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Why it is impossible to alter God’s Word?

Why it is impossible to alter God’s Word?

God's Law (Torah) teaches that the Creator personally wrote His Law upon " the stone tablets". What does it mean? It means God's Law cannot be altered. It also means that the purest form of Divine revelation isn't the one written upon goat skins, nor even upon papyrus (both of which can be altered and/or destroyed); Why? Because The Creator has chosen to write His Law upon " The stones" of the Earth, the Sun, the moon, and the stars (in other words, into our surrounding Nature); and no man had a share in such process. Thus, the day mankind is able to alter the law of “Cause and Effect”, it will also be able to alter Torah. The day mankind is able to alter the Law of “sowing and reaping”, it will also be able to alter Torah. The day mankind can remove both the clouds and the moon from heavens, men will be able to alter Torah. The day mankind becomes capable of preventing the Sun from shining and rising in the horizon, they’ll be able to alter Torah. The day mankind can prevent light from conquering darkness, it would have annulled Torah.
Why is this so? Simply because the totality of God’s revelation, can be understood by looking at the skies, and pausing to consider both the Laws as well as the order of Nature. How do we know that doing good will bring us good? By observing the law of sowing and reaping; if a man sows goodness, he will reap goodnes (he will be exalted), but if he sows evil, he will reap evil (he will stumble).
And how do we know evil is darkness, while goodness is light? Because a man cannot see with clarity (and threrefore stumbles), when surrounded by darkness, and this makes him anxious. But when surrounded by light, the man is at ease, since the light enables him to see with clarity, and without fear of stumbling. Therefore, the Torah of Nature teaches us that mankind must avoid the darkness of evil, and seek the light of goodness.
How do we know that it is evil for man to “devour” (harm) his fellow man? Because the Torah written in Nature teaches that, even the wild (irrational) beasts, devour one another only for want of food (and not out of greed, power, or envy). Thus, it is unbecoming for human beings (which are superior to irrational beasts) to harm one another for vain and selfish reasons.
And how do we know that thanking God and singing His praises should have the priority on our daily living? Because the first thing birds (the most “elevated” of all irrational creatures) do in the morning, is to sing praises to their Creator. If irrational beings behave this way, how can rational human beings do any less?
How do we know that the best way to bring “life” unto the rest of the world is by “yielding good fruit” (doing what is good)? We know it from the trees, for they don’t go on missionary trips, neither do they go on preaching campaigns; They simply yield good fruit, and he who is hungry, and starving to death, can simply come and eat of it’s fruit, thereby receiving life.
In short, God chose to personally write His will and Law in a Torah that can’t be altered nor cancelled by any human being. This pure and unmarred Torah is the Law of Nature that our Universe displays. It is true that there have been other books (Torah of the Jews, Torah of the Gospels, Torah of the Quran, etc) written by men of God. These other books aspire to be a reflection of God’s personal Torah. But, any part of these books which denies, contradicts, or tries to supersede God’s own Torah, must be discarded [or be hold as no more than human commentary]. And any part of these books which is in full agreement with God’s Torah [as written in Nature] must likewise be considered the Word of the living God (blessed be Him).



If you become a practical atheist, you will thereby guarantee the success of your atheistic Jewish neighbor

Secular Jews will always be able to exploit the unrestrained lifestyle that characterizes non religious Gentiles. For example, although the Jew himself will often abstain from seeking pleasure and luxury (in order to save significant amounts of money), he will often enjoin his gentile neighbor to become non religious, luring him into an unrestrained lifestyle of luxury and pleasure seeking. Why? Because he knows such lifestyle demands large amounts of money- Money he [or other members of his clan] will be able to loan to the gentiles (thereby reducing them to servitude! ).
And this explains the aversion most secular Jews feel against gentile religions demanding from their followers a sober, disciplined, and ethical lifestyle, as it would mean the ruin of their establishment. For example, have you ever wondered why Amish people have no problem with the Jews? It is because their religion promotes a simple and disciplined lifestyle; one that bankrupts secular Jews. In fact, Amish people don’t even need car insurance, as they are contented with their old-fashioned horse-and-buggies! (Fortunately for the Jews, Amish religion is so small that represents no serious danger to the Jewish Banking establishment. But should millions of Americans start following this ideology, Jewish controlled media wouldn't hesitate to declare war upon them).
So, if you want to start conquering the atheistic Jews agenda, a good place to start might be embracing a religious ideology that prevents you from promoting any establishment controlled by the secular Jews: a faith that bans usury, deception, luxurious living, pleasure seeking, atheism, prostitution, pornography, and homosexuality. By doing so, you'll become one of the godly heroes our deranged World so desperately needs; breaking the Jewish strangle hold on the gentile psyche, one life at a time.



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