law since your husband’s death has been fully reported to me: how you left your father and mother and your native land, and how you came to a people you didn’t previously know. May the Lord reward you for what you have done, and may you receive a full reward from the Lord God of Israel... " - Ruth 2: 11-12).




The problem with the Western World is that, for the rest of mankind, two plus two equals four; while for the Western World two plus two equals twenty two”



Reformed Samaritanism And Unidentified Flying Objects; Is there any other reality beyond the one we can currently observe?

Physical reality is intrinsically subjective. In other words, we can never ascertain with absolute certainty whether our perceived reality is a complete, total, and independent reality, or is instead an illusion created by “a greater” reality. Consider for example a theoretical two dimensional realm existing on a lake’s surface.
Naturally, the entities inhabiting such realm would be “area like” beings; and would be unaware of the existence of any higher dimension reality. In fact, if a three dimensional being (a man) were to walk into the lake [starting from the lake shore], the area beings living inside the two dimensional surface would perceive him not as a three dimensional being, but rather as two “growing area beings” suddenly appearing out of the blue (these would be the areas causes by the person’s legs getting deeper into the lake).
In fact, as the person keeps moving ahead until the water level gets up to his torso, the beings living on the lake’s surface would perceive the two new area growing larger until finally merging into one single [and larger] being. Of course, all of it would be a mere illusion; a false reality created by a limited two dimensional universe during it’s interaction with a three dimensional being. And the latter might explain the observed phenomena of unidentified flying objects (UFO’s) often performing velocity [and directional] maneuvers that seem to defy the laws of physics currently ruling our three dimensional universe.
In fact, it might even suggest a logical explanation for things like souls, angels, demons, etc. In other words, God’s creation is much larger than what we can even perceive; there might be an infinite amount of higher dimensions, populated with extra dimensional creatures; some of them might be good, and some of them might be evil; some of them might fear the omnipotent God [and thereby lend themselves to do God’s bidding for lower dimensional beings], but some of them might opposed any notion of God [and thereby willingly lend themselves to struggle against anything having to do with God]


The man who, upon observing the wonders of nature, proceeds to say, “These wonders of nature are no proof that a God is behind them! ” (thereby becoming an open atheist), disconnects himself so much from reality that, in the end, he'll observe his own genitals, and shamelessly proceed to say, “These genitals of mine are no proof that a man is behind them! ” (thereby becoming an open homosexual). Thus, male [public] homosexuality is living proof that, no matter how smart could a man be, when he willingly renounces to common sense and intellectual integrity, his morality becomes as worthless as used toilet paper




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