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Complications. Different Species. Foreplay. Multiple Orgasms. Multiple Partners. Preferred Genders. Sexual Fatigue. Taking 10


Different Species

Generally, characters tend to have sex with others of their same species. Very similar species also frequently have sex, such as humans and elves. Generally, as long as two characters are of the same creature type (Humanoid, Giant, Outsider, etc. ), there are no penalties to any Sexual Prowess involved. Characters of different types, however, suffer a –4 penalty to their Sexual Prowess roles due to different anatomies and sexual proclivities.



The rules above cover action when both partners are participating equally. If only one partner is actively participating, she is the only one who can make a Sexual Prowess check that interval. She does not have to make an arousal check that round. During foreplay, Sexual Tricks that affect another partner’s Sexual Prowess checks may not be used.


Multiple Orgasms

Female characters are normally Aroused after having an orgasm. However, if a female character fails her arousal check by 10 or more when orgasming, she is still Peaked, and can still orgasm again with more stimulation.


Multiple Partners

While most sex tends to be a one-on-one affair, this is definitely not always the case. In the case of multiple partners, each person involved selects one other partner to focus on each minute, and can only modify that partner’s arousal check DC with his Sexual Prowess check. It’s perfectly permissible for two or more partners to “gang up” on a third to push him over the brink faster. In that case, add together the arousal check modifiers of all acting partners to determine the character’s final arousal DC.


Preferred Genders

While the basics of sex are the same regardless of what two (or more) genders are involved, sexual partners tend to be more familiar with the gender that they prefer, and are generally uncomfortable and/or unfamiliar with pleasuring someone not of their preferred gender. Whenever a character is having sex with someone not of his preferred gender (the same gender if he is straight, the opposite gender if he his homosexual), he gets a –2 penalty to his Sexual Prowess rolls. Bisexual characters do not suffer this penalty.


Sexual Fatigue

A sexual partner can only perform for so long before fatigue sets in. A character can have sex for a number of minutes equal to his Constitution score. After that has been reached, he must then make a Fortitude save of increasing difficulty to continue. The save begins at DC 10 and increases by 1 every round thereafter. Each previous orgasm that day adds an additional 2 to the save’s DC. If he fails the save, the character must stop and rest for at least 30 minutes before attempting again, during which time he is considered Fatigued.


Taking 10

If all partners agree, each can take 10 on his or her Sexual Prowess roll to enjoy a nice, long, leisurely bout of love-making.


Virginal Partners

Virgins tend to react differently, whether they are giving or receiving. Virgins who are in the active (penetrative – usually male) role have a harder time resisting orgasm. Their arousal DC while Peaked has a +5 modifier. Virgins in the passive (penetrated – usually female) role have a harder time reaching orgasm due to pain. Their arousal DC while Peaked gets a –5 modifier.



How to define the size or capacity of an orifice, wang, or wang-like object

There are three times as many size categories as usual for defining sexual endowment - Lesser, Average, and Greater versions of Fine, Diminuitive, Tiny, Small, Medium, Large, Huge, Gargantuan, and Colossal. By default, any given member or orifice on a creatures body will be the Average version of it's size. Some creatures are better or worse endowed than others and have a numerical modifier - For example, Minotaurs have a +1 modifier, which means their wangs are one size category larger than average for a Large creature - I. E., Greater Large. If they had a +2 modifier, they would be Lesser Huge - +3 would be Average Huge.


That's how it works.

Lesser Fine: . 24 inches

Average Fine: . 3 inches

Greater Fine: . 375 inches

Lesser Diminuitive: . 6 inches

Average Diminuitive: . 75 inches

Greater Diminuitive: . 94 inches

Lesser Tiny: 1. 19 inches

Average Tiny: 1. 5 inches

Greater Tiny: 1. 89 inches

Lesser Small: 2. 38 inches

Average Small: 3 inches

Greater Small: 3. 75 inches

Lesser Medium: 4. 5 inches

Average Medium: 6 inches

Greater Medium: 8 inches

Lesser Large: 10 inches

Average Large: 12 inches

Greater Large: 15 inches

Lesser Huge: 19 inches

Average Huge: 2 feet

Greater Huge: 2. 5 feet

Lesser Gargantuan: 3 feet

Average Gargantuan: 4 feet

Greater Gargantuan: 5 feet

Lesser Colossal: 6. 3 feet

Average Colossal: 8 feet

Greater Colossal: 10 feet

Lesser Titanic: 12. 5 feet

Average Titanic: 16 feet

Greater Titanic: 20 feet


Chapter 2: How to Improve Your Sex-Live


Sexual Prowess (Cha; Armor Check Penalty)

This skill determines your expertise in the arts of physical love. In general, Sexual Prowess covers the entire gamut of intimate physical interaction: erotic massage, masturbation, oral sex, vaginal sex, anal sex, and more. However, the more ranks in Sexual Prowess that you have, the more specializations and tricks you know.

Check: This skill determines how well you can make your partner more aroused during sex by setting his or her DC to resist orgasm. Normally, this is a Charisma check, as it represents personal presence and sexual attractiveness (not always physical attractiveness). However, with the right sex tricks, you can instead use another ability for your skill checks. To determine what your partner’s arousal check DC is, consult table S-1 below.



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