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Should a Samaritan (Hebrew) believer convert to Islam or Christianity?

¿ Y que de “El Siervo de Dios” que menciona Isaí as 53? ¿ No prueba este pasaje que Jesú s es el ú nico y verdadero Mesí as; aquel que cargó con nuestros pecados?

La Escritura dice así: “Cuando haya puesto su vida en expiació n por el pecado, verá linaje, vivirá por largos dí as, y la voluntad de י ה ו ה será en su mano prosperada. Verá el fruto de la aflicció n de su alma, y quedará satisfecho; por su conocimiento justificará MI SIERVO JUSTO a muchos, y llevará las iniquidades de ellos”-Isaí as 53: 10-11. Y tambié n dice en otro lugar, “He aquí MI SIERVO, yo le sostendré; MI ESCOGIDO, en quien mi alma tiene contentamiento; he puesto sobre é l mi Espí ritu; EL TRAERÁ JUSTICIA A LAS NACIONES”- Isaí as 42: 1.
¿ Quien es este ESCOGIDO de Dios? ¿ Quien es el SIERVO sufriente descrito por el profeta Isaí as? Pues este Siervo Escogido, no es otro sino es el Pueblo de Israel, como aclara el mismo profeta cuando dice: “Pero TU, ISRAEL, SIERVO MIO ERES; TU, JACOB, A QUIEN YO ESCOGÍ ”- Isaí as 41: 8. Y tambié n dice Isaí as: “Ahora pues, OYE, JACOB, SIERVO MIO, Y TU, ISRAEL, A QUIEN YO ESCOGÍ ”- Isaí as 44: 1. Y lo confirma una tercera vez diciendo: “Acué rdate de estas cosas, OH JACOB, e Israel, porque MI SIERVO ERES. Yo te formé, SIERVO MIO ERES TU; ISRAEL, no me olvides”- Isaí as 44: 21.
Pero, si la nació n de Israel es en realidad “El Siervo Escogido de Dios”, ¿ como explicamos el hecho de que La Escritura a menudo describa a Israel como un pueblo rebelde y contumaz? Pues la explicació n es muy sencilla: Verá usted, la Escritura intima que, el Israel Nacional, es solo un prototipo de “el verdadero Israel de Dios”.
¿ Y que es “el verdadero Israel de Dios”? Pues no es otro sino el pueblo mí stico (o “espiritual”) que consiste de todos aquellos que, sin importar su raza [o su credo], sirven a Dios con un corazó n limpio y humilde. Como esta escrito- «Ciertamente ES BUENO DIOS PARA CON ISRAEL, PARA CON LOS LIMPIOS DE CORAZÓ N»- Salmo 73: 1.
¿ Quien dice el verso que es Israel? ¡ Pues los de limpio corazó n! Y, este ú ltimo, es el Israel que Isaí as describe como “El Siervo de Dios”. De hecho, tambié n es el Pueblo que Dios ha prometido salvar (“ISRAEL SERÁ SALVO EN י ה ו ה CON SALVACIÓ N ETERNA... ”- Isaí as 45: 17).
De igual modo, este Israel Espiritual es “el Hijo de Dios” al cual alude la Escritura (y al cual todos debemos honrar); Como esta Escrito, «EL SEÑ OR ha dicho así: “ISRAEL ES MI HIJO, MI PRIMOGÉ NITO”»- É xodo 4: 22. Y, «HONRAD AL HIJO [DE DIOS], PARA QUE NO SE ENOJE [SU PADRE], Y PEREZCÁ IS EN EL CAMINO; Pues se inflama de pronto su ira…»- Salmo 2: 12.
Es que, aunque la Nació n Fí sica de Israel a menudo se exalta a sí misma revelá ndose contra el Creador, Dios no ve falta alguna en este otro “Israel Espiritual” [que es una Nació n humilde y abatida que confí a en su Dios]. Como esta escrito: “NO HA NOTADO INIQUIDAD EN JACOB, NI HA VISTO PERVERSIDAD EN ISRAEL... ”- Nú meros 23: 21. Y tambié n, “…. DEJARÉ EN MEDIO DE TI UN PUEBLO HUMILDE Y POBRE, el cual confiará en el nombre de El Señ or”- Sofoní as 3: 12.
Y en otro lugar, “El Espí ritu de י ה ו ה el Señ or está sobre mí, PORQUE ME UNGIÓ EL SEÑ OR ME HA ENVIADO A PREDICAR BUENAS NUEVAS A LOS ABATIDOS... ”- Isaí as 61: 1. Y finalmente dice, “YO HABITO EN LA ALTURA Y LA SANTIDAD, Y CON EL QUEBRANTADO Y HUMILDE DE ESPÍ RITU, para hacer vivir el espí ritu de los humildes, y PARA VIVIFICAR EL CORAZÓ N DE LOS QUEBRANTADOS”- Isaí as 57: 15.
De hecho, Isaí as enseñ a que, en el momento que la Nació n Fí sica de Israel se rebela contra su Creador, en ese momento deja de ser “el Israel de Dios”, para convertirse en cambio en “Sodoma”. Como esta escrito: “Prí ncipes de Sodoma, oí d la palabra de El Señ or; escuchad la ley de nuestro Dios, pueblo de Gomorra. ¿ Para qué me sirve, dice El señ or, la multitud de vuestros sacrificios? Hastiado estoy de holocaustos de carneros y de sebo de animales gordos; no quiero sangre de bueyes, ni de ovejas, ni de machos cabrí os”- Isaí as 1: 10-11.




Should a Samaritan (Hebrew) believer convert to Islam or Christianity?

Should a Hebrew believer convert to Islam? A Hebrew believer should have no need to make a conversion to Islam. Why? Because, although Islam is indeed a great religion, the Hebrew theology is generally speaking better than it's Muslim counterpart. Why? Simply because [unlike what happens with Muslim and Christian theology], the Hebrew theology portrays the Creator as an Almighty being; one who can save mankind without the need of any partner, or any intermediary.
In other words, when you publicly say the “Shema” [the Hebrew statement of faith], you recognize י ה ו ה (Adonai Yah, also known to the Hebrew people as “Ha Shem”, or “the Name”) as the only true God and savior, and you receive upon you the yoke of His kingdom [His ten commandments]. And, by so do doing, Ha Shem automatically saves you right where you are.
On the other hand, if you recognize Allah's greatness, and even if you accept Allah's kingdom [Shariah law], Allah cannot save you by Himself- as He needs that you also recognize Muhammad's prophetic greatness. In other words, Allah cannot save you, unless He enters into a sort of “partnership” with Muhammad (pbuh). And that's why the Shahada (the Muslim statement of faith) says: “I bear witness that there is no God but Allah; and I bear witness that Muhammad is Allah's servant and messenger”.
Notice that the Muslim statement of faith implies that, faith in the power of Allah (alone), isn't enough; you must also have faith in the prophetic power of Muhammad (pbuh)- who thereby “partners” with Allah in the process of saving your soul. In fact, Muslim scholars have recognized that, without the second half of the Shahada [the part provided by Muhammad], one’s religion is incomplete; and that it is impossible for man to get salvation without the intercession of Muhammad.
And the very same thing happens with Christian theology- where, unlike the God of Israel, the Christian god (also known as “The Heavenly father”) isn't an all powerful deity. Why? Simply because He needs an intermediary. In other words, if you choose to recognize the greatness of the Heavenly Father [and even if you choose to submit to his ten commandments], He alone cannot save you- as He needs you to additionally recognize the greatness of Jesus (pbuh) as God's only “intermediary”.
So, for all practical purposes, both Muslim and Christian theology convey the very sinful idea- that, unlike the God of Israel, Allah and the Heavenly Father are not Almighty Gods, as the final word concerning the salvation of their followers, isn't in their divine hands, but rather in the hands of their respective partners and intermediaries (Muhammad and Jesus, peace be upon them).
In other words, if Muhammad rejects you, there's no way Allah can save you; and if Jesus rejects you, there's no way the Heavenly father can save you; as if both Muhammad and Jesus were equal partners with the Creator, having in their hands the eternal destiny of humankind.
The Muslim tradition hints at this blasphemous idea, when it says the following: «Then the Prophet, peace be upon him, said: " By the One Who owns Muhammad's soul, IF MOSES, PEACE BE UPON HIM, APPEARED TO YOU and you followed him, AND [YOU] LEFT ME, YOU WOULD GO ASTRAY FROM THE RIGHT PATH; and, if he were alive and reached [the time of] my prophethood, he would have followed me”»- Hadith from Sunan of al-Darimi.
Notice how the former passage intimates the idea that, it is Muhammad [and not Allah] who prevents the believers from getting lost.
The Christian scripture also hints at this blasphemous self glorification of mortal beings, when it quotes Jesus (pbuh) saying the following: “I (JESUS) AND MY FATHER ARE ONE”- John 10: 30, King James Bible. Notice how the former verse doesn't say “MY FATHER AND I ARE ONE”, but rather says: “ I (JESUS) AND MY FATHER ARE ONE”- as if to imply that, Jesus honor must go “in front” (or “ahead”) of the Heavenly Father's honor.
And whence do we get that this is a contradictory idea? We get it from Jesus himself, when he is quoted bearing witness that “the Father in Heaven” was greater than he (and therefore the Fathers honor should have been placed ahead of Jesus honor): “If you loved me, you would indeed rejoice that I am going to the Father [in Heaven], for THE FATHER [IN HEAVEN] IS GREATER THAN I”- John 14: 28, Saint Joseph Bible, New Catholic Edition.
And the same idea is also intimated in the verse that goes on to say: «Jesus told him, “I [and not the Heavenly Father] am the way, the truth, and the life. NO ONE COMES TO THE FATHER [IN THE HEAVENS], EXCEPT THROUGH ME [in other words, It's me, and not God the Father, who decides who gets to Heaven, and who doesn't]”»- John 14: 6, International Standard Version Bible.
And this blasphemy is further corroborated in the verse that says: “Because IF YOU ACKNOWLEDGE AND CONFESS WITH YOUR LIPS THAT JESUS IS LORD and in your heart believe (adhere to, trust in, and rely on the truth) that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved”- Romans 10: 9, Amplified Bible, Classic edition.
Notice how the former verse implies that man's salvation first depends on your faith in the mortal man Jesus [in his Lordship], and only then does it depends on your faith in the immortal Father in Heaven [in that He raised Jesus from the dead].
Does the former means that Islam and Christianity are both false religions? Absolutely not! Why? Simply because, the well being of man's soul stems from doing good [and not from having the perfect theology]; as it has been written- " Depart from evil, and do good, and you will dwell forevermore (life everlasting life)" - Psalm 37: 27.
What we tried to say is that, in order for Christian and Muslim theologies to reach moral perfection, they both need to get rid of their subtle idolatric overtones; of the pagan and polytheistic ideas that still linger within their theology. And what's the source of that form of “soft polytheism” [pretending that God have equal partners or associates]? It's none other than the apparently innocuous cult they both pay to the human personality of their respective leaders (Jesus and Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon them).
It is certainly true that these two men were powerful messengers; but, in the end, they both were flawed, finite [and therefore mortal] men, made out of flesh and blood. And it is false [and morally wrong] to attempt to make these flawed, finite, and mortal men, equal partners [and/or intermediaries] of the perfect, immortal, and infinite Creator.
As it has been written: “I, I AM י ה ו ה (Adonai Yah), AND THERE IS NO SAVIOR BESIDE ME”- Isaiah 43: 11 (Tree of Life Version Bible). And in another place: “DO NOT PUT YOUR TRUST IN PRINCES (POWERFUL PEOPLE); [NOR] IN MAN, IN WHOM THERE IS NO SALVATION” (Psalm 146: 3). And elsewhere says: “Surely THE SONS OF ADAM ARE VANITY, AND THE SONS OF NOBLES ARE A LIE; TO BE LAID IN THE BALANCE, THEY ARE ALTOGETHER LIGHTER THAN VANITY”- Psalm 62: 9, Jubilee Bible 2000.





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