⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 15 из 15 WHY DO WE LOVE CHRISTMAS? I now share with you the reasons why I love Christmas.
I love Christmas because there’s plenty of chocolates, candies and the cute vision of little elves carrying candy canes. I love the wonderful feeling or receiving Christmas cards from friends in far away places. And I love hearing and singing Christmas carols.
I love Christmas because of holidays and Christmas breaks. Lucky for me! I love Christmas because it’s a time to share happiness with those you love, lots of hugs, and to experience hope from heaven above.
I love Christmas because of Rudolf the red -nose
reindeer. He reminds me of everyone who feels odd and different (even feeling left out in many occasions) and yet is special in every
way. It makes me recall all the wonderful times when someone kind and caring would reach out and make all the «Rudolphs» in the world feel important.
I love Christmas because of all sweet things that are there for the taking. There’s plenty of icing on cakes and yummy ice cream. And more importantly, beyond all that is the joy of givingand receiving an inspiration – the sweet nourishment for our hearts and souls.
I love Christmas because of jolly Santa Claus and red stockings hanging on the fireplace as the kids wonder what giftsawait them. And no matter how young and old we are nothing beats the delight of receiving a surprise from others or giving a neat sur-prise of our own.
I love Christmas because of family traditions – a time to share, to bond and to show how much we care. I love browsing through the toy shops, watching the twinkling lights and watching kids running around the Christmas trees.
I love Christmas because of baby Jesus in the manger. Of mothers, fathers and wonderful memories (like attending mass where we prayed as one family) to warm the heart. I love Christmas because of the gift of miracles when God sent his son to remind us that there will always be peace found in His love.
I love Christmas because of angels of heaven and earth. Angels who touch, guide and inspire us in the little and big ways. Angels in the form of a pet, a child, a friend, a family member, even a stranger on the street. Angels are among us.
I love Christmas because it makes me smile as I sing songs and share stories all night long. When I look up at the sky, I smile as I see the stars up above for I remember a long time ago, love came down on Christmas day and changed my life.
Well, and that’s why I love Christmas.
Wishing you a merry and blessed Christmas.
By Michelle Simtoco
14. How many words can you make out of CHRISTMAS TREE ____________________________ _______________________ ____________________________ ________________________
____________________________ ________________________
____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________
____________________________ ____________________________
____________________________ ____________________________ Did you find? Something you wear. Something you drink.
Something you drive. Something you breathe.
________________________ ________________________ ________________________ _________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
A place where you sit. A place where you drive.
A place where you go up. Another word for clever.
Something to put on the tree.
A number. A planet.
A subject at school. A month of the year. What a teacher does. The opposite of stand. Mix milk in your coffee Three of your senses. A small river.
A group of athletes. Bonus: Can you find four verbs with both past and present tenses.
1. Another word for present. rate. 12. Santa’s door. er.
6. Animals that pull Santa’s sleigh. 9. What people put on their Christmas tree. 11. Something on Santa’s face. 15. The day after Christmas.
17. Santa’s helpers. 18. The day before Christmas. 20. A piece of snow.
25. What Santa gives to bad girls and boys. 26. A sock that hangs by the chimney. 28. People put these bright things on their house. 30. A reindeer with a red nose. 31. A jolly man in a red suit with a beard. 2. Something people deco- 3. What people give each oth- 5. Where Santa’s workshop is located. 7. A striped Christmas treat.
8. Drink and food left for Santa. 10. Something people send to each other to say Merry Christ-mas. 12. The presents are usually___ the tree. 13. The month of Christmas. 14. Look at a present before you should. 16. The color of Santa’s suit.
21. A famous snowman. 22. The place where Santa makes toys. 23. Santa’s car. 24. A common decoration for the top of the tree. 27. A Christmas song.
29. What Santa gives to good girls and boys.
1. А н г л и й с к и й я з ы к д л я н а п р а в л е н и й п о д г о т о в к и б а к а л а в р и а т а (в р а м к а х д и с ц и п л и н ы «И н о с т р а н н ы й я з ы к »)
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У ч е б н о е и з д а н и е
А Н Г Л И Й С К И Й Я З Ы К Д Л Я С Т У Д Е Н Т О В И Н С Т И Т У Т А Ф И З И К И, М А Т Е М А Т И К И, И Н Ф О Р М А Т И К И
Ч А С Т Ь 1
У р а л ь с к и й г о с у д а р с т в е н н ы й п е д а г о г и ч е с к и й у н и в е р с и т е т. 620017 Е к а т е р и н б у р г, п р -т К о с м о н а в т о в, 26. E-mail: uspu@uspu. me
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