2 Вставьте артикль, где необходимо
2 Вставьте артикль, где необходимо 1. Do you play the piano? 2. There is a big black piano in our living-room. It is at the wall to left of the door opposite the sideboard. My mother likes to play the piano. She often plays the piano in evening. 3. Boys like to play football. 4. What do you do in the evening? — I often play chess with my grandfather. 5. Where are the children? — Oh, they are out of the doors. Weather is fine today. They are playing badminton in the yard. 6. What games does your sister like to play? — She likes to play tennis. 7. Do you like to play guitar? 8. What colour is your guitar? 3. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо. When we want to write a letter, we take a piece of paper and a pen. We first write our address and date in the right-hand corner. Then on the left-hand side we write a greeting. We may write, for instance, " My dear brother, " " Dear Henry, " etc., and then on the next line we begin the real letter. We must not forget to leave margin on the left-hand side of the page. At the end of the letter we write " Yours, " and then we sign our name. We put the letter into the envelope and close the envelope. On the envelope we write the name and address of the person who will receive it. We stick stamp in the top right-hand corner, and then we post the letter.
4. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо. It was a hot day the sun was shining brightly in the blue sky. The wolf and the lamb met at the stream. The water in the stream was cool and clear. The wolf saw that the lamb was fat and wanted to eat it. He began to shout: " You, fool, you are making water dirty! " The lamb was afraid. It looked at the wolf and said in a thin voice: " But, Mr. Wolf, I cannot make water dirty for you from place where I am standing, because a stream runs from you to me. " " Stop talking! " shouted the wolf in an angry voice. " I know you! I met you six months ago, and you were very rude to me. " " You are wrong, Mr. Wolf, " cried the lamb, " you could not meet me six months ago: I am only four months old. " " Never mind, " said the wolf, “if it wasn't you, it was your brother. " And with these words he seized the poor lamb and carried it into the wood. 5. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо. 1. Bill Robins was a very rich man. He was the richest man in the village. 2. Pete is the tallest boy in our class. Nick is the shortest boy, but he is very strong. He is stronger than many boys who are taller than he. I think Nick is the strongest boy in the class. 3. Granny often tells us long stories. Today her story was still longer. It was the longest story. She began telling it after dinner and finished only before supper. But the story was very interesting. I think it was the most interesting of Granny's stories. 4. Which was the most difficult exercise in the test-paper? 5. Which is еру best season of the year? 6. February is the shortest month of the year. 7. Do you know the longest river in our country? 8. In May the days are longer than in April.
(Pronouns ) По своему значению и грамматическим признакам местоимения делятся на 9 разрядов: · личные местоимения; · притяжательные местоимения; · возвратно-усилительные местоимения; · указательные местоимения; · вопросительно-относительные местоимения; · неопределенные местоимения; · отрицательные местоимения; · обобщающие местоимения; · возвратные местоимения. Личные местоимения ( Personal Pronouns) Личные местоимения всегда являются местоимениями – существительными. Они имеют формы двух падежей: именительного падежа (the Nominative Case ) и объектного падежа (the Objective Case). Личным местоимениям соответствуют притяжательные местоимения, выражающие принадлежность и отвечающие на вопрос whose? Чей? Притяжательные местоимения имеют две формы: одну, служащую местоимением – прилагательным, и другую, служащую местоимением- существительным. Притяжательное местоимение в этой форме всегда стоит перед существительным, к которому оно относится. Являясь определителем существительного, оно исключает употребление артикля перед этим существительным. Если существительному предшествуют другие определения, то притяжательное местоимение, как всякий определитель, ставится перед ними.
Вопросительные местоимения. (Interrogative Pronouns)
Указательные местоимения. (Demonstrative Pronouns) Помимо личных местоимений it (It is a table- Это стол) и they ( They are tables –Это столы) со значением «это» существуют аналогичные указательные местоимения:
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