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If God is an Infinite Spirit, and not any human being, why is it that Scripture refers to Him using a male pronoun (“He”)?

If God is an Infinite Spirit, and not any human being, why is it that Scripture refers to Him using a male pronoun (“He”)?

If God is an infinite spirit, and not any human being, why is it that Scripture refers to Him using a male pronoun (“He”)? As is written: “HE is the rock, his work is perfect: for all his ways are judgment: a God of truth and without iniquity, just and right is HE”- Deuteronomy 32: 4 (King James Bible). Is God sexist?
Well, to begin with, the reason why God is described as a “He” has nothing to do sexual identity [as a non physical spirit has no physical organs, let alone sexual organs]. Rather, it’s intention is to draw a metaphorical parallelism between God and His creation.
In other words, to hint at the idea that, just as Adam (the first Human being) was the direct source of all other human beings [Eve included], so is God the source of all other things in the Universe [humanity included].
And just as Adam initially was a single entity, existing alone, and without any similar companionship, so too was God initially a single entity, existed alone and without any similar companionship (in other words, having no Father, no Son, and no Holy spirit).
And this might be the reason why Scripture goes on to say: «Thus says י ה ו ה …: “I am the first (because I have no Father), and I am the last (because I have no son); Besides me there is no God (because I have no brother)”»- Isaiah 44: 6, Complete Jewish Bible….. «See now that I, yes, I, am He; and there is no God beside me (in other words, no one else coexists as god within me)» (Deut. 32: 29)


La humildad, es la mayor de todas las virtudes, pues la Escritura dice: “El Señ or me ha ungido para dar buenas nuevas a los humildes... ”- Isaí as 61: 1. Note que el anterior pasaje no dice que las buenas nuevas son para los santos, para los sabios, para los que tienen fe, para los Judí os, para los Cristianos, para los Musulmanes, ni para los que temen a Dios; ¡ son para los humildes! (intimando con ello que, el creyente que posee un corazó n humilde, ya han alcanzado santidad, sabidurí a, fe, y temor de Dios)



La verdadera religió n es aquella que, sin importar su nombre, hace a sus adeptos honestos y humildes

Los niñ os nacen con la verdadera religió n, pues son naturalmente humildes y honestos. Y quizá s sea esta la razó n por la cual el evangelio cita al Nazareno diciendo, “De cierto os digo, que si no os volvé is y os hacé is como niñ os, no entraré is en el reino de los cielos”- Mateo 18: 3.
Es que, si la fe que tiene un creyente en Moisé s, en Jesú s, o en Muhammad no logra transformarle en una persona humilde y honesta, entonces su religió n es vana y fú til. ¿ Por que? Pues porque, el Dios que cada uno de estos grandes hombres reclamó haber representado, es el mismo Dios que ha prometido que, ni los orgullosos ni los mentirosos, han de quedar sin castigo.
Como esta escrito: «Porque Dios es excelso, y atiende al humilde, Mas al altivo mira de lejos»- Salmo 138: 6; Y, «Abominació n es a Dios todo altivo de corazó n; Ciertamente no quedará impune»- Proverbios 16: 5.
Y con respecto a la mentira y el fraude, dice lo siguiente: “Destruirá s a los que hablan mentira… El testigo falso, no quedará sin castigo; Y, el que habla mentiras, no escapará ”- Salmo 5: 6, & Proverbios 19: 5. Y finalmente dice: “No habitará dentro de mi casa el que hace fraude; el que habla mentiras no se afirmará delante de mis ojos… De palabra de mentira te alejará s… El justo, aborrece la palabra de mentira…
Amaste el mal má s que el bien, La mentira má s que la verdad. Has amado toda suerte de palabras perniciosas, Engañ osa lengua. Por tanto, Dios te destruirá para siempre; Te asolará y te arrancará de tu morada, Y te desarraigará de la tierra de los vivientes” (Salmo 101: 7, É xodo 23: 7, Proverbios 13: 5, Salmo 52: 3-5)



The man who, while calling himself a Hebrew believer (an Orthodox Jew, a Reform Jew, a secular Jew, a Samaritan, a Messianic Jew, etc), blasphemes the God of Israel by openly promoting immoral behavior (atheism, drug addiction, prostitution, homosexuality, etc) forfeits his own life. As is written: «And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying, “Bring forth him that hath cursed without the camp; and let all that heard him lay their hands upon his head, and let all the congregation stone him [to death]. And thou shalt speak unto the children of Israel, saying, ‘Whosoever curseth his God, shall bear his sin’. And he that blasphemeth the name of the Lord, he shall surely be put to death, and all the congregation shall certainly stone him: as well the stranger, as he that is born in the land, when he blasphemeth the name of the Lord, shall be put to death”»- Leviticus 24: 13-16.





What about " The Servant of God" mentioned in Isaiah 53? Doesn't this passage prove that Jesus is the only true Messiah; the one who bore our sins?

The Scripture reads like this: “When he has made life atonement for sin, he will see lineage, he will live for long days, and the will of י ה ו ה will be in his hand prosperous for him. He will see the fruit of the affliction of his soul, and will be satisfied; by knowledge of him MY RIGHTEOUS SERVANT will justify many, and he will bear their iniquities ”-Isaiah 53: 10-11.
And it also says in another place, “Behold MY SERVANT, I will sustain him; MY CHOSEN, in whom my soul is content; I have put my Spirit on him; HE WILL BRING JUSTICE TO THE NATIONS ”- Isaiah 42: 1.
Who is this CHOSEN of God? Who is this suffering SERVANT described by the prophet Isaiah? Well, this Chosen Servant is no other than the People of Israel, as the prophet himself clarifies when he goes on to say: “But YOU, ISRAEL, YOU ARE MY SERVANT; YOU, JACOB, WHOM I CHOSE”- Isaiah 41: 8. And Isaiah also says: " Now therefore, HEAR, JACOB, MY SERVANT, AND YOU, ISRAEL, WHOM I CHOSE" - Isaiah 44: 1. And he confirms it a third time saying: “Remember these things, OH JACOB, and Israel, because YOU ARE MY SERVANT.
I formed you, MY SERVANT IS YOU; ISRAEL, forget me not ”- Isaiah 44: 21.
But, if the nation of Israel is really " God's Chosen Servant", how do we explain the fact that Scripture often describes Israel as a rebellious and stubborn people? Well the explanation is very simple: You see, the Scripture intimates that, the National Israel, is just a paradigm for " the true Israel of God. " And who is this “true Israel of God”? It’s no other than " the spiritual body" consisting of those who, regardless of their race [or creed], serve the Creator with a clean and humble heart.
As it is written- " GOD IS VERY GOOD TO ISRAEL, TO THE CLEAN IN HEART" - Psalm 73: 1. Who does the verse say Israel is? The pure in heart! And the latter is the Israel which Isaiah describes as being " The Servant of God". In fact, it is also the People whom God has promised to save, when He says: " ISRAEL WILL BE SAVED IN י ה ו ה WITH ETERNAL SALVATION... " - Isaiah 45: 17.
By the same token, this Spiritual Israel is " the Son of God" to whom the Scripture alludes (and whom we must all give honour); As it is Written, «THE LORD has said thus: 'ISRAEL IS MY SON, MY FIRSTBORN'» - Exodus 4: 22. And, «HONOUR THE SON [OF GOD], SO THAT [HIS FATHER] DOES NOT GET ANGRY, AND YOU MAY PERISH ON THE WAY; For his anger flares up…”- Psalm 2: 12.
The fact is that, while the Physical Nation of Israel may often exalts itself refusing to obey his Creator, God sees no fault in this other " Spiritual Israel" [which is a humble and obedient Nation that remains trusting the Lord].
As it is written: " HE HAS NOT NOTICED INIQUITY IN JACOB, NOR HAVE HE SEEN PERVERSITY IN ISRAEL... " - Numbers 23: 21. And also, " …. I WILL LEAVE IN THE MIDST OF YOU A HUMBLE AND POOR PEOPLE, which will trust in the name of the Lord ”- Zephaniah 3: 12. And in another place, " The Spirit of the Lord God is on me, because THE LORD HAS ANOINTED ME TO BRING GOOD NEWS TO THE POOR. HE HAS SENT ME TO HEAL THE BROKENHEARTED... " - Isaiah 61: 1.
And it finally says, " I live in a high AND HOLY PLACE, AND WITH THE OPPRESSED AND LOWLY OF SPIRIT, to revive the spirit of the lowly AND REVIVE THE HEART OF THE OPPRESSED" - Isaiah 57: 15. In fact, Isaiah himself teaches that, in the moment the Physical Nation of Israel rebels against it’s Creator, in that very moment it ceases to be " the Israel of God", and becomes instead " Sodom and Gomorrah”.
As it is written: «Hear the word of the Lord, you rulers of Sodom! Listen to the instruction of our God, you people of Gomorrah! “What are all your sacrifices to me? ” asks the Lord. “I have had enough of burnt offerings and rams and the fat of well-fed cattle; I have no desire for the blood of bulls, lambs, or male goats”- Isaiah 1: 10-11.



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