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¿Padecía el noble apóstol Pablo de sus facultades mentales?

¿ Padecí a el noble apó stol Pablo de sus facultades mentales?

El Samaritanismo Reformado enseñ a que la mayor parte de la teologí a que de Jesú s articula el Cristianismo Evangé lico es el producto de la mente del gran apó stol Pablo. Y la realidad es que Pablo (paz y bendició n sean con el), era un hombre santo, y bueno. Pero la Escritura intima que Pablo padecí a de algú n tipo de trastorno mental que aparentaba ser auto-evidente para é l mismo, así como para quienes le rodeaban. Como esta escrito:

1) “Está s loco, Pablo: las muchas letras te vuelven loco” (Hechos 26: 24)
2) “Lo que hablo, no lo hablo segú n el Señ or, sino como en locura” (2 Corintios 11: 17)
3) “ Ojalá me toleraseis un poco de locura! Sí, toleradme” (2 Corintios 11: 1)
4) “Recibidme como a loco, para que aun me glorí e yo un poquito” (2 Corintios 11: 16)
5) “Agradó a Dios salvar a los creyentes por la locura de la predicació n” (1Corintios 1: 21)

Y, el Creador, quiere que su Pueblo se aleje de la locura. Como esta escrito: “Escucharé lo que hablará Dios; Porque HABLARA PAZ A SU PUEBLO Y A SUS SANTOS, PARA QUE NO SE VUELVAN A LA LOCURA” (Salmo 85: 8).
Finalmente, el mismo apó stol Pablo reconoce estar influenciado por un poder maligno que le atormenta, a el fin de limitar su exagerado ego (algo que, a excepció n del profeta Muhammad, es inaudito en la vida o ministerio de ninguno de los grandes profetas anteriores o posteriores a Pablo). Como esta escrito: “me fue dado un aguijó n en mi carne, un mensajero de Sataná s [¡ un torturante demonio! ] que me abofetee, para que no me enaltezca sobremanera”- 2 Corintios 12: 7


Is there anything wrong with the Christian Writings?

Truth is that there's nothing wrong with the Christian gospels, aside from the fact that some of it's ideas are outright dangerous! Take for example the case of the Gospel saying that, while undergoing his baptism, the Holy Spirit literally descended upon Jesus (in a physical form of a dove). What's wrong with this teaching? The problem with this idea, is that it opens a " Pandora's box".
In other words, if The Holy Spirit (the third person of the Trinity, according to Christianity) could come unto the world as a dove, who is to say that He can't return again as a sheep, or as a goat? How can we rule out that He won't come back as a Bull? How then can we condemn those who (like ancient Egyptians) still worship animals? If God could manifest himself in Jesus, how can we rule out that He didn't manifest Himself in someone else? How can we rule out that Vissarion (the modern Russian Messiah) isn't God manifesting in the flesh again?
How can we rule out that Alan John Miller (the Australian Jesus), Sun Myung Moon (the Korean Jesus), or Vissarion (the Russian Jesus) aren't God manifesting Himself in the flesh again? And, where does it stops??? How can we ever have any certainty as to who is, and who isn't, God manifesting Himself in the flesh again? As we can see, this idea of God manifesting Himself in a physical body, is a road that leads to nowhere; an idea that only generates uncertainty, anxiety, frustration, anger, and depression.
Interestingly enough, this “confusion of spirit” is one of the curses prescribed for those who would refuse to obey God’s commandments (salvation only by faith? ): “BUT IF YOU won’t listen to the voice of the Eternal your God, if you don’t CAREFULLY OBEY THE COMMANDS and regulations I’m giving you today, then YOU’LL EXPERIENCE all of -- in fact, they’ll come after you!... THE ETERNAL WILL AFFLICT YOU WITH MADNESS AND BLINDNESS AND CONFUSION. As you try to figure out which way to go in life, you’ll be groping around the way a blind person gropes in the darkness, even in the middle of the day” (Deut. 28: 15, 28& 29 – the VOICE Bible version).
God commandments forbid us from making (either with our hands or with our mind) any graven image (or “picture”) of Him: “YOU ARE NOT TO MAKE ANY idol or image of other gods. In fact, you are not to make an IMAGE OF ANYTHING IN THE HEAVENS ABOVE, ON THE EARTH BELOW, OR IN THE WATERS BENEATH. YOU ARE NOT TO BOW DOWN AND SERVE ANY IMAGE, for I, the Eternal your God, am a jealous God” (Exodus 20: 4-5, the VOICE Bible version).
Therefore, If we “picture” God as a dove, we are violating God’s commandment; if we “picture” God as a man (like Jesus) we are violating God’s commandment; if we picture God as a mountain, as a cloud, as fire, as an angel, as a bull, as a lamb, or as anything else we can see (or perceive) with our human eyes, we are violating God’s Law, and are thus liable to the consequences. That's why Reformed Samaritanism teaches that God has chosen never to manifest Himself in flesh and blood, in order to prevent us from ever falling under the aforementioned curses.
But, what should a believer in Jesus (peace be upon him) do? Should he abandom his faith in the Nazarene? Not at all! Instead, he should recognize that Jesus wasn’t a Christian believer, but rather a Samaritan one. The Christian believer should start acknowledging that Jesus himself recognized that he wasn’t God: “... but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; and TO MY GOD, AND YOUR GOD”- John 20: 17.
In truth, Jesus wasn’t God, but only a mortal man who heard a [prophetic] message from the one true God- “But now ye go about to kill ME, A MAN that have told you the truth, which I HAVE HEARD OF GOD” (John 8: 40, Geneva Bible). The Christian believer must start acknowledging that Salvation isn’t the product of blind faith, but rather of sincere repentance [“I tell you, Nay: but, EXCEPT YE REPENT, YE SHALL ALL LIKEWISE PERISH”- Luke 13: 3, King James Bible).
He should also recognize that salvation isn’t the reward for those who believe Jesus is the Messiah, but rather for those who follow Moses (keeping God’s ten commandments): “But IF THOU WILT ENTER INTO LIFE, KEEP THE COMMANDMENTS. He said unto him, Which? And Jesus said, These, THOU SHALT NOT KILL: THOU SHALT NOT COMMIT ADULTERY: THOU SHALT NOT STEAL: THOU SHALT NOT BEAR FALSE WITNESS. HONOR THY FATHER, AND MOTHER: AND, THOU SHALT LOVE THY NEIGHBOR AS THYSELF” - Matthew 19: 17-19, Geneva Bible.


El evangelio es bueno, pues conduce al hombre al arrepentimiento. Pero la teologí a cristiana es tan extraviada y contumaz, que los demonios (quienes solo desean la perdició n del hombre) se gozan en predicarla






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