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Table S-1: Skill Checks and Arousal Check DC

Table S-1: Skill Checks and Arousal Check DC

Check Result Arousal Check DC Modifier
9 or less +0
10 – 14 +2
15 – 19 +4
20 – 24 +6
25 – 29 +8
30 – 34 +9
35 – 39 +10
40 – 44 +11
45 – 49 +12
50+ +13

Special: Every rank of Sexual Prowess also gives you one Sexual Trick, a sort of mini-feat that can be used to enhance performance.

Sexual Tricks

Adaptive Lover

Prerequisites: 8 Ranks Sexual Prowess, Easy to Read, Intuitive Lover, Species Focus

Benefits: You have enough familiarity with sex to be comfortable with lovers of different species. Select a creature type (Humanoid, Fey, Magical Beast, etc. ). You are familiar with creatures from that creature type, and suffer no penalties due to species difference when engaged in sex with partners from that group. You may take this Sex Trick multiple times, selecting a different creature type each time.


Anal Sex Focus

Prerequisites: 3 Ranks Sexual Prowess, Intuitive Lover

Benefits: When stimulating your partner’s anus, you gain a +1 competence bonus to your Sexual Prowess Checks. You may take this trick multiple times, increasing your bonus by +1 with each instance.


Bondage Focus

Prerequisites: 5 Ranks Sexual Prowess, Intuitive Lover, Dexterous Lover, Toy Focus

Benefits: When restraining your partner with ropes, bondage harnesses, or other types of restraints, you gain a +1 competence bonus to your Sexual Prowess checks. You may take this trick multiple times, increasing your bonus by +1 with each instance. Also, you gain a +2 synergy bonus to Use Rope checks when restraining someone.


Coordinated Lover

Prerequisites: 5 Ranks Sexual Prowess, Dexterous Lover, Intuitive Lover

Benefits: When engaged in sex with multiple partners, you may make an additional Sexual Prowess check for another partner. This sexual trick may be taken multiple times, raising the number of partners you can pleasure by one with each instance.

Creative Lover

Prerequisites: 1 Ranks Sexual Prowess, Int 12+

Benefits: You may use Intelligence as the relevant ability for all Sexual Prowess rolls in any situation where you are actively performing on your partner.


Delay Orgasm

Prerequisites: 5 Ranks Sexual Prowess, Intuitive Lover, Con 12+

Benefits: Whenever you make a Sexual Prowess check, you may take a penalty up to –5 on your roll to add the same number (up to +5) to your sexual save. This number cannot exceed the number of ranks in Sexual Prowess that you have.

Dexterous Lover

Prerequisites: 1 Ranks Sexual Prowess, Dex 12+

Benefits: You may use Dexterity as the relevant ability for all Sexual Prowess rolls in any situation where you have full freedom of movement.


Disease Resistance

Prerequisites: 4 Ranks Sexual Prowess, Con 14+

Benefits: You have a +2 resistance bonus to all Fortitude saves to resist sexually transmitted diseases. You may take this sexual trick up to three times, each instance increasing the bonus by an additional +2.


Easy to Read

Prerequisites: 2 Ranks Sexual Prowess, Cha 12+

Benefits: Your partners receive an additional +1 insight bonus to their Sexual Prowess checks due to your communicative nature.


Enduring Lover

Prerequisites: 2 Ranks Sexual Prowess, Con 12+

Benefits: You have a +2 resistance bonus to your arousal check.


Everywhere at Once

Prerequisites: 12 Ranks Sexual Prowess, Dexterous Lover, Masturbation Focus, Oral Sex Focus, Anal Sex Focus, Position Focus, Toy Focus, Wild Lover, Sexual Combination, Dex 16+

Benefits: Once per day, you may attempt to use all your sexual skills on your partner at once. You may make a Dexterity check with a DC of 14. If successful, you may add a +15 competence bonus to your Sexual Prowess check. If you fail, you incur a –5 penalty to your Sexual Prowess check instead. If you beat the DC by 10 or more, your partner becomes Over-Stimulated.


Forceful Lover

Prerequisites: 5 Ranks Sexual Prowess, Powerful Lover, Str 14+

Benefits: When using Strength as your relevant ability for Sexual Prowess checks, you may add 1. 5 times your Strength modifier to the check.


Greedy Lover

Prerequisites: 4 Ranks Sexual Prowess, Easy to Read

Benefits: Whenever you make a Sexual Prowess check, you may take a penalty up to –5 on your roll to add the same number (up to +5) to your partner’s Sexual Prowess check. This number cannot exceed the number of ranks in Sexual Prowess that you have.


Instant Withdrawal

Prerequisites: 5 Ranks Sexual Prowess, Dexterous Lover, Lightning Reflexes, Dex 14+

Benefits: You gain a +4 bonus to Reflex Saves to use the Withdrawal form of birth control.


Intense Lover

Prerequisites:  8 Ranks Sexual Prowess, Stunning Pleasure

Benefits: Once per sexual encounter, if your partner is Aroused and your Sexual Prowess check result is 20 or greater, you may force your partner to automatically faiil her arousal check, bringing her to Peaked status.

Intuitive Lover

Prerequisites: 1 Ranks Sexual Prowess, Wis 12+

Benefits: You can use Wisdom as the relevant ability for Sexual Prowess.


Inventive Lover

Prerequisites: 5 Ranks Sexual Prowess, Creative Lover, Int 14+

Benefits: When using Intelligence as your relevant ability for Sexual Prowess checks, you may add 1. 5 times your Intelligence modifier to the check.



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