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Преобразуйте сложноподчинённое предложение в простое, используя объектный инфинитивный оборот. Предложения переведите.

Образец: The engineer thought that his students used new methods in their work. The engineer thought his students to use new methods in their work.


1. The professor believed that his students had carried on these experiments last month.

2. They have seen that the device began to operate.

3. I know that this instrument is very accurate.

4. We consider that colour television has great future.

5. We expect that he will take part in the conference.

6. The engineer considers that the results are satisfactory.

7. Our engineers suppose that these devices will be highly efficient.

8. I know that these devices appeared not long ago.


Глаголы, после которых употребляется оборот
«Объектный падеж с инфинитивом»


I. to assume to believe to consider to expect to find to hold to state считать, полагать полагать считать ожидать, полагать находить считать утверждать to know to maintain to suppose to think to show to prove знать утверждать предполагать думать, полагать показывать доказывать
II. to desire to require to wish хотеть, желать требовать хотеть, желать to want should like would like хотеть хотелось бы
III. to feel to hear to see чувствовать слышать видеть to watch to observe to notice наблюдать заметить
IV. to cause to make to enable заставлять давать возможность to allow to permit позволять, допускать
Примечание: После глаголов группы 3 частица “to” перед инфинитивом опускается.

I.1. We assume these operations to be performed by a computer. 2. I believe it to be the only way to do it. 3. We know all the bodies to consist of atoms. 4. Tests have shown the receiver to be very accurate. 5. We know the frequency to be expressed in kilocycles. II.1. I want you to prepare the information on this subject. 2. I do not desire you to tell them about the experiments beforehand. 3. Our engineer should like us to see new invention. 4. I wish you to complete your tests as quick as possible. 5. The engineer wanted the device to be examined carefully by experts. III.1. We often watched the operator control the functioning of the equipment. 2. We have seen the device begin to operate. 3. I have never heard anyone give so much information in one report. 4. He observed them carry on this experiment. 5. I saw her cross the street. IV.1. We can make an atom serve the needs of man. 2. The microscope enable very small objects to be examined in detail. 3. Radio allows us to communicate with the remotest corners of the world. 4. Radio permits the human voice to be transmitted around the globe. 5. Pressure causes ice to melt. frequency – частота; beforehand – заранее; remote – отдалённый; pressure – давление; to melt – таять

Субъектный инфинитивный оборот
(сложное подлежащее)


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He is said to test this device  
Говорят, что он испытывает этот прибор.

1. The output of the plant is reported to increase after reconstruction. 2. This electronic device was believed to be the most important in our work. 3. The work to be done seemed to take much time. 4. New methods of work appear to be effective. 5. The delegation is likely to return in September. 6. He is sure to give us some useful information. 7. The results obtained are considered to be of great importance for our researches. 8. Electronic equipments are assumed to find ever growing application. 9. This laboratory is expected to beworking out new possible applications of a laser. 10. The application of this device is known to give better results. output – производитель- ность benefit – преимущество



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