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What Is an Urban Cadastre?. Reading & Writing. Reflection (Размышление). Vocabulary Focus

What Is an Urban Cadastre?

An urban cadastre is a physical description of the land and real estate tenure in a city. It contains graphic and textual information. Graphic information includes the description of each individual parcel and building, topographic features such as roads, rivers, contour lines, additional information such as cartographic grids, geodetic bench marks, etc. Textual information includes names of owners or occupants, names of streets or areas of specific interest, main characteristics of each parcel or building such as the area, the fiscal value, the associated urban certificates, etc. Both types of information are linked together and managed in a system known as a cadastral information system.
    Most of the time, the cadastre is integrated with the property registry, the legal registration of land and real estate property. Integration of the cadastre with the registry creates a parcel based registry or a legal cadastre. This guarantees the exact correspondence between physical and legal ownership. In other words, wherever there is a parcel or building, there are the corresponding titles or " legal tenure documents" registered in the property registry, and respectively, wherever there are registered titles, there is a unique parcel corresponding to it. This is technically permitted by a unique identification number that links unilaterally the parcel or the building to the title.
     We can identify two categories of stockholders involved in the maintenance and use of cadastral information: information providers and information users. Information providers include cadastral and registry services as well as private surveyors and notaries. The former are responsible for the systematic production and maintenance of the infor­mation, the latter generally intervene for day to day individual demands, such as private utility and facility companies that produce and need data for their own purposes like water tax collection. Information users include the private individual users, municipalities and local communities, public and private investors, banks, real estate and mortgage brokers, etc.
   The successful urban cadastre depends upon legal frameworks, the social assessment and participation as well as use of new technologies.


Reading & Writing

12. Individual work. Read the text again and fill in the “marginal chart”:

+ - ?
I knew that … I didn’t know that … 1. The information about … contradicts my knowledge because … 2. In the text there is no information that contradicts my knowledge about … 1. The information about … isn’t enough or understandable for me, because … 2. In the text there is no information that … isn’t enough or understandable for me …


Reflection (Размышление)

Vocabulary Focus

13. Match the words from two columns to create a phrase and make sentences to use them in your own text entitled “My concept of the urban cadastre”. Share your ideas with the partner. (See appendix 1):


a physical description of each parcel or building
to contain graphic in a system
to include the description of information system
to include names the land and real estate tenure
the main characteristics of and textual information
to be managed each individual parcel and building
a cadastral of owners, streets or areas of specific interest



to be involved facility company
cadastral for one’s own purposes
private surveyors collection
to be responsible legal frameworks
a private utility and and registry services
to produce and need data выдавать и нуждаться в данных для свих собственных целей
water tax for the systematic production and maintenance of the information
to depend upon in the maintenance and use of cadastral information

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