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He who does good is a good Hebrew believer; but a bad Hebrew believer is no Hebrew at all

The Torah (or Hebrew Scripture) intimates that, regardless of their race, those who obey God’s commandments are properly representing the paradigm of what really means to be a Children of Israel. Who are these peoples? They are the “foreign residents” (or “toshavim”) from among the original seventy nations [of the world] who abandon their old ways in order to become “proselytes” (or “gerim”). How? By starting to do all things according to what God had commanded Moses [upon the two stone tablets].
But, from whence do we know that the seventy nations [of the World] are also called Israel? We know it from Moses, who while addressing the Children of Israel said to them: “Shema Yisrael (Hear oh Israel! )... ” (Exodus 5: 1). In the former passage, the phrase “shema Yisrael” can validly be translated as “Shem-a Yisrael”, wich in ancient Hebrew means, “Name of (the) Seventy [nations of the world]? - Israel! ... ”
And from whence do we know that, doing what God commanded Moses, identifies you as a Children of Israel? We know it from the verse that goes on to say: “Thus THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL DID ACCORDING TO ALL THAT THE LORD COMMANDED MOSES... ”- Numbers 2: 34. And also in another place: “ACCORDING TO ALL THAT THE LORD HAD COMMANDED MOSES, SO THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL DID... ”- Exodus 39: 42
And from whence do we that, from God’s standpoint, all of Israel is comprised of converts (gerim) and foreign residents (Toshavim)? We get it from the Hebrew verse that goes on to say: “The Land [of Israel] must not be sold permanently, because the Land is mine, and YOU [THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL] ARE TO ME “GERIM” AND TOSHAVIM”- Leviticus 25: 23.
Thus, although ethnic Israel is Torah’s “custodian”, Torah itself doesn’t exclusively belong to them. Rather, it belongs to all who will come and embrace it. And maybe that’s why Torah was given in the wilderness, as the latter didn’t belong to any people in particular, but was rather open to all nations. Not only that, but Moses himself compared his teaching with both rain water, and dew (“LET MY TEACHING FALL LIKE RAIN, AND MY WORDS DESCEND LIKE DEW, LIKE SHOWERS ON NEW GRASS... ”- Deuteronomy 32: ).
Does the rain [of heavens] belongs to any particular kind of grass? [Bear in mind that elsewhere the Scripture compares the whole human race with grass, at it is written: “THE MAN, LIKE GRASS ARE HIS DAYS…. ”- Psalm 103: 15]. In the former verse, the word translated as “The man” is “enosh”, a Hebrew word that literally means “Human being”]. Can any ethnic group claim to own Heaven’s dew? Has there ever be any human being, any land, or any nation upon which rain showers are not allowed to fall? Does anybody has the right to prevent a thirsty person from drinking water coming from the sky?
Not only are the peoples of all nations called to become Israel [by obeying Torah], but if Israel’s former enemies [like Egypt and Assyria] turn to God and faithfully worship Him, He might even place them ahead of ethnic Israel. As it is written: «... THEY [THE EGYPTIANS] WILL TURN TO THE LORD, AND HE WILL RESPOND TO THEIR PLEAS AND HEAL THEM… The Egyptians and the Assyrians will worship together. IN THAT DAY ISRAEL WILL BE THE THIRD [NOT THE FIRST! ], ALONG WITH EGYPT AND ASSYRIA, [and this will be the sign of] a blessing in the midst of the Earth; THE LORD ALMIGHTY WILL BLESS THEM, SAYING: “BLESSED BE EGYPT MY PEOPLE, ASSYRIA THE WORK OF MY HANDS, AND ISRAEL MY INHERITANCE”»- Isaiah 19: 22-25.
Notice how in the former verses the Creator describes Egypt and Assyria using words like, “my people”, and “the work of my hands”. The keen reader will immediately be aware that these terms are also used elsewhere to describe ethnic Israel, as it is written: “Thus saith the Lord God of Israel, LET MY PEOPLE GO, THAT THEY MAY HOLD A FEAST UNTO ME IN THE WILDERNESS”- Exodus 5: 1. And also in another place: “Therefore thus saith the Lord, who redeemed Abraham, CONCERNING THE HOUSE OF JACOB: “JACOB SHALL NOT NOW BE ASHAMED… But when he seeth HIS CHILDREN, THE WORK OF MINE HANDS, in the midst of him, they shall sanctify My name... ”- Isaiah 29: 22-33.
In short, Hebrew scripture hints at the idea that he who follows Torah is part of the children of Israel [no matter if he be Jew or Gentile]; but he who refuses to follow Torah isn’t part of the Children of Israel [no matter if he be Jew or Gentile].


«Huya del activismo LGBT! ¿ Por que? Pues porque, sin siquiera darse cuenta, el hombre que se valora a sí mismo en base a lo que entra por sus asentaderas (un pene), implica con ello que vale lo mismo que sale por sus asentaderas (el excremento)»
“Quien os logre convencer de creer algo absurdo (celebrar el hecho de que seá is sodomizados por algú n otro hombre), tambié n logrará convenceros de que hagá is algo atroz (haceros enemigos de aquellos que predican la é tica y la moral que agradan al Creador, y que traen paz y bienestar al Mundo)






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