New year resolution
This year is going to be better than the last year. I am going to work and live a good life. First of all, I have decided to learn an-other language. I haven’t decided yet, but I might learn French or I might learn Chinese. I am also planning to get on shape and go to the diet. And so I think of joining a health club.
Also I am going to jog every morning. But it’s not all. I in-tend to live a healthier life. I am planning to quit smoking and cut down eating junk food. What’s more, I will keep eating lots of fruits and vegetables. I am not going to just study and worry about my health. I am also going to live a happier life. I have decided to go to a trip. I am not sure, but probably I’ll go to China. I would like to see the Great Wall and Beijing.
6) Here are some common New Year’s resolutions
(personal plans for the coming year) Tick the resolutions you would like to make. I am going to………..
1) Exercise: do more/join a gym/take up sport.
2) Health: lose some weight /go on a diet/ eat less chocolate/stop smoking/give up junk food.
3) Hobbies: start a new hobby/join a club/ learn a new skill (how to cook, paint, play an instrument).
4) Friends: make new friends/write to friends more/ be kinder to friends/ spend more or less time with friends.
5) Studies: study more/ do more homework/ listen more in class/ get books from the library/ read more.
6) Money: get a Saturday or holiday job/ save more money/ spend less/ be careful with pocket money.
7) Stress: worry less/ work less/ relax more at the weekends/ go to bed earlier.
7. Ways to celebrate the New Year Celebrating the New Year The start of the New Year on January 1st is a popular time for
celebrating all across the UK. Celebrations can start early on New Year’s Eve, December 31st, as people meet up with friends and fami-ly members. Many people have a drink in a pub or go to a special party in someone’s home. Everyone hopes to start off the New Year with good intentions so they make some resolutions to help them to have a successful year.
We asked young people around the UK about their plans are for New Year’s Eve and about their New year’s resolutions are:
My plans
New Year or Hogmanay, is more important than Christmas to some people in Scotland. I am invited to two Hogmanay parties and I intend going to both! We usually sing Auld Lang Syne at mid-night and my uncle John is always our first footer at home. He is the first person to enter our home after midnight. It is good luck if this person is a tall man with dark hair, just like my uncle.
My resolutions
eat fewer sweets, be nicer to my little brother and improve my computer skills.
Mary 17, Glasgow
My plans
I am joining my parents in a New Year’s Day, swim this year. It’s freezing cold in the water but it is a fun way to start the year. Quite a lot of people meet on Brighton beach for this first swim of the year. I hope it doesn’t snow. I won’t be out parting the night before because I don’t like all the noise and drinking! My family usually has a quite evening and watches the celebrations on TV.
My resolutions
Do some voluntary work in my area and improve my tennis.
Maybe be nicer to my girlfriend.
Ben 16, Brighton
My plans
I am going to the center of Newcastle with my cousins and friends to see in the New Year. I love being in a crowd when the clock strike midnight. Everyone kisses each other, sings and drinks champagne. This is the first New Year’s Eve in the streets as my par-ents said I was too young last year. We will probably get back home at four or five in the morning.
My resolutions
Learn how to play the guitar and talk less in class! Study hard to get good grades for university.
Sophie 18 Newcastle Upon Tyne
8. Answer the questions
1) Who has the quietest time on New Year’s Eve?
2) Who likes celebrating outside with lots of people?
3) Who celebrates Hogmanay?
4) Who starts the New Year with a splash?
5) Who is going to be very tired on New Year’s Day?
6) Why is Uncle John the best person to have at your door on January 1st?
9. Try to think of as many verbs as you can that could fit in the blanks 1) Santa Claus _______________________his list to see if children have been naughty or nice?
2) Santa Claus ________________________presents to good girls and boys.
3) Children ___________________________up their stockings on the chimney.
4) Santa ______________________________the stockings with treats and gifts.
5) People ____________________________carols at Christ-mas time.
6) Before you give a present, usually you ________________it and put a ribbon on it.
7) Children _____________________________their presents on Christmas morning.
8) You shouldn’t _______________________at your present before Christmas morning.
9) Children____________________________letters to Santa.
10) Many moms _________________________cookies and treats for kids.
11) People _____________________________Christmas on the 25th of December.
12) People _____________________________Christmas cards in the mail.
13) Families_______________________________Christmas
14) Many people ___________________________their relatives on Christmas.
15) People ________________________________under the mistletoe.
10. Make notes about your childhood memories of an important festival in your country. people: family, good friends? preparations: decorations? invitations? presents: what? who for? make/buy? food: meals? special food/drink? activities: music? dancing? a long walk? your feelings? happy? sad? 11. Read and translate the text
12. Find Christmas rhymes
1) Something you give that rhymes with lift.
2) Something you send that rhymes with hard.
3) A little helper that rhymes with shelf.
4) Something striped that rhymes with rain.
5) A famous reindeer that rhymes with golf.
6) Something you sing that rhymes with barrel.
7) Something you decorate that rhymes with bee.
8) Something to hang that rhymes with rocking.
9) This covers the window and rhymes with lost.
10) What you put on your roof that rhymes with fights.
11) What Santa drives that rhymes with hay.
12) This holds Santa’s presents and rhymes with back.
13) Something you ring that rhymes with well.
14) Green leaves that rhymes with hole.
15) An old miser who rhymes with stooge.
13. Read, translate text and write your ideas about Christmas/New Year
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