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Prophet Moses First words. ¿Puede algún líder político traer paz al Medio Oriente?. There are no Jews or Gentiles before God, only obedient (Torah observant), or disobedient (non Torah observant) children

Prophet Moses First words

¿ Why is it that, the first words ascribed by the Torah (God's Law) to our master Moses (peace and blessings be always upon him) are the following: “Why are you hitting your fellow Hebrew? ” (Exodus 2: 13, New International Version)? The reason lies in the fact that Torah intends to be a Divine call for men to live in peace and brotherly love with one another.
And what was the reason for the Torah to be given on top of a mountain named “Sinai”? It was in order to show us that, on top of any other reason, Torah’s purpose is for men to restrain themselves from hatred. And from whence do we know this? We know it from the fact that, the Hebrew word for “Sinai” is etymologically linked to the Hebrew word “Sinah” [also spelled “Sinat”].
And the meaning of “Sinat” is none other than “Hatred”. Thus, Torah’s purpose is for men to restrain themselves from hatred toward one another. And this makes perfect sense, as the Hebrew tradition summarizes the true spirit of ancient Hebrew faith using the following words: “What is hateful to you, do not to your neighbor. That is the whole Torah; the rest is [just] commentary…”


¿ Puede algú n lí der polí tico traer paz al Medio Oriente?

La Escritura Hebrea afirma que no puede haber paz en el Pueblo de Israel, mientras sus lideres sean abiertamente inmorales. Como esta escrito: «Cuando vio Joram (el Rey de Israel) a Jehú, dijo: “¿ Hay paz, Jehú? ”. Y é l respondió: “¿ Qué paz [puede haber], con las fornicaciones de Jezabel tu madre, y sus muchas hechicerí as? ”»- 2 Reyes 9: 22.
Es que los profetas predijeron que, cuando un pueblo se obstina en apartarse de Dios [para confiar en cambio en la mentira y vanidad de su propia imaginació n], el Creador le entrega en manos de sus enemigos, a fin de ser destruidos. Como esta escrito:
«Me dijo Adonai Yah (el Señ or Dios): “Si Moisé s y Samuel se pusieran delante de mí, no estarí a mi voluntad con este pueblo; é chalos de mi presencia, y salgan”. Y si te preguntaren: “¿ A dó nde saldremos? ”, les dirá s- Así ha dicho Adonai: “El que a muerte, a muerte; el que a espada, a espada; el que a hambre, a hambre; y el que a cautiverio, a cautiverio”. Y enviaré sobre ellos cuatro gé neros de castigo, dice Adonai Yah: espada para matar, y perros para despedazar, y aves del cielo y bestias de la tierra para devorar y destruir. Y los entregaré para terror a todos los reinos de la tierra…
¿ Mudará el etí ope su piel, y el leopardo sus manchas? Así tambié n, ¿ podré is vosotros hacer bien, estando habituados a hacer mal? Por tanto, yo los esparciré al viento del desierto, como tamo que pasa. Esta es tu suerte, la porció n que yo he medido para ti, dice Adonai, porque te olvidaste de mí y confiaste en la mentira. Yo, pues, descubriré tambié n tus faldas delante de tu rostro, y se manifestará tu ignominia, tus adulterios, tus relinchos, la maldad de tu fornicació n sobre los collados; en el campo vi tus abominaciones. ¡ Ay de ti, Jerusalé n! ¿ No será s al fin limpia? ¿ Cuá nto tardará s tú en purificarte? … »- Jeremí as 15: 1-4, & 13: 23-27




There are no Jews or Gentiles before God, only obedient (Torah observant), or disobedient (non Torah observant) children

The Holy One declares no creature unfit, but receives any man who study Torah (God’s Law), and keeps His commandments (Jew, Samaritan, Christian, and Muslim alike). Torah teaches that the high priest had the right to stand before The Holy One’s glory. What is the proof that even a gentile who keeps the Torah is like a High priest? The Scripture that goes on to say: “With which if a man occupy himself, he shall live by them” (Lev. 18: 5).
It does not say “A priest, a Levite, an Israelite”, but “A man”. Hence you may infer that even a non-Jew (a Christian, or a Muslim) who occupies himself with Torah is like a High priest. Another proof for it? The verse, “This is the Torah of man, Oh Lord God” (2 Sam. 7: 19)- not “of priest”, Levites, or Israelis”, but “of man”. Scripture also says, “Open ye gates, that the righteous Gentile... may come in (Isa. 26: 2)- not that “priest, Levites, or Israeli may come in”, but that “the righteous Gentile who keeps the faith may come in”.
Scripture also says, “This is the gate of the Lord; the righteous shall enter it” (Psalm 118: 20)”- not “priests, Levites, or Israelis shall enter it”, but “the righteous shall enter it” (Jew and Gentile alike). Scripture also says “Rejoice in the Lord, oh ye righteous” (Psalm 33: 1)- not “Rejoice, oh ye priests, Levites, and Israelis”, but “Rejoice... oh ye righteous” (Jews and Gentiles alike).
Scripture also says, “Do good, oh Lord, unto the good” (Psalm 125: 4)- not “to priest, Levites, and Israelis”, but “Do good, oh Lord, unto the good” (Jew and Gentile alike). Thus, Reformed Samaritanism teaches that even a gentile (Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, etc) who keeps the Torah (its’ commandments) is like a High priest (worthy of standing before the Holy Presence! ).



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