Задание 12. Составьте 5 вопросов (вопрос к подлежащему, общий вопрос, специальный вопрос, альтернативный и разделительный вопросы) к данному предложению.
Задание 12. Составьте 5 вопросов (вопрос к подлежащему, общий вопрос, специальный вопрос, альтернативный и разделительный вопросы) к данному предложению. Graduates of RUT work in different spheres of railway industry. Задание 13. Прочитайте текст и разделите его на вводную, информационную и заключительную части: Text 1. My University The Russian University of Transport is the Russian federal state higher educational institution. It is one of the oldest, largest and the most prestigious transport universities in the country. Our university is inseparably connected with railway transport and railway construction. Its graduates work in different structures of railway industry which role and importance for Russia cannot be overestimated. The history of the university dates back to September 1896 when on the command of His Imperial Majesty Nicholas II Moscow Engineering School was founded. Its first students were prepared as specialists of railway track construction. In 1913 Engineering School was reorganized into Moscow Railway Transport Institute. From 1993 up to the 1st of June 2017 it was titled Moscow State University of Railway Engineering. As a result of a restructuring now it is called «the Russian University of Transport» (RUT - MIIT). Now the university consists of several institutes. They are: the Institute of Rail Operation and Information Technology, the Institute of Economics and Finance, the Institute of Humanities, Law Institute and others. It also has the Part-Time and the Pre-University Training Faculties. The university comprises the Medical College, the Railway Transport College, the Law College and the gymnasium. The university provides its students with modern knowledge oriented towards constant and rapid changes in the railway system. The equipment of the classes and laboratories satisfies all the requirements of the modern standards. Though the university is one of the oldest in Russia it is still growing and developing. It is integrating into the world’s educational and scientific community. New demands to the system of education make the university apply innovative programmes and seek partnership for their implementation. Today the university is a modern research and educational centre with advanced laboratory facilities for study and qualified staff training. It is one of the few transport universities in Russia with a branched network of departments. The university carries out great scientific research work. It involves such directions as Information Technology on transport and traffic safety programmes. Our university actively represents its scientific and educational interests at international forums in Russia and abroad. Задание 1. Скажите, какие предложения не соответствуют содержанию текста:
1. The history of the university dates back to September 1896. 2. The Russian University of Transport is rather young and it is growing and developing. 3. RUT-MIIT is the only university in Russia with a branched network of departments. 4. The university carries out great scientific research work. Задание 2. Переведите предложения на английский язык: 1. Из двух проектов второй более перспективный. 2. В университете проводится большая научно-исследовательская работа. 3. Каковы последние достижения в этой области? 4. Из пятерых выпускников они выбрали самого знающего. 5. Выслушай меня внимательно и начинай действовать немедленно. 6. На конференции присутствовали немцы, шведы, швейцарцы. 7. Этот студент упорно старается сдать экзамен. Но он едва ли знает, с чего начать. Задание 3. Допишите предложения, поставив выделенные слова в нужную форму: 1. Russia is the country where the Constitution guarantees (body)____ theright to education. 2. Education in RUT-MIIT is not (complete). ____free of charge. 3. The University is quickly integrating into the world’s educational and (science) ____ community. 4. The (important) ___ examination in the UK is the assessment at the age of 16 which is called GCSE. 5. Some colleges prefer vocational or technical programmes while (other) _____ may offer a liberal arts curriculum. Задание 4. Допишите предложения, выбрав правильный вариант ответа. 1. It’s quite common to hear someone complain that his/her memory is (less good/ worse/ not as good) as itused to be. 2. Regular reviewing of what has been learned is (better/ one of the good/ one of the best) ways of strengthening memory. 3. I wasn't so much surprised (as/ then/ that) shocked by the result. Задание 5. Выберите правило, которое точно соответствует заданному предложению. Откройте скобки и поставьте сказуемое в нужную форму:
Задание 6. Дайте развернутые ответы на следующие вопросы:
1. What university do you study at? 2. Where do the graduates of RUT-MIIT usually work? 3. When was the university established? 4. Who was the founder of the university? 5. What was the first name of the university? 6. What was the name of the first speciality at Moscow Engineering School? 7. What institutes does the university consist of? Name some of them. 8. What facilities for study and qualified staff training are there at university? 9. Does the university carry out scientific research work? 10. What are the main directions of scientific research work?
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