¿Practicaba Avraham el Judaísmo Moderno?
¿ Practicaba Avraham el Judaí smo Moderno?
Si bien el patriarca Avraham (paz y bendició n sean siempre con el) conocí a los rudimentos de lo que luego vendrí a a conocerse como “la Ley de Moisé s”, la realidad es que Avraham nunca practicó el Judaí smo tradicional [es decir el moderno Judaí smo Rabí nico], sino que practicó una fe que, en el tiempo de Avraham, era conocida con el nombre de “Temor de Dios”. Como esta escrito: «Y Avraham respondió: Porque dije para mí: CIERTAMENTE NO HAY TEMOR DE DIOS EN ESTE LUGAR, y me matará n por causa de mi mujer»- Gé nesis 20: 11.
Y, aunque muy similar al Judaí smo tradicional, esa fe que Avraham llamaba “Temor de Dios”, es distinta al Judaí smo moderno; pues no pone su é nfasis en el aspecto ritual y ceremonial de la Fe, sino en vivir la vida é tica y moral que agradan al Creador [es decir, en alentar al hombre a que haga el bien, sabiendo que un dí a habrá de cosechar el mismo bien que haya sembrado].
La realidad es que, ya que la fe que practicaba Avraham, era distinta al Judaí smo moderno, hace perfecto sentido el hecho de que Avraham nunca conoció a ningú n Rabino Ashkenazi; Avraham nunca se vistió como se visten los modernos Rabinos; Avraham nunca supo los detalles de las discusiones que, siglos despué s, serian incluidas el Talmud; Avraham nunca dió sus diezmos a ningú n Cohen (sacerdote Aaró nico); nunca guardó la separació n matrimonial entre Judí os y gentiles [pues engendró hijos de dos mujeres gentiles, como lo fueron Hagar y Ketura];
Avraham no circuncidó a los ocho dí as de nacido a su hijo Ishmael [sino que lo hizo a los trece añ os de edad]; no celebró la fiesta de Pesaj (Pascua), la fiesta de Yom Kippur (el dí a de la expiació n), ni la fiesta de Sukkot (fiesta de los taberná culos); Avraham no decí a " el Shema" diariamente; y tampoco decí a la bendició n del Kiddush [sobre el vino].
Finalmente, y en adició n a muchas otras cosas, Avraham se casó con Sarai, la hija de su Padre [algo prohibido en la Ley]; Avraham no dió la mayor parte de su herencia a su primogé nito Ishmael [tambié n prohibido por la Ley]; y tampoco guardó una cocina “Kasher” [pues comió carne con mantequilla, mientras entretení a a los tres á ngeles que habí an venido a visitarle].
En conclusió n, Avraham fue el padre bioló gico y espiritual de Isaac (el patriarca de los Hebreos), de Ishmael (el patriarca de los Musulmanes), y de Edom (el patriarca de los Romanos, o Cristianos); pero, Avraham mismo, no fue Judí o, Cristiano, ni Musulmá n, sino un paradigma de la vida que, tanto Judí os, como Cristianos y Musulmanes, deben imitar.
The Jews don’t really exists anymore, there’s just a bunch of religious Anglo-Saxons appropriating themselves of the extinct Jewish identity
The Jews don’t really exists anymore, there’s just a bunch of religious Anglo-Saxons (Gentiles), appropriating themselves of the extinct Jewish identity [Keep in mind that it is really hard to claim you follow the 613 commands of the Law, when most of those commands require a Temple that ceased to exist 2000 years ago! And it’s even harder to claim a semitic (middle eastern) identity, when your skin is white, your hair is blond, and your eyes are blue].
Most Ashkenazi Jews claim that a person’s Judaism is inherited from his mother’s side. In other words, as long as you are born from a Jewish mother, your soul is also Jewish, regardless of the lifestyle you later choose to follow (observant/non observant, Straight/Gay, Religious/Atheist, etc).
What’s the problem with this fancy religious outlook? The problem is that it sort of resembles a great and beautiful castle, only built upon the sand. You see, if Judaism actually depends on having a Jewish mother, then Jews are falsely pretending to be something they don’t really are, aside from a bunch of gentiles bragging about a noble lineage to which they have real no claim [In other words, that modern Judaism is little more than a pretty lie].
How can this be so? The reason for it lies in the fact that the “Yehudim” (Jews) are the literal descendants of the patriarch Judah. But Judah never had any daughter who could engender Jewish kids. In fact, Judah only sired five male children (Er, Onan, Shelah, Perez, and Zerah). And these children were all born from gentile (Canaanite) mothers [therefore, their offspring isn’t really Jewish! ].
The first three of these children (Er, Onan, and Shelah) were born from the daughter of a Canaanite man named Shua (“And Judah saw there A DAUGHTER OF A CERTAIN CANAANITE, whose name was Shua; and he took her, and went in unto her. And SHE CONCEIVED AND BORE A SON, AND HE CALLED HIS NAME ER. AND SHE CONCEIVED AGAIN AND BORE A SON, AND SHE CALLED HIS NAME ONAN. AND SHE YET AGAIN CONCEIVED AND BORE A SON, AND CALLED HIS NAME SHELAH”- Genesis 38: 2-5).
And, since these kids came from a Canaanite (gentile) mother, it wasn’t surprising that most of them were wicked (“AND ER, JUDAH’S FIRSTBORN, WAS WICKED in the sight of the Lord; and the Lord slew him”- Genesis 38: 7; “AND THE THING WHICH HE [ONAN] DID DISPLEASED THE LORD; THEREFORE HE SLEW HIM ALSO…”- Genesis 38: 10).
On the other hand, Judah’s two last kids (Perez and Zerah) where born from a Canaanite woman named Tamar, with whom Judah had had an incestuous relationship.
As it is written: «AND HE [JUDAH] TURNED UNTO HER [TAMAR] ON THE WAYSIDE AND SAID, “COME, I PRAY THEE, LET ME COME IN UNTO THEE” (FOR HE KNEW NOT THAT SHE WAS HIS DAUGHTER-IN-LAW)… And it came to pass about three months after that it was told Judah, saying, “Tamar thy daughter-in-law hath played the harlot; and also, behold, she is with child by whoredom… AND IT CAME TO PASS IN THE TIME OF HER TRAVAIL THAT, BEHOLD, TWINS WERE IN HER WOMB… [THEREFORE] HIS [FIRSTBORN] NAME WAS CALLED PEREZ… AND AFTERWARD CAME OUT HIS BROTHER… AND HIS NAME WAS CALLED ZERAH”- Genesis 38: 16, 24, & 27-30).
But, if things are so straightforward, and the matriarchs of modern Jews were all gentile women, why is it that Hasidic Rabbis keep telling everyone that Jews somehow inherit from their mothers a soul that is intrinsically superior to that of the gentiles? Well, the reason for this Historical revisionism is that our big ego often puts a limit to the amount of truth we can comfortably digest. And the story of Tamar presents a truth that is particularly difficult to swallow.
You see, although Hasidic Jews are brought up believing to be so holy [and important] that, had their ancestors not accepted the Torah, God would have have found no reason to keep the World alive, truth is that righteous gentiles can be as righteous as any Jewish patriarch. In fact, Judah himself (the patriarch of all modern Jews) confessed that the gentile Tamar was more righteous than Him. As it is written: «When she [Tamar] was brought forth, she sent to her father-in-law, saying, “By the man whose these are, am I with child”… AND JUDAH ACKNOWLEDGED THEM AND SAID, “SHE HATH BEEN MORE RIGHTEOUS THAN I…”- Genesis 18: 25-26.
In short, there’s no such thing as a superior Jewish soul, and any gentile who chooses to live the life of righteousness described by the Torah is as great [and as deserving of receiving God’s glory] as any great Jewish patriarch. In fact, an ancient Hebrew tradition confirms this idea, when it goes on to say: «In the school of Elijah (the prophet) it was taught: “ I call heaven and Earth to witness that whether it be a heathen or a Jew, a man or a woman, a manservant or a maidservant, the Holy Spirit will suffuse any one of them in keeping with the [righteous] deeds he or she performs”» (Tanna Devei Eliyahu)
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