Preface to the d20 Conversion
In place of a real preface, that is hopefully written by someone else, I would just like to say a bit about this conversion. First of all, because we are all d20-gamers, we did drop the general feel of the original guide, i. e. we made rules for d20 only, without thinking about trying to integrate rules for other rpg-systems.
This is still a work of love to us. Begun in september 2001 at a thread at the Enboards. We had a lot of discussions and opened a lot more threads to discuss special rules and campaign informations. At some time during our work, Tanilen told us, that he and his friends at their site were doing the same thing. The natural course of action was, to put everything together.
While we hope, that you will enjoy reading this work, please keep in mind, that it is still a work in progress and that you will probably find several mistakes.
The newest version as well as some other stuff can be found at http: //www. netbook-of-uck. net
If you got the Guide from another page, take a look at the address above to get the newest version. If you, dear reader, have ideas, new spells, or just comments on this project, either write an email to us (a formular can be found at the aforementioned URL) or participate at one of the threads at the boards.
January 07th, 2002. Kolvar (who hopes, that someone else will replace this soon)
Change Log 3 Preface 4 Preface for the 2nd Edition Guide 4 Preface to the d20 Conversion 5 Chapter 1: The Basic Rules 9 Condition Summary 9 How Sex Works 9 The Arousal Check 9 The Basics 9 Complications 10 How to define the size or capacity of an orifice, wang, or wang-like object 11 Chapter 2: How to Improve Your Sex-Live 12 Skills 12 Sexual Tricks 12 Skills with new uses 16 Examples 16 Scenario One: Consensual Sex Between Equals 16 Scenario 2: The Well-Traveled Bard Seduces the Duke’s Innocent Daughter 18 Feats 22 Aroused Casting [Metamagic] 22 Body to Die For [Gneral] 22 Coitus of Power [Metamagic] 22 Conductive Kiss [Metapsionic] 22 Control Arousal [Psionic] 22 Divine Virginity [General] 22 Improved Pleasure Touch [Psionic] 22 Iron Celibacy [General] 22 Kiss Spell [Metamagic] 23 Mind Over Sexual Endurance [Psionic] 23 Pleasure Touch [Psionic] 23 Rape of Power [Metamagic] 23 Sexappeal [General] 23 Sexual Energy[Metamagic] 23 Sexual Pheromones Secretion [Psionic] 23 Sexual Recharge [Psionic] 23 Still Standing [Psionic] 23 Transmitting Kiss [Metamagic] 23 Transmitting Sex [Metamagic] 24 Transmitting Orgasm [Metamagic] 24 Feats with new uses 24 Extended Class Skills 24 Bardic Chant 24 Chapter 3: Sex and Things that Happen Afterwards 25 Sexual Diseases 25 Random Determination of Who is Diseased 25 Chances of Contracting a Sexual Disease 25 Pregnancy and Birth 28 GETTING PREGNANT 28 1. Degree of Difficulty of Pregnancy (ddp) 29
2. Difficulty of Birth (dob) 30 3. Cultural Differences Concerning the Becoming Parents (Cdcp) 31 4. Stages of Pregnancy 33 5. Effects of Pregnancy 34 6. Post birth effects 36 7. Difficulties for Mother and Child During the Pregnancy 36 8. Survival of the Baby 39 9. Birth 39 10. What you get 40 11. Abnormal Features of the Child 41 12. Reasons for Birth-rates/ Population Growth 41 Chapter 4: Sexuality in Your Campaign 43 Species Sexualities: 43 Essays and Plots 49 Essay: What if a Character Rapes a NPC? 49 Essay: Has Anyone Played a Homosexual Character? 51 Plots for Homosexual Characters 52 Adventuring Ideas 53 Daily Sexuality in Your Campaign 53 Getting to Know a Prostitute (Random Generator) 53 Porno Periodicals of Humanoids 56 Chapter 5: Prestige Classes 58 Beguiler 58 Controller 59 Chaste Virgin 61 Dominatrix 62 The Houri 63 Pimp 64 Ravager 65 Seductress 66 Tantric Master 67 Tentacle master 68 Transgender Shaman 70 Chapter 6: Magic and Psionics 72 Spell Lists 72 Spells 76 Angel’s Negation 76 Animal Magnetism 76 Annihilator's Penis of Power 76 Arousal 76 Assist Labor & Birth 76 Baltasar's Impediment 77 Become Phantasmal Lover 77 Blessing of the Goddess 77 Bliss 77 Bitch Slap 78 Call for a Midwife 78 Cause Nausea 78 Chains of Lust 78 Change Sexual Alignment 79 Change Sexual Preference 79 Charm Man I 80 Charm Man II 80 Charm Man III 80 Charm Man IV 80 Charm Man V 80 Chastity 80 Chastity Guardian 80 Children's Sanctuary 80 Constant Orgasm 81 Conjure Succubus/ Incubus 81 Contraception 81 Corrupt Foetus 82 Coyanascotsy's Erotic Permanency 82 Davenet's Seduction 82 Delay Orgasm 83 Desinterest 83 Detect Pregnancy 83 Detect Venereal Disease 83 Dire Chastity 83 Divine Romantic Interest 83 Divine Sexual Experience 84 Divine Sexual Orientation 84 Ecstasy 84 Embarrassing Fetish 84 Eternal Torment 85 Excessive Indulgence 85 Fascination 86 Fertility 86 Flash 86 Freudian Thoughts 86 Gaze Of The Nereid 87 Greater Planar Lover 87 Healing of Innocent 87 Heartbraker 87 Heterophobia 87 Hide Sexual Orientation 88 Homophobia 88 Ilruna’s Roulette 88 Ilruna’s Exercise 88 Ilruna's Impotence 88 Impotence 89 Impregnate 89 Indifference 89 Induced Pleasure 89 Infertility 90 Intensify Sensation 90 ґIrnar's Polaroidic Pregnancy 90 Jealousy 90 Kal'Bruneyeah's Chastity Belt 91 Know Sexual Preference 91 Lactation 91 Laeral's Disrobement 91 Layla’s Beautification 91 Layla’s Good Morning 91 Layla’s Morning After 92 Layla’s Seductive Impersonation 92 Layla’s Seductive Shapechange 92 Layla’s Uglification 92 Lesser planar lover 92 Linked Shapechange 93 Lovesickness 93 Lubrication 93 Lust 93 Luwain’s Everlasting Hard-On 94 MacFaileas’ Virtuous Ward 94 Major Repair Virginity 94 Mass Ecstasy 94 Mass Lust 95 Masturbation 95 Minor Call for a Midwife 95 Minor Repair Virginity 95 Miracle of Fertility 95 Mount 96 Neville’s Wandering Hand 96 Nymph's Beauty 96 Obsession 96 Orgiastic Storm 97 Our Tiny Brothel 97 Painless Birth 97 Pillow Talk 97 Planar Lover 98 Playmate 98 PMS 98 Pornographic Glamer 98 Potency 99 Power Word, Castrate 99 Prevent Nausea 99 Prismatic Dildo 99
Promiscuity 99 Protection From Disease 100 Protection From Intoxication 100 Prowess 100 Resist Self 100 Restore Potency 100 Reverse Gender Orientation 101 Reverse Sexual Orientation 101 Revulsion 101 Rose Armor 101 Rut 102 Sacremon’s Emperor’s New Clothes 102 Sasha's Uncontrollable Continuous Orgasm 102 Sava’s Candlelight Dinner 102 Sava’s Temple of Love 102 Seduce Undead 103 Seduction I 103 Seduction II 103 Seduction III 103 Seduction IV 103 Seduction V 103 Seduction VI 103 Seduction VII 103 Seduction VIII 103 Sex Change 103 Sex Slave 104 Sexify 104 Sexual Attraction 104 Sexual Disgust 104 Sexual Nerd 105 Skank 105 Slap 105 Sleep Theft 105 Speedy Gestation-Variation 105 Spirit of Desire 106 Sterility 106 Strip 106 Succubus' Passion 106 Suckle 106 Summon Cissaldan 107 Suspend Preference: 107 Theft of the Unborn 107 Touch of Talopea 108 Tranquility 108 Transfer Charm 108 Transferance 109 Transplanar Eroticism 109 Transplanar Fertility 109 Tweak/ Goose 109 Undetectable Sexual Preference 110 Voyeur 110 Wall of Roses 110 Wet Dream 110 Yemelat's Orgiastic Frenzy 110 New Takes on Old Spells 112 Orgiastic Rituals 114 List of Psionic Powers 115 SEXUAL PSIONIC POWERS 116 Bliss 116 Contraception 116 Empathic Link 116 Enhance Fertility 117 Induce Pleasure 117 Induced Pleasure 117 Know Sexual Preference 117 Rapture Link 117 Tranquility 118 Willy’s Partial Expansion 118 Combat Modes 119 ID Ecstasy 119 Chapter 7: Magic Items Mom Wouldn’t Approve Of 120 Armor 120 Specific Armors 121 Weapons 121 Specific Weapons 121 Rings 121 Rods 122 Staffs 122 Wands 122 Wondrous Items 122 Cursed Items 125 Specific Cursed Items 125 Chapter8: Monster 126 Demon, Succubus 126 Devil, Erinyes 126 Forget-Me-Not 126 Rose Golem 126 Recondite 127 Skirtseeker 128 Spirit of Desire 129 Slave Knight 130 Twat Mouse 131 Wild Oats 131 Oat Nymph 132 Templates 134 Half-Fey 134 Recondite Pawns 134 Appendix A: A Few Good Stories 136 Apendix B: Random Generator Sourcecodes 139 Periodical Names 139 Prostitute Generator 140 Credits 145 Conversion 145 Art 145 Old Guide 145 OPEN GAME LICENSE Version 1. 0a 147
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