Paternity Suit. Vampire & Seduction. Daily Sexuality in Your Campaign. Overall Prostitutes. Table 1: Number of Prostitutes
Paternity Suit After returning with the spoils of a great adventure, a male character is confronted with a paternity suit from a fair lass who he was promiscuous with only a few months ago.
Vampire & Seduction The party is on some sort of extended vacation, staying in an inn/bar. A frequent visitor is a tall, dark, suave, charming man dressed in formal evening wear, accompanied by a different woman every time. He comes in every 2nd or 3rd night. He always orders bloody marys and doesn't drink them. He is quite wealthy and very pleasant. There is something almost magnetic about him. He has fascinating eyes. (GM should do everything he can to make it believable that he could be a vampire, despite the unusual city setting). Either he charms (seduction) a female party member and takes her away, or a beautiful dancer comes in looking for her missing sister, who was last seen coming to this bar with the tall dark gentleman. She tries to convince a party member to help her look for her sister, being seductive about it. Both are eventually charmed by the Gentleman. In any case, make a party member disappear into this Gentleman's lair. He has a gothic style house in a nice part of town. There is nothing obviously amiss here. If the party asks around, this guy is a pillar of society, a kind, philanthropic fellow, well respected by his peers. He runs a magic shoppe. He is a mid-level wizard with a head for business, who gave up adventuring to start a business. His house looks just like a vampire's house might look (black velvet curtains, etc). He has a private sanctuary inn his basement, the only entrance to which is a rune-encrusted door (trapped or enchanted in any way appropriate to the party). He supposedly has a chapel down there, but really has a large complex, where various vampiric rituals, and all-night parties take place. All of the missing people have been charmed into believing that they have been turned into slave vampires. They will aid their master if at all possible. The party must break in and forcibly take their companion away from this place. Again, make the evidence somewhat contradictory whether the Gentleman is a vampire or not. Most evidence should say yes, but make some things contradict this. The gentleman has a cursed ring of the vampire, a powerful evil artifact which makes him believe he is a vampire and gives him many of the powers of a vampire, as well as some of the drawbacks. Make him dislike things that cause a vampire harm, but don't make it obvious whether they actually work. Make him have a reflection, but have a dead vampire victim show up, etc. At the end, have the party realize that he is not a vampire at all but rather is a cursed fellow with an intrinsically good nature.
Daily Sexuality in Your Campaign
Getting to Know a Prostitute (Random Generator) Overall Prostitutes Before getting to know a specific prostitute, the prostitute pool should be known. The GM may make adjustments as she/she deems necessary. (Information on prostitutes working under management can be found in the " The House Of Ill Repute" section. ) To decide the number of prostitutes in a given settlement examine Table 1. Make adjustments based on alignment of the settlement (Table 2).
NOTE: Most GMs feel that the number of prostitutes should never exceed 10% of the total population unless the settlement's primary function is prostitution. Therefore, adjustments should be made accordingly.
Getting a Feel for the Prostitute Not all prostitutes are alike. Below are the steps necessary to make a very unique and exciting prostitute. 1. Choose an appropriate sex for the prostitute. Randomly, there is an 80% chance of female prostitutes and a 20% chance of male prostitutes. 2. Choose an appropriate race in respects to the environment (i. e. area, population, politics, etc). 3. Generate ability scores as described in your RPG system. The prostitute's highest ability should probably be constitution. 4. Height and weight can be generated randomly using Table 3. Take the appropriate base score and add the die roll modifier. 5. Roll on Table 4 three times to get hair color, eye color, and complexion. 6. Age can be generated randomly using Table 5. Take the appropriate base age and add the die roll modifier. 7. The various measurements of a women can be generated as follows: - Roll on Table 6 to get the Vital Measurement Statistic. - To find bust size, add the Vital Statistic to the proper Bust modifier (Table 7). - To find waist size, add the Vital Statistic to the proper Waist modifier (Table 7). - To find hip size, add the Bust to the proper Hips adjustment (Table 7). If the woman's height is below 5 feet, then modify bust and hips by -2. 8. The major measurement of a man is 1d4+5 inches. 9. With prostitutes can come bad things. Roll on Table 9 to decide if anything bad comes with the prostitute. Then, roll on the appropriate table in the appropriate section of the guide. 10. With prostitutes can come good things as well. Namely, specialties that the buyer may really like. Roll on Table 10 to decide if anything extra comes with the prostitute. With specialties come additional costs. Adjustments to cost are shown on this table as well. (Cost is calculated next. ) 11. The average cost to hire a prostitute is 1000 SP / number of prostitutes available. Thus, the average cost for a prostitute in a town with 10 prostitutes is 100 SP each. Adjustments are made based on inclination. Roll on Table 10 to get inclination with adjustments from Table 11 and the charisma bonus of the client. Add the listed percent of the current cost to the current cost to get the new cost. Inclination is just an attitude that the prostitute has towards the prospective client which affects the price.
Another adjustment is made based on specialty, which was calculated early (Table 9). Add the listed percent of the current cost to the current cost to get the new cost. The last adjustment is made based on the race of the prostitute. Multiple the multiplier from Table 12 to the current cost to get the final cost. NOTE: This adjustment is mainly for human settlements. An all dwarven settlement would have a higher demand for other creatures than dwarves. Thus, prices for humans would probably be more. Additional costs can manifest themselves when patronizing a courtesan. A player might have to spend money on a meal (they have to eat too), alcoholic beverages (no doubt), a room (unless you like doing it in an alley), and medical expenses (you give them a disease, you pay for it). Now, a nice versatile prostitute has been created, but there still is room for improvement. Keep in mind that some prostitutes are thieves (probably high-level) and should have such abilities. Some could even be fighters with weapon specializations in knives and daggers. There could even be cleric prostitutes who worship some evil deity of lust. The thing to remember is that a GM can use a prostitute as a very important NPC. Prostitutes usually have information (dirt) on everybody who passes through their beds; not to mention pillow talk info that shouldn't have been told. A prostitute is more interesting than the fat tavern keeper with old boring stories. Keep this in mind before throwing out such an encounter.
*Females tend to be lighter and shorter than males. Thus, the base numbers for height and weight
*Add the Constitution-Bonus to the Vital Statistic
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