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Curriculum Vitae (CV). Personal data. Education and qualifications. Work experience. Relevant Information. Referees. 3. Составьте резюме на основе данного образца.

Curriculum Vitae (CV)

A Curriculum Vitae (CV) is a document which describes your education, work experience and skills you have already had. The purpose of the CV is to attract the employers’ attention. Therefore you need a good and well-structured CV.

A good CV should:

o Attract attention;

o Create a positive impression;

o Present your skills and qualities clearly and concisely.

Your CV has to be word processed and should be no more than one page long. A CV must be free of typographical and grammatical errors. The structure of a CV must follow a certain order.

Personal data

Personal details should be shown at the beginning: name, family name, date of birth, address, marital status, phone number, e-mail.

Education and qualifications

List of educational institutions you attended (specifying the dates); subject areas you studied and degrees you got. List qualifications in full.

Work experience

Mention your present job first and work backwards, descriptions of what exactly you did and were responsible for.

Relevant Information

Any information which could be helpful (computer skills, languages you speak, driver’s license, hobbies, interests) can be added.


Give at least 2 referees: a former employer, a teacher.

Always be honest. It is possible to be creative, but not to lie. Remember, the first impression is the one that matters, so, your CV needs to be perfect!

3. Составьте резюме на основе данного образца.



Gleb Petrov

Date of birth               23 of May 1993

Present address           105007 Moscow, Parkovaya st, 24

Telephone number       8 (495) 917 517 83 80

E- mail                       petrov@mail. ru

Marital status               single

Education and Qualifications:

2009 – 2013 - Moscow State University of Railway Engineering: The Institute of Rail Operations and Information Technologies. Diploma of Specialist

2011 – 2012 - Linguistic Centre of the Institute of the Humanities. Moscow. Fluent English. Basic knowledge of French

1999 – 2009 - Secondary school № 5, Moscow. A Certificate of Complete Secondary Education 

Work experience

July 2010 - August 2010 – “Saratov Car, Ltd”

Position - Sales Executive

Responsibilities: receiving customers and suppliers,

Dealing with home and overseas enquiries

Relevant information

PC user, driving license (A)


Jazz music and travelling


Mr. A. L. Gradov           

The Head of the Sales Department “Saratov Car, Ltd”

Saratov. Volzhskiy Avenue. 17

Dr. N. V. Matveeva

The Teacher of Foreign Languages.

Linguistics Centre. Moscow State University of Railway Engineering. Obraztsova st. 7.

 4. Составьте сопроводительное письмо на основе данного образца.


Car- Trade Inc.                                         Gleb Petrov,

D. Ulyanov st, 25                                      Parkovaya st, 24

19028 Moscow                                         105007 Moscow

The Russian Federation                            the Russian Federation

                                                  25 May 2014

Dear Sir/Madam

I would like to apply for a job (position) of the Sales Executive in the Sales Department, advertised in the Moscow Times on 15th of May. As you can see from my CV, I’ve got the education required for a Sales Manager. Besides, I have some work experience and good knowledge of Practical sales techniques I got while working in the sales team. I am also developing my language skills. My English is quite good, and I am taking evening classes at the University Language Centre to improve my level. I am dynamic, creative, easy-going and with a strong team spirit. If you consider that my qualification and personal qualities are suitable, I’ll be available for an interview any time you date.

Yours faithfully,

 Gleb Petrov



Текст 1. - Мой Университет

Грамматика - Местоимение. Наречие. Прилагательное.

Задание 1. Запишите данные слова в тетрадь и запомните их:

- graduate/alumnus (alumni) - выпускник университета

- to overestimate- переоценить

- to consist of- состоять из чего-либо, кого-либо

- inseparably -неотделимо; неразрывно; нераздельно

- to comprise -включать; заключать в себе, содержать

- scientific – научный

- constant – постоянный, неизменный

- rapid - быстрый, скорый, стремительный

- requirements - требования

- implementation - выполнение, исполнение, осуществление

- though - хотя, несмотря на

Задание 2. Прослушайте и повторите за диктором произношение новых слов, пользуясь сетевым словарем. http: //www. macmillandictionary. com

Задание 3. Запишите и запомните следующие словосочетания и их перевод:

- on the command of – по приказу

- federal state higher educational institution - Федеральное государственное высшее учебное образовательное учреждение

- Pre-University Training Faculty - Факультет довузовской подготовки

- Institute of Rail Operation and Information Technology - Институт управления и информационных технологий

 - Part-Time Faculty -Вечерний факультет

Задание 4. Запишите слова и подберите синонимы к ним:

permanent, command, fast, several, modern, order, rapid, constant, some, present

Задание 5. Запишите слова и подберите антонимы к ним:

lower, attend, important, miss, active, inconsiderable, upper, rule, similar, exception, different, passive

Задание 6. Прочитайте слова близкие по звучанию словам русского языка и определите их значение:

Reorganized, university, modern, centre, programme, international, forums

Задание 7. Изучите грамматический раздел модуля по теме " Местоимение. Наречие. Прилагательное”.

Задание 8. Выполните перевод предложений на русский язык:

1. The history of the university dates back to September 1896 when on the command of His Imperial Majesty Nicholas II Moscow Engineering School was founded. 2. The university provides its students with modern knowledge oriented towards constant and rapid changes in the railway system. 3. In 1913 Engineering School was reorganized into Moscow Railway Transport Institute. 4. The equipment of the classes and laboratories satisfies all the requirements of the modern standards. 5. The university carries out great scientific research work. 6. It is one of the few transport universities in Russia with a branched network of departments.

Задание 9. Допишите термины к заданным определениям:

1) a building or room containing collections of books and periodicals  
2) certificate awarded by an educational establishment after successfully completion a course of study  
3) branch of knowledge studied or taught in school, college or university  

Задание 10. Составьте предложения из предложенных в каждой цепочке слов:

1) is, tuition, fee, in, ones, universities, in, much, private, lower, public, than.

2) railway, is, with, transport, construction, our, connected, university, railway, and.

3) of, provide, degrees, Russian, different, universities, education

4) terms, American, goals, do, of, in, universities, vary, how?

5) four, a, be, of, Bachelor, can, years, degree, obtained, studies, after, of.

Задание 11. Найдите лишнее слово в данной цепочке слов:

Teacher, tutor, trainer, lecturer, instructor, sponsor


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