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Controller. Class Skills. Requirements. Class Features


“I own you. Mind, body, and soul. ”


Controllers are psionically gifted individuals that have turned their powers to the task of personal pleasure. They have no qualms about dominating the thoughts and actions of others, twisting their emotions and even their body into a form more pleasing to the controller. For the controller, it is all about power; the consequences of their actions are easily removed.


Psions most often become controllers, as their broad range of psionic powers naturally complement the desire to control the urges of others. Psychic warriors normally do not have the outlook or desire to become controllers, though the occasional psychic warrior will feel the fastest route to victory in battle is to own the will of one’s opponent.


NPC controllers often surround themselves with members of the opposite sex, convinced of their power over others. Sometimes a controller will place himself in a position of authority, using a more conventional application of his powers to gain the respect and following of others.


Hit Dice: d4

Class Skills

The controller’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Autohypnosis (Wis), Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Innuendo (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (psionics), Knowledge (sex-related), Profession (Wis), Psicraft (Int), Remote View (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), and Sexual Prowess (Cha).

Table: The Controller
Class        Base            Fort   Ref Will   Power Level Attack Bonus    Save  Save Save Special                     Points/Day Powers per Day
1st             +0                +0      +0  +2   Mind probe                      +3         +1 level of existing class
2nd            +1                +0      +0  +3   Sense probe                     +5             
3rd            +1                +1      +1  +3   Suggestion                       +5         +1 level of existing class
4th            +2                +1      +1  +4   Emotion                           +5             
5th            +2                +1      +1  +4   Mind Leech                     +7         +1 level of existing class
6th            +3                +2      +2  +5   Sense Leech                    +7         +1 level of existing class
7th            +3                +2      +2  +5   Alter Form                       +7         +1 level of existing class
8th            +4                +2      +2  +6   Lesser control                  +9             
9th            +4                +3      +3  +6   Control                             +9         +1 level of existing class
10th           +5                +3      +3  +7   Greater control                +9             


Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier



To qualify to become a controller, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.


Manifesting: Ability to manifest two different Telepathy powers, one of which must be 2nd level or higher.

Skills: Bluff 4 ranks, Intimidate 4 ranks, Sense Motive 4 ranks, Sexual Prowess 4 ranks (two of which must be for Break Victim and Corrupt Lover).

Feat: Pleasure Touch



Class Features

All the following are class features of the controller prestige class.


Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Controllers gain no additional proficiency in any weapons or armor.


Powers per Day: At 1st, 3rd, 5th, 6th, 7th, and 9th level gained in the controller class, the character gains new powers per day as if he had also gained a level in a power-manifesting class he belonged to before adding the prestige class. He does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained (such as additional psionic attack modes), except for an increased effective level of manifesting. If the character had more than one power-manifesting class before becoming a controller, he must decide to which class he adds the new level for purposes of determining powers per day.


Mind Probe (Su): At 1st level, the controller learns how to read the surface thoughts and memories of others. This is a supernatural, mind-affecting ability that targets a single living creature within 100 feet. The target is allowed a Will save (DC 17) to avoid the effects (a successful Will save does not allow the intended victim to detect the attempt). A mind probe is a standard action and lasts as long as the controller concentrates; concentration does not provoke attacks of opportunity. The ability can penetrate barriers, but 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of wood or dirt blocks it.


Sense Probe (Su): At 2nd level, the controller's ability to probe the mind of living creatures deepens, allowing him to experience the sensations of others. The controller can use this ability to experience a single sensation of the target at a time or to experience an emotion the target is currently experiencing. This is a supernatural, mind-affecting ability that targets a single living creaturw within 100 feet. The target is allowed a Will save (DC 17) to avoid the effects (a successful Will save does not allow the intended victim to detect the attempt). A sense probe is a standard action and lasts as long as the controller concentrates; concentration does not provoke attacks of opportunity. The controller may switch senses or emotions each round without the need for an additional use of sense probe. The ability can penetrate barriers, but 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of wood or dirt blocks it.


Suggestion (Su): At 3rd level, the controller learns how to control and influence the actions of a living creature of size Large or smaller three times per day. This is a supernatural, mind-affecting ability. A controller can suggest a course of action (limited to a sentence or two). A target within 100 feet must succeed at a Will save (DC 17) to resist the effect. The effect lasts until the target has accomplishes what it was asked to do or after 6 hours, whichever occurs first. It is otherwise identical to the suggestion spell.


Emotion (Su): At 4th level, the controller's grasp on the senses and emotions of others tightens. Three times per day, the controller can implant an emotion in the minds of another living creature within 100 feet. This is a supernatural, mind-affecting ability with a compulsion effect, and the target is entitled to a Will save (DC 18) to avoid the effects. The effects remain for a day, though they can be dispelled. This ability otherwise functions identically to the emotion spell.


Mind Leech (Su): At 5th level, the controller learns how to drawn on the memories of another. Once per day the controller can leech the ranks a victim of his mind probe has in a single skill, adding them to his own (if any) as effective skill ranks for 10 minutes per level. A controller can use this ability to gain ranks in a skill he does not have any in, gaining the ability to use that skill trained instead of untrained, or the controller can gain ranks in and the use of a skill he is normally barred from. During the duration of this ability, the target functions as if they had no ranks in the affected skill.


Sense Leech (Su): At 6th level, the controller can draw on the senses of another to sharpen his own. Once per day the controller gains a +5 bonus to his Balance, Listen, and Spot skills by leeching off of the senses of a victim of his sense probe ability. Bonuses to his skills gained in this manner last for 10 minutes per level. During the duration of this ability, the target has a -5 penalty to their Balance, Listen, and Spot skills.


Alter Form (Su): At 7th level, the controller's growing mastery over the mind allows him to use it to reshape the bodies of others. Twice per day the controller can change the physical form of a victim of his mind probe or sense probe abilities. The amount of changes he can make are equivalent to those that can be made with an alter self spell, though each specific change requires a new use of the power. For example, a controller wishing to make a target's eyes blue and increase the size of their chest would need one use of the ability to change the eye color and another to change the chest size. Targets are allowed a Fortitude save (DC 18) to resist the alterations. Alterations made by this ability are permanent and not illusory like those made with alter self.


Lesser Control (Su): At 8th level, the controller begins to combine his mental mastery into a more cohesive unit. This is a supernatural, mind-affecting ability with a compulsion effect that can target any living creature within 100 feet. Targets of lesser control perceive the controller as someone they are strongle attracted to (if of the gender of the controller's sexual preference) or as a good close friend (if of the opposite gender of the controller's sexual preference). Targets are entitled to a Will save (DC 18) to resist the charm. Lesser control lasts until the controller dismisses the effects, though it can be permanently broken by a successful dispel magic against caster level 17, and actions that provide additional saves under the spell charm person do so for lesser control as well. A controller can only have a single creature under the effects of lesser control at a time.


Control (Su): At 9th level, the controller strengthens his grasp over the minds of others. This is a supernatural, mind-affecting ability with a compulsion effect that can target any living creature within 100 feet. Targets of control fall under the sway of the controller, affected as if under the spell dominate person. Targets are entitled to a Will save (DC 18) to resist the domination. A controller can target a creature he already has under the lesser control ability, and though that creature still gets a Will save to resist the deeper control, that save has a -5 penalty. Should they fail their save, the control ability supercedes the lesser control ability. Control lasts until the controller dismisses the effects, though it can be permanently broken by a successful dispel magic against caster level 18. A controller can only have a single creature under the effects of control at a time.


Greater Control (Su): At 10th level, the controller reaches the pinnacle of mastery over the thoughts, feelings, and actions of others. Any creature that he has under his control power (see above) becomes his permanent thrall. A controller can only have one thrall at a time. A protection from evil spell does not interrupt this influence, but it can be permanently broken by a successful dispel magic against caster level 19. Promoting a creature from control to greater control supercedes the control ability. Controllers normally reserve this power for sex slaves that they have become very fond of.




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