Responsive. Sadism. Selfless Lover. Sexual Combination. Sexual Expertise. Smooth Lover. Species Focus. Spiritual Lover. Stunning Pleasure
Responsive Prerequisites: 6 Ranks Sexual Prowess, Intuitive Lover, Spiritual Lover Benefits: Whenever using Wisdom as the relevant ability for your Sexual Prowess checks, you gain a +2 insight bonus to your Sexual Prowess checks.
Sadism Prerequisites: 3 Ranks Sexual Prowess, Must have a noted enjoyment of inflicting pain Benefits: Whenever you inflict subdual damage during sex, your partner adds the damage to his or her Sexual Prowess check result. Selfless Lover Prerequisites: 4 Ranks Sexual Prowess, Intuitive Lover Benefits: Whenever your partner makes a Sexual Prowess check, you may take a penalty up to –5 on your arousal check roll to subtract the same amount (up to –5) from your partner’s arousal check roll. This number cannot exceed the number of ranks in Sexual Prowess that you have.
Sexual Combination Prerequisites: 8 Ranks Sexual Prowess, Dexterous Lover, Wild Lover, two of the following tricks: Anal Sex Focus, Masturbation Focus, Oral Sex Focus, Position Focus, Toy Focus Benefits: Once per day, you may attempt to use two separate techniques on your partner at once. You may make a Dexterity check with a DC of 14. If successful, you may add a +10 competence bonus to your Sexual Prowess check. If you fail, you incur a –5 penalty to your Sexual Prowess check instead. If you beat the DC by 10 or more, your partner becomes Over-Stimulated.
Sexual Expertise Prerequisites: 4 Ranks Sexual Prowess, Creative Lover, Int 14+ Benefits: Whenever you make a Sexual Prowess check, you may take a penalty up to –5 on your roll to add the same number (up to +5) to your partner’s arousal check roll. This number cannot exceed the number of ranks in Sexual Prowess that you have.
Smooth Lover Prerequisites: 5 Ranks Sexual Prowess, Easy to Read, Cha 14+ Benefits: When using Charisma as your relevant ability for Sexual Prowess checks, you may add 1. 5 times your Charisma modifier to the check.
Species Focus Prerequisites: 4 Ranks Sexual Prowess, Must have had sex with a member of the chosen species Benefits: Select a species. You suffer no penalties to sex with that particular species due to different species, and instead gain a +2 familiarity bonus to your Sexual Prowess checks whenever having sex with a member of that species. You may take this trick multiple times, selecting a different species each time.
Spiritual Lover Prerequisites: 5 Ranks Sexual Prowess, Intuitive Lover, Wis 14+ Benefits: When using Wisdom as your relevant ability for Sexual Prowess checks, you may add 1. 5 times your Wisdom modifier to the check.
Stunning Pleasure Prerequisites: 6 Ranks Sexual Prowess, Powerful Lover, Forceful Lover Benefits: If you pleasure a lover with the Powerful Lover trick and indicate a +2 or greater change to your partner’s sexual save DC, he or she must make a Fortitude save with a DC of your Strength. If they fail, they are considered Stunned for the next minute and may not make a Sexual Prowess check at the beginning of the next minute.
Talk Dirty Prerequisites: 1 Rank Sexual Prowess, 2 Ranks Bluff, Charisma 12+ Benefits: You gain a +2 synergy bonus to Bluff checks when attempting to arouse a potential partner through sexual innuendo.
Tantric Lore Prerequisites: 8 Ranks Sexual Prowess, Intuitive Lover, Spiritual Lover, Enduring Lover Benefits: You gain a +4 resistance bonus to your arousal checks. Also, you may choose to apply or ignore this bonus at will.
Teasing Lover Prerequisites: 6 Ranks Sexual Prowess, Creative Lover, Sexual Expertise Benefits: You are able to keep your partner at the edge of ecstasy. If your Sexual Prowess check result is 15 or greater, you may choose to allow your partner to automatically succeed her arousal check. You may use this trick a number of times in a row equal to your ranks in Sexual Prowess.
Toy Focus Prerequisites: 3 Ranks Sexual Prowess, Dexterous Lover Benefits: Whenever you use a sexual aid (such as a dildo) on your partner, you get a +1 competence bonus to your Sexual Prowess checks. You may take this trick multiple times, gaining an additional +1 bonus with each instance.
Wild Lover Prerequisites: 5 Ranks Sexual Prowess, Dexterous Lover, Dex 14+ Benefits: When using Dexterity as your relevant ability for Sexual Prowess checks, you may add 1. 5 times your Dexterity modifier to the check.
Skills with new uses Autohypnosis: Self Control: use autohypnosis instead of save-bonus to avoid/ get orgasm.
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