15. Informatic corner: some facts about Steve Jobs
15. INFORMATIC CORNER: some facts about Steve Jobs
1) He was adopted. His biological father, Abdulfattah Jandali, grew up in Syria and met his mother at the University of Wisconsin. At the age of 23, they both thought it was too young to marry and having a child. So they gave their baby to Steve’s adop-tive parents.
2) He was bullied. In the sixth grade, Steve attended at Crittenden Middle School where he was bullied for alledgedly being odd. This resulted in Steve’s giving his parents an ultimatum – he would drop out of school if they didn’t move. So, they moved to Los
Altos in California (the birthplace of Apple) where he met fellow engineer Bill Fernandez, who introduced him to Apple’s co-founder Steve Wozniac.
3) He was a Zen Buddhist. In 1974 after working with electronics and video game company, Atari, Jobs travelled to India for seven months in search of spiritual enlightenment. He meditated often, and was a known pescatarian – eating fish but not meat. He also liked to walk barefoot.
4) He was fired from Apple because Pepsi Executive Jonh Shulley told the board that he was far too young. This was after Jobs recruited him. Jobs than started another project creating the NEXT computer, but sales were limited because it was too expensive.
1. Read the text and translate
I am Alina Antonova. I am seventeen years old. I would like to tell you a few words about my family. My family is big. I have got a mother, a father, a sister, a brother, and a grandmother. There are six of us in the family. I think I take after my father, I am tall, fair-haired, and even-tempered. We have got a lot of relatives. We are attached to one another and get on very well.
First of all, some words about my parents. My mother is a teacher of History. She works in a college. She likes her profession. She is a good-looking woman with brown hair. She is forty-one but she looks much younger. She is tall and slim. My father is a comput-er programmer. He is a broad-shouldered, tall man with fair hair and grey eyes. He is forty-seven.
My mother likes going to the swimming pool. She likes to cook, to read classical literature, listen music and dance. My father likes fishing. Also my father likes to sing and when we are at home and have some free time, I play the guitar and we sing together. My father knows all about new TV sets and likes to repair old ones. He is also handy with many things.
My parents are hard-working people. My mother keeps the house and takes care of all of us. She is very good at cooking. She is
very practical. My father and I try to help her with the housework. I wash the dishes, go shopping and tidy up our flat.
My grandmother is retired. She lives with us and helps to run the house. She is fond of knitting.
My sister Helen is twenty-four. She works as an accountant for a joint stock company. Her husband is a scientist. They have got twins: a daughter and a son. They go to a nursery school.
My brother Artem is eleven. He is a schoolboy. He wants to become a doctor but he is not sure yet. I want to become a student. I’d like to learn foreign languages. I have many friends. They are very good and we like to spend our time together. We do everything what is interesting for a teenager – talk, dance, listen to music. I am happy to have nice friends and a good family. I hope that my dreams will come true.
2. True or false
1) Alina is sixteen.
2) Alina’s family is small.
3) Her mother is a teacher of History.
4) Her father is a driver.
5) She has a brother and a sister.
6) Her sister is not married.
7) Alina’s brother goes to school.
8) Alina wants to become a student.
3. Put the phrases into the correct order
1) My brother Artem is eleven.
2) My grandmother is retired.
3) I want to tell your few words about my family.
4) My parents are hard-working people.
5) My mother is a teacher of History.
6) I am Alina Antonova.
7) My sister Helen is married and has a family of her own.
8) We have got a lot of relatives.
9) I want to become a student.
10) My mother likes to go to the swimming pool.
4. Find the information in the text. About Alina
About Alina’s mother
About Alina’s father
About Alina’s sister
About Alina’s brother
About Alina’s grandmother
5. Use this table to write five true sentences in your note book
6. Look at the following list of personality traits. De-cide if they are good or bad. Generous, well-travelled, stingy, moody, kind, mean, relia-ble, honest, ambitious, rude, well-educated, warmhearted, lazy, out-going, easygoing, stubborn, unreliable, deceitful, intelligent, polite, greedy, impatient, hardworking, shy, ignorant, thoughtful, affection-ate, arrogant, obnoxious. Which of these traits describe you? Which of these traits describe your father? Your mother? 7. Find words, connected with the word family FAMILY
8. Who does these chores in your house?
Wash the dishes, clean the bathroom, do the laundry, buy groceries, cook breakfast, sweep the floor, make lunch,
clean the windows, cook dinner, put away books and clothes, fix things, water the flowers and plants, make your bed, take out gar-
bage, do the dishes.
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