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Степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий

Односложные двусложные Сравнительная степень Превосходная степень
  - er -est
strong – сильный late – поздно heavy – тяжелый stronger – сильнее later – позже heavier – тяжелее (the) strongest – сильнейший, самый cильный; latest – позже всего, позже всех (the) heaviest – самый тяжелый
Многосложные more – более; lеss – менее; much more (less) - намного больше (меньше) (the) most – самый
talented – талантливый more talented – более талантливый much more talented – намного талантливее (the) most talented (of) – самый талантливый (из)
interesting – интересный less interesting – менее интересный much less interesting – намного менее интересный (the) least interesting – самый неинтересный (из)
  Особые случаи:  
good-хороший better – лучше (the) best – наилучший, самый лучший
bad-плохой worse – хуже (the) worst – наихудший, самый худший
badly – плохо
many (books) - много more – больше (the) most - больше всех, наибольший, самый большой
much (water) -
little – маленький less – меньше (the) least – меньше всех, наименьший, самый маленький
old – старый elder – старший older – более старый (the) oldest – самый старый (the) eldest – самый старший
far – далекий, далеко further – дальнейший the furthest – самый отдаленный
farther – более отдаленный the farthest – самый отдаленный


1. Mathematics is more important for technical students than many other subjects. It is one of the most important subjects at any technical Institute. 2. Sakharov is one of the most popular scientists in this country. 3. The Earth is bigger than the Moon. 4. The distance from the Sun to the Earth is much longer than that from the Moon. 5. January is the coldest month. 6. This book is less interesting. 7. It is better to do well than to say well. 8. It is the best way of solving this problem. 9. I shall have less time to do this tomorrow. 10. Yesterday the weather was worse than today. 11. The worst possible way is to learn the translation by heart. 12. Metals are the best conductors of electricity. 13. I read much but my brother reads more than me, and our friends read most of all.


Поставьте слова в скобках в нужной форме:


1. Which is (large), the USA or Canada.

2. What is the name of the (big) river in Russia.

3. Moscow is the (large) city in our country.

4. There is a (great) number of motor-cars in the streets of Moscow than in Penza.

5. St.Petersburg is one of the (beautiful) cities in the world.

6. The rivers in America are much (long) than those in England. 7. Juneis the (busy) month for students. It is an examination period. 8. Heis the (good) student in the group. 9. Mathematics is the (little) time - consuming subject for me. 10. This system of calculation is (bad) than the one we used before. 11. He reads now (good) than yesterday. 12. That was the (bad) news I ever heard. 13. I have still (little) experience in this field than he. way – способ; solve – решать, by heart – наизусть; indivisible – неделимый; calculation – вычисление; news – новость; experience – опыт.

Особые случаи

  Способы перевода Примеры
The... the   чем..., тем   The more we study, the more we know. Чем больше мы изучаем, тем больше мы знаем.  
as... as,   такой же... как так... как   This text is as difficult as that one. Этот текст такой же трудный, как и тот.  
as... as possible   как можно + прилагательное в сравнительной степени   He must return to the laboratory as quick as possible. Он должен вернуться в лабораторию как можно быстрее.  
not so ……... as   не такой... как не так... как   My friend is not so good at mathematics as at physics. Мой друг разбирается в математике не так хорошо, как в физике.  
Twice (three times) as +   в два (в три) раза + прилагательное в сравнительной степени   twice as long. It is three times as high. В два раза длиннее. В три раза выше.  


1. This method is not so simple as that one. 2. This many-storeyed building is as high as that one. 3. You can stay here as long as you want. 4. The more books you read, the more you know. 5. This new method is twice as efficient as the old one. 6. The harder you work at your English, the better progress you make. 7. The device must be as small aspossible. 8. Gold is not so light as aluminium. simple – простой; many- storeyed – многоэтажный; stay – оставаться; device – прибор; light – легкий; speed – скорость.


Переведите на английский язык слова, данные в скобках, затем переведите всё предложение на русский язык по образцу:

(Чем) nearer the Earth, (тем) denser the atmosphere. Чем ближе земля, тем плотнее атмосфера. The nearer the Earth, the denser the atmosphere.


1. The speed of the rocket must be... high,...... (как можно выше).

2. (Чем) sooner they do this work, (тем) better.

3. The weight of this body is (во много раз) big.

4. Water is (так же) necessary (как) air.

5. This text is (не такой) difficult (как) that one.


Перевод оборота «THERE + BE»

  Present Indefinite Past Indefinite Future Indefinite
Утвердительная форма   There is a book on the table. There are books   На столе книга (книги).   There was a book on the table. There were books   На столе была книга (книги).   There will be a book (books) on the table   На столе будет книга (книги).
Вопросительная форма   Is there a book on the table? Are there books   Есть ли книга (книги) на столе?   Was there a book on the table? Were there books   Была ли книга (книги) на столе?   Will there be a book (books) on the table?   Будет ли книга (книги) на столе?
Отрицательная форма   There is no book on the table There are no books   На столе нет книги (книг).   There was no book on the table. There were no books   На столе не было книги (книг).   There will be no book (books) on the table.   На столе не будет книги (книг)


1. There are different kinds of energy. 2. What books are there on the table? 3. There were 12 students in our group. 4. There was no power station in this region before the war. 5. Will there be a hostel in this street next year. 6. There are many ways of solving this problem. 7. There exist many interesting books on this subject. 8. There stands a new house on the corner of the street. 9. 'There may be many ways of solving this problem. 10. There lived my friend’s family in that old small house. 11. There lies a book on the table. 12. There will be a conference in Paris next year. power station – электростанция; to solve – решать; corner – угол.


Определите функцию "there" в предложении. Предложения переведите.


1. I work at the library, as there are many kinds of books and dictionaries there.

2. There are many scientific workers at our University. They have worked there for many years.

3. There was a scientific conference at our University. Many students were present there.

4. There will be many interesting reports at the conference. We shall go there.


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