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15, 20 (250) The Psychological Problem of the Foster Child. Child, May, 1925 5, 20 (251) Notes upon the Acquisition of Knowledge. R. XIII, 1926 5, 15 (252) Die Unterscheidung zwischen Ton und Sprache in der fruehen Kindheit. Paed. II, 1928 4, 15 (253) Difficulties in Child Development. Allen and Unwin, London, 1928 23 (254) Notes upon the Fear of Death. Jo. X, 1929 11 (255) The Psychological Effects of Menstruation. N. M. D. Pub. Co., New York and Washington, 1932 6, 13 (256) Adolescent Girlhood. Allen and Unwin, London, 1932 6 (257) Women's Periodicity. Noel Douglass, London, 1933 17, 21 CHASE, LOUIS S. (258) —and Silverman, S.: Prognostic Criteria in Schizophrenia. A. }. P., 1941 18 (259) —and Silverman, Samuel: Prognosis in Schizophrenia. ѓ. JV. M. D. XCVIII, 1943 18 CHASSELL, IOSEPH В главе (260) Family Constellation in the Etiology of Essential Alcoholism. Ps. I, 1938 16 (261) Psychoanalytic Therapy in a Mental Hospital. Ps. Ill, 1940 23 CHIJS, A. VAN DER (262) Ueber Halluzinationen und Psychoanalyse. Z. V, 1919 18 CHRISTOFFEL, H. (263) Harntriebaeusscrungen, insbesondere Enuresis, Urophilie und Uropolemie. Z. XXI, 1935 12 (264) Exhibitionism and Exhibitionists. Jo. XVII, 1936 16 (265) Bemerkungcn ueber zweierlei Mechanismen der Iden-tifizierung. Im. XXIII, 1937 4, 16 CLARDY, E. R. (266) —and Goldensohn, L. N.: Schizophrenic-like Reactions in Children. Psych. Q. XV, 1941 18 CLARK, L. PIERCE (367) The Nature and Pathogenesis of Epilepsy. N. Y. M. J., 1914 13 (268) Some Observations upon the Aetiology of Mental Torticollis. M. R., February, 1914 13 (269) A Personality Study of the Epileptic Constitution. A. J. M. S. XLVIII, 1914 13 (270) A Further Study upon Mental Torticollis as a Psychone- urosis. M. R., March, 1914 13 (271) Clinical Studies in Epilepsy. P. B. IX, 1916 13 (272) A Further Study of Mental Content in Epilepsy. P. В., October, 1917 13 (273) A Psychological Study of Some Alcoholics. R. VI, 1919 16 (274) Practical Remarks upon the Use of Modified Psychoanalysis in the Borderline Neuroses and Psychoses. R. VI, 1919 18 (275) The Psychological Treatment of Retarded Depressions. A. J. J. XLV, 1919 17 (276) A Clinical Study oj Some Mental Contents in Epileptic Attacks. R. VII, 1920 13 (277) A Study of Unconscious Motivations in Suicides. N. Y. M. J., September, 1922 17 (278) The Fantasy Method of Analyzing Narcissistic Neuroses. R. XIII, 1925 18 (279) The Question of Prognosis in Narcissistic Neuroses and Psychoses. Jo. XIV, 1933 18 (280) What is the Psychology of Organic Epilepsy? R. XX, 1933 13 (281) What is the Psychology of Little's Disease? R. XXI, 1934 13 COHN, FRANZ в главе (282) Analyse eines Falles von Strassenangst. Z. XIV, 1928 11 (283) Practical Approach to the Problem of Narcissistic Neuroses. Q. IX, 1940 18 CONNELL, E. H. (284) The Significance of the Idea of Death in the Neurotic Mind. M. IV, 1924 11, 17 CONRAD, AGNES (285) Analysis of a Case of Chronic Invalidism with Hysterical Mechanism Complicating Organic Disease. R.
XXII, 1935 12 COOK, S. W. (286) A Survey of the Methods Used to Produce Experimental Neuroses. A. J. P. XCV, 1939 2 CORIAT, ISADOR H. (287) Some Statistical Results of the Psychoanalytic Treatment of the Psychoneuroses. R. IV, 1917 23 (288) The Treatment of Dementia Praecox by Psychoanalysis. ]. Ab. P. XII, 1917 18 (289) Suggestion as a Form of Medical Magic, ѓ. Ab. P. XVIII, 1923 23 (290) The Character Traits of Urethral Eroticism. R. XI, 1924 20 (291) The Oral-Erotic Components of Stammering. Jo. VIII, 1927 10, 15 (292) Stammering. N. M. D. Pub. Co., New York and Washington, 1928 10, 15 (293) The Oral Libido in Language Formation, fo. X, 1929 15 (294) A Psychoanalytic Theory of Hallucinations. R. XXI, 1934 18 (295) The Structure of the Ego. Q. IX, 1940 4 (296) A Note on the Medusa Symbolism. A. Im. II, 1941 10, 15 CRANK, HARLAN (297) The Use of Psychoanalytic Principles in Outpatient Psychotherapy. Menn. Bull. IV, 1940 23 CRONIN, HERBERT J. (298) An Analysis of the Neuroses of Identical Twins. R. XX, 20 1933 CROWLEY, RALPH M. (299) Psychoanalytic Literature on Drug Addiction and Alcoholism. R. XXVI, 1939 16 CRUTCHER, ROBERTA (300) Child Psychiatry. Ps. VI, 1943 23 DANIELS, G. E. В главе 301) Turning Points in the Analysis of a Case of Alcoholism. Q. II. 1933 16 302) Neuroses Associated with the Gastrointestinal Tract. A. f. P. XCI, 1934 13 303) Analysis of a Case of Neurosis with Diabetes Mellitus. Q. V, 1936 13 30-4) Present Trends in the Evaluation of Psychic Factors in Diabetes Mellitus. Psychosom. Med. I, 1939 13 305) Treatment of a Case of Ulcerative Colitis Associated with Hysterical Depression. Psychosom. Med. II, 1940 13 306) Psychiatric Aspects of Ulcerative Colitis. New Engl. J. M. CCXXVI, 1942 13 DAVIS, KINGSLEY 307) Mental Hygiene and the Class Structure. Ps. I, 1938 23 307) Intrapsychic Factors in the Choice of a Sexual Object. Q. XII, 1943 16 DERI, FRANCES 308) On Sublimation. Q. VIII, 1939 9 309) On Neurotic Disturbances of Sleep. Jo. XXIII, 1942 Ю DESPERT, J. LOUISE 310) Thinking and Motility Disorder in a Schizophrenic Child. Psycb. Q. XV, 1941 18 DEUTSCH, FELIX 311) Psychoanalyse und Organkrankheiten. Z. VIII, 1922 13 312) —und Kauf, E.: Ueber die Ursachen der Krieslaufstoerun- gen bei den Herzneurosen. Z. ges. exp. M. XXXIV, 1923 13 313) Zur Bildung des Konversionssymptoms. Z. X, 1924 12, 13 314) Der gesunde und der kranke Koerper in psychoana-lytischer Betrachtung. Z. XII, 1926 13 315) Studies in Pathogenesis: Biological and Psychological Aspects. Q. II. 1933 13 316) The Choice of Organ in Organ Neurosis. Jo. X, 1939 13 317) The Production of Somatic Disease by Emotional Disturbance. Williams and Wilkyns, Baltimore, 1939 13 318) Review of French-Alexander: Psychogenic Factors in Bronchial Asthma. Q. XII, 1943 13 DEUTSCH, HELENE 319) Zur Psychologie des Misstrauens. Im. VII, 1920 18 320) Ueber die pathologische Luege (Pseudologia phantas- tica). Z. VIII, 1922 20 321) Zur Psychogenese eines Tic-Falles. Z. XI, 1925 15 322) Zur Psychologie der weiblichen Sexualfunktionen. Int. Ю, Ps-a. V., Wien, 1925 13(17 (323) A Contribution to the Psychology of Sport. Jo. VII, В главе 1926 20 (324) Ueber Zufriedenheit, Glueck und Ekstase. Z. XIII, 1927 18
(325) The Genesis of Agoraphobia. Jo. X, 1929 11, 17 (326) The Significance of Masochism in the Mental Life of Women. Jo. XI, 1930 16 (327) Psychoanalysis of the Neuroses. Hogarth Press and 11, 17, Inst. ofPs-a., London, 1933 20, 21 (328) On Female Homosexuality. Q. I, 1932 16 (329) Homosexuality in Women. Jo. XIV, 1933 16 (330) Zur Psychologie der manisch-depressiven Zustaende, insbesondere der chronischen Hypomanie. Z. XIX, 1933 17 (331) Ueber einen Typus der Pseudo-Affektivitaet («als ob »). Z. XX, 1934 18, 20 (332) Absence of Grief. Q. VI, 1937 9, 17 (333) Some Forms of Emotional Disturbance and Their Relationship to Schizophrenia. Q. XI, 1942 18, 20 DEXTER, LEWIS A. (334) A Note on the Unification of Sociology and Physiology. Pi. VI. 1943 13, 23 DOLLARDJOHN (335) —and others: Frustration and Aggression. Yale Univ. Press, New Haven, 1939 5 DOOLEY, LUCILLE (336) A Psychoanalytic Study of Manic-Depressive Psychoses. R. VIII, 1921 17 (337) The Relation ofHumor to Masochism. Л. XXVIII, 1941 16 (338) The Concept of Time in Defense of Ego Integrity. Ps. IV, 1941 11, 14 DREYFUSS, DANIEL K. (339) Ueber die Bedeutung des psychischen Traumas in der Epilepsie. Z. XXII, 1936 13 (340) Zur Theorie der traumatischen Neurose. Z. XXVI, 1941 7 DRUECK, CHARLES J. (341) Essential Pruritus Perinei. J. N. M. D. XCVII, 1943 13 DUNBAR, FLANDERS (342) Emotions and Bodily Changes. Columbia Univ. Press, New York, 1938 13 (343) Psychosomatic Diagnosis. Hoeber, New York, 1944 13 DUNN, WILLIAM H. (344) Emotional Factors in Neurocirculatory Asthenia. Psy-chosom. Med. IV, 1942 13 EDDISON, H. W. B гла6е (345) The Love Object in Mania. Jo. XV, 1934 1 7 EDER, M. D. (346) Das Stottern, eine Psychoneurose, und seine Behand- lung durch Psychoanalyse. Z. I, 1913 15 (347) War Shock: The Psychoneuroses in War. Heinemann, London, 1917 7 (348) On the Economics and the Future of the Superego, Jo. X, 1929 6 EIDELBERG, LUDWIG (349) Zur Metapsychologie des Masochismus. Z. XIX, 1933 16 (350) Zur Theorie und Klinik der Perversion. Z. XIX, 1933 16 (351) Beitraege zum Studium des Masochismus. Z. XX, 1934 16 (352) Zur Genese der Platzangst und des Schreibkrampfes. Z. XXII, 1936 10 (353) Pseudo-Identification. Jo. XIX, 1938 20 EISENBUD, JULE (354) Effect of Repression on the Somatic Expression of Emotion. Psychosom. Med. I, 1939 9 EISENDORFER, ARNOLD (355) The Clinical Significance of the Single-Parent Relationship in Women. Q. XII, 1943 5, 20 EISLER, MICHAEL JOSEPH (356) Ein Fall von krankhafter Schamsueht. Z. V, 1919 10, 11 (357) Ueber autocrotische Mitbewegungen bei der Onanie. 12, Z. VI, 1920 14, 15 (358) Pleasure in Sleep and Disturbed Capacity for Sleep, Jo. Ill, 1922 10, 20 (359) Uterine Phenomena in Hysteria. Jo. IV, 1923 10, 13 EISSLER, KURT (360) On Certain Problems of Female Sexual Development. Q. VIII, 1939 5 (361) Some Psychiatric Aspects of Anorexia Nervosa. /?. XXX, 1943 10, 13 (362) Schizophrenia: Structural Analysis and Metrazol Treatment. Ps. VI, 1943 18, 23 (363) Limitations to the Psychotherapy of Schizophrenics. Ps. VI, 1943 18 EITINGON, MAX (364) Ueber das Unbewusste bei Jung und seine Wendung ins Ethische. Z. II, 1914 5 EKMAN, TORE В главе (365) Phaenomenologisches und Psychoanalytisches zum Problem des Mitleids. Z. XXVI, 1941 20 ELIASBERG, W. (366) Remarks on the Psychopathology of Pornography, ѓ. Crim. Psych. Ill, 1942 16 ELMORE, ELLIANE (367) Mrs. Miller: A Study of Psychic Blindness. R. XXIII, 1936 12 EMERSON, L. E. (368) The Psychoanalytic Treatment of Hystero-Epilepsy. /. Ab. P. X, 1915 13 (369) Some Psychoanalytic Studies of Character, ѓ. Ab. P. XI, 1916 20 ENGLISH, O. SPURGEON (370) —and Pearson, Gerald H. J.: Common Neuroses of Children and Adults. Norton, New York, 1937 2 3 ERICKSON, MILTON H. (371) A Study of an Experimental Neurosis Hypnotically Induced in a Case of Ejaculatio Praecox. W. XV, 1935 23
(372) Development of Apparent Unconsciousness during Hypnotic Re-Living of a Traumatic Experience. Arch. N. Ps. XXXVIII, 1937 23 (373) —and Kubie, Lawrence: The Use of Automatic Drawing in the Interpretation and Relief of a State of Acute Obsessional Depression. Q. VII, 1938 2 3 (374) —and Kubie, L.: The Permanent Relief of an Obsessional Phobia by Means of Communications with an Unsuspected Dual Personality. Q. VIII, 1939 23 (375) The Applications of Hypnosis to Psychiatry. M. R. XC, 1939 23 (376) —and Kubie, L.: The Translation of the Cryptic Automatic Writing of One Hypnotic Subject by Another in a Trance-like Dissociated State. Q. IX, 1940. 23 (377) —and Kubie, L.: The Successful Treatment of a Case of Acute Hysterical Depression by a Return under Hypnosis to a Critical Phase of Childhood. Q. X, 1941 23 (378) Hypnosis: A General Review. Dis. Nerv. S. II, 1941 23 ERICKSON-HOMBURGER, ERIK (379) Configuration in Play. Q. VI, 1937 4 (380) Observations on the Yurok: Childhood and World Image. Univ. of Calif. Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1943 11 EVANS, E. В главе (381) —and Jelliffe, S. E.: Psoriasis as a Hysterical Conversion Symbolization. N. Y. M. ѓ. CIV, 1916 13 FARROW, A. PICKWORTH (382) A Method of Self-Analysis. M. V, 1925 23 (383) A Practical Method of Self-Analysis. Allen and Un- win, London, 1942 23 FAULKNER, WILLIAM B. (384) Esophagal Spasm, J. N. M. D. XCIII, 1941 10 FEDERN, PAUL (385) Beitraege zur Analyse des Sadismus und Masochismus. Z. I, 1913, and Z. II, 1914 16 (Ш) Die Geschichte einer Melancholic. Z. IX, 1923 17 (387) Some Variations in Ego-Feeling. Jo. VII, 1926 12, 18 (388) —and Meng, Heinrich: Das psychoanalytische Volks- buch. Hippocrates Verlag, Stuttgart, 1926 G (389) Narcissism in the Structure of the Ego. Jo. IX, 1928 18 (390) An Everyday Compulsion. Jo. X, 1929 9, 14 (391) Das Ich als Subjekt und Objekt im Narzissmus. Z. XV, 1929 18 (392) The Neurasthenic Core in Hysteria. M. R. R., 1930 10, 11 (393) Psychoanalytische Auffassung der intellektuellen Hem- mung. Paed. IV, 1930 10, 23 (394) The Analysis of Psychotics. Jo. XV, 1934 18 (395) Zur Unterscheidung des gesunden und krankhaften Narzissmus. Im. XXII 18 (396) The Determination of Hysteria versus Obsessional Neurosis. R. XXVII, 1940 14 (397) Psychoanalysis of Psychoses, I-III. Psycfe. O.. XVII, 1943 18 FEIGENBAUM, DORIAN (398) A Case of Hysterical Depression. R. XIII, 1926 12, 17 (399) Analysis of a Case of Paranoia Persecutoria, Structure and Cure. R. XVII, 1930 18 (400) Note on the Theory of Libidinal Types. Q. I, 1932 20 (401) On Projection. Q. V, 1936 9, 18 (402) Depersonalization as a Defense Mechanism. Q. VI, 1937 9, 18 FELDMANN, SANDOR (403) Ueber Krankheitsanlaesse bei Psychosen. Z. VII, 1921 18 (404) Puerperal Neuroses. Jo. IV, 1922 18 (405) On Blushing. Q. XV, 1941 10, 11, 20 (406) On the Fear of Being Buried Alive. Psych. Q. XVI, 1942 11 FENICHEL, OTTO (407) Introjektion und Kastrationskomplex. Z. XI, 1925 12 (408) Die Identifizierung. Z. XII, 1926 4, 6, 12, 13, 17 (409) Zur oekonomischen Funktion der Deckerinnerungen. Z. XIII, 1927 9, 16, 20 (410) Ueber organlibidinoese Begleiterscheinungen der 5, 9, 10, Triebabwehr. Z. XIV, 1928 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 18 (411) Zur Isolierung. Z. XIV, 1928 9, 14 (412) The Clinical Aspect of the Need for Punishment. Jo. IX, 1928 16, 20 (413) The Inner Injunction to Make a Mental Note. Jo. X, 1929 9, 20 (414) The Dread of Being Eaten. Jo. X, 1929 5, 11 (415) Eine Traumanalyse. Z. XV, 1929 16 (416) The Psychology of Transvestitism. Jo. XI, 1930 16
(417) Die therapeutischen Resultate. In: 10 Jahre Berliner Psychoanalytisches Institut, Int. Ps-a. V., Wien, 1930 23 (418) Specific Forms of the Oedipus Complex. Jo. XII, 1931 5, 12, 20 (419) The Pregenital Antecedents of the Oedipus Complex. Jo. XII; 1931 5 (420) Ueber respiratorische Introjektion. Z. XVII, 1931 4, 5, 13, 15, 16 (421) Weiteres zur praeoedipalen Phase der Maedchen. Z. 5, 10, XX, 1934 13, 20 (422) Zur Psychologie der Langeweile. Im. XX, 1934 2, 10, 23 (423) Ueber Angstabwehr, insbesondere durch Libidini- 4, 5, sierung. Z. XX, 1934 16, 20 (424) Outline of Clinical Psychoanalysis. Norton, New York, 1934 G (425) Zur Kritik des Todestriebes. Im. XXI, 1935 4, 5 (426) Beitrag zur Psychologie der Eifersucht. Im. XXI, 1935 18, 20 (427) Ueber Erziehungsmittel. Paed. IX, 1935 4, 23 (428) Die symbolische Gleichung Maedchen-Phallus. Z. XXII, 1936 16, 20 (429) Fruehe Entwicklungsstadien des Ichs. Im. XXIII, 1937 4, 15, 20 (430) The Scoptophilic Instinct and Identification. Jo. 4, 5, 8, 10, XVIII, 1937 11, 12, 13, 20 (431) Der Begriff «Trauma» in der heutigen psychoana- 4, 7, 8, lytischen Neurosenlehre. Z. XXIII, 1937 11, 21, 22 (432) On the Theory of the Therapeutic Results of Psychoanalysis. Jo. XVIII, 1937 23 (433) Ego Disturbances and Their Treatment. Jo. XIX, 1938 6, 8, 20, 23 (434) The Drive to Amass Wealth. Q. VII, 1938 20, 23 (435) The Counter-Phobic Attitude. Jo. XX, 1939 4, 9, 10, 11, 14, 20 (436) Ueber Trophae und Triumph. Z. XXIV, 1939 4, 12, 16, 17, 20 (437) Zur Oekonomik der Pseudologia Phantastica. Z. XXIV, 9, 14, 1939 16, 20 (438) Problems of Psychoanalytic Technique. Ps-a. Q. Inc., 3, 8, 9, Albany, N. Y., 1939 16, 20, 23 (439) Psychoanalysis of Anti-Semitism. A. Im. I, 1940 20 (440) The Ego and the Affects. R. XXVIII, 1941 2, 4, 8, 19 (441) On Neurotic Disturbances of Sleep, Jo. XXIII, 1942 10 (442) The Misapprehended Oracle. A. Im. Ill, 1942 9, 14, 20 (442) Notes on a Case of Characteranalysis. Bull. Fores! San. I, 1943 20 (443) The Psychopathology of Coughing. Psychosom. Med. V, 1943 13 (444) Remarks on the Common Phobias. Q. XIII, 1944 5, 11, 14 (445) Neurotic Acting Out. R. XXXII, 1945 16, 20, 21, 23 (446) On Stage Acting. (To be published in A. Im. ) 11, 15, 20 FERENCZI, SANDOR (447) Actual and Psychoneuroses in the Light of Freud's Investigations and Psychoanalysis. F. C. 10 (448) Analytical Interpretations and Treatment of Psycho-sexual Impotence in Men. Con. 10 (449) Introjection and Transference. Con. 9, 20, 23 (450) Alkohol und Neurosen. Y. Ill, 1911 16 (451) Obscene Words. Con. 4, 14, 15, 16 (452) On the Part Played by Homosexuality in the Pathogenesis of Paranoia. Con. 18 (453) Suggestion and Psychoanalysis. F. C. 23 (454) Zur Begriffsbestimmung der Introjektion. C. II, 1912 9, 20 (455) On Onanism. Con. 5 (456) The Psychoanalysis of Suggestion and Hypnosis. Transactions of the Psycho-Medical Society, vol. Ill, London, 1912 23 (457) Stages in the Development of the Sense of Reality. Con. 4, 14, 15, 18 (458) The Grandfather Complex. F. C. 5 (459) A Little Chanticleer. Con. 20 (460) The Ontogenesis of Symbols. Con. 4 (461) Belief, Disbelief and Conviction. F. C. 5, 10, 20 (462) Zaehmung eines wilden Pferdes. С III, 1913 23 (463) Flatus as an Adult Prerogative. F. С 5, 15 (464) Some Clinical Observations on Paranoia and Paraphrenia. Con. 18 (465) On the Nosology of Male Homosexuality. Con. 16 (466) The Origin of the Interest in Money. Con. 14 (467) Rubbing the Eyes as a Substitute for Onanism. F. C. 14, 15 (468) Obsessional Neurosis and Piety. F. C. 14 (469) Falling Asleep during the Analysis. F. C. 10 (470) On Embarrassed Hands. F. C. 8 (471) Psychogenic Anomalies of Voice Production. F. C. 12 (472) On Supposed Mistakes. F. C. 20 (473) Talkativeness. F. С 15, 20 (474) On Two Types of War Neuroses. F. C. 7 (475) Composite Formations of Erotic and Character Traits. В главе F. C. 16 (476) Variations of the Shoe as Vagina Symbol. F. C. 16 (477) Pollution without Dream Orgasm and Dream Orgasm without Pollution. F. С 10 (478) Disease—or Pathoneuroses. F. C. 13, 19 (479) The Compulsion to Symmetrical Touching. F. C. 14 (480) Pecunia Olet, F. C. 14 (481) Technical Difficulties in an Analysis of Hysteria. F. C. 12 (482) Thinking and Muscle Innervation. F. C. 4, 12 (483) Nakedness as a Means of Inspiring Terror. F. C. 5, 15, 16 (484) Sunday Neuroses. F. C. 11, 20 (485) Disgust for Breakfast. F. C. 14 (486) The Phenomena of Hysterical Materialization. F. C. 12 (487) An Attempted Explanation of Some Hysterical Stigmata. F. С 12 (488) The Psychoanalysis of a Case of Hysterical Hypochondria. F. C. 13
(490) Psychoanalysis and Criminology. F. C. 20 (491) Further Development of Active Technique. F. C. 16 (492) Psychoanalytical Observations on Tic. F. C. 15, 18 (493) Discussion on Tic. Jo. II, 1921 15 (494) —and Hollos, Istvan: Psychoanalysis and the Psychic Disorder of General Paresis. JV. M. D. Pub. Co., New York, 1925 13 (495) The Psyche as an Inhibiting Organ. F. C. 2 (496) Social Considerations in Some Analyses. F. C. 5, 23 (497) Thalassa. Ps-a. Q. Inc., New York, 1938 4, 5 (498) The Sons of the Tailor. F. C. 20 (499) Materialization in Globus Hystericus. F. C. 12 (500) The Symbolism of the Medusa's Head. F. C. 10, 15 (501) Stage-Fright and Narcissistic Self-Observation. F. C. 11, 15, 16 (502) An «Anal Hollow Penis» in Woman. F. С 5 (503) Washing Compulsion and Masturbation. F. C. 14 (504) —and Rank, Otto: The Development of Psychoanalysis. N. M. D. Pub. Co., New York and Washington, 1925 23 (505) Psychoanalysis of Sexual Habits. F. С 5, 6, 12, 13 (506) Contraindications to the Active Psychoanalytical Technique. F. C. 16 (507) The Problem of the Acceptance of Unpleasant Ideas. F. C. 4, 9, 19 (508) Gulliver Phantasies. ]o. IX, 1928 20 (509) Aus der Kindheit eines Proletariermaedchens. Paed. Ill, 1929 17 (510) The Principle of Relaxation and Neocatharsis. Jo. XI, 1930 23 (511) Child Analysis in the Analysis of Adults. Jo. XII, 1931 23 (512) Sprachverwirrung zwischen dem Erwachsenen und dem Kind. Z. XIX, 1933 23 (513) Gedanken ueber das Trauma. Z. XX, 1934 21 FESSLER, LADISLAUS в главе (514) Psychogene Potenzstoerungen nach urologischen Ope-rationen. Z. XVII, 1931 7 FINESINGER, JACOB E. (515) Effect of Pleasant and Unpleasant Ideas on Respiration in Psychoneurotic Patients. Arch. N. Ps. XLII, 1939 13 FISCHER, EDMUND (516) Geschlecht und Uebertragung. Paed. Ill, 1929 23 FLETCHER, JOHN M. (517) Homeostasis as an Explanatory Principle in Psychology. Psychol. Rev. XLIX, 1942 2 FLIESS, ROBERT (518) The Metapsychology of the Analyst. Q. XI, 1942 20 FLUEGEL, J. С (519) A Case of Affective Inhibition of an Intellectual Process. Jo. IV, 1923 10 (520) A Note on the Phallic Significance of the Tongue and of Speech. Jo. VI, 1925 14, 15 (521) The Psychology of Clothes. Hogarth Press, London, 1930 4, 18 (522) Stage Fright and Anal Erotism. M. XVII, 1938 11, 14, 20 (523) The Examination as Initiation Rite and Anxiety Situation. Jo. XX, 1939 11, 16 FOXE, ARTHUR N. (524) Omnipotence as a Defense. R. XXV, 1938 20 FRANKS, VIKTOR EMIL (525) Zur mimischen Bejahung und Verneinung. Z. X, 1924 15 FRENCH, THOMAS M. (526) Psychogenic Material Related to the Function of the 5, Semi-Circular Canals. Jo. X, 1929 11, 15 (527) A Clinical Study of Learning in the Course of a Psychoanalytic Treatment. Q. V, 1936 4, 20 (528) Reality and the Unconscious. Q. VI, 1937 20 (529) Reality-Testing in Dreams. Q. VI, 1937 20 (530) Defense and Synthesis in the Function of the Ego. Q. VII, 1938 4 (531) Psychogenic Factors in Asthma. A. J. P. XCVI, 1939 13, 15 (532) Physiology of Behavior and Choice of Neurosis. Q. X, 1941 13 (533) —and Kasanin, J.: A Psychodynamic Study of the Recovery of Two Schizophrenic Cases. Q. X, 1941 18 534) Goal, Mechanism and Integrative Field. Psycbosom. В главе Med. Ill, 1941 20 535) —and Alexander, Franz: Psychogenic Factors in Bronchial Asthma. Psychosom. Med. Monogr. II, 1 and 2, and IV, 1941 13, 15 536) Some Psychoanalytic Applications of the Psychological Field Concept. Q. XI, 1942 20 FREUD, ANNA 537) The Relations of Beating Fantasies to a Daydream. Jo. IV, 1923 12 538) Zur Theorie der Kinderanalyse. Z. XIV, 1928 23 539) Introduction to the Technique of Child Analysis. N. M. D. Put. Co., New York, 1928 23 540) Introduction to Psychoanalysis for Teachers and Parents. Emerson Books, New York, 1935 G 541) The Ego and the Mechanisms of Defense. HogarthPress, 4, 6, 8, London, 1937 9, 11, 15, 16, 20, 23 FREUD, SIGMUND '542) The Defense Neuropsychoses. S. P. H. 5, 12 [543) Case Histories. From «Studien ueber Hysterie», 3, S. P. H. 12, 23 [544) The Psychotherapy of Hysteria. S. P. H. 3, 12 [545) On the Right to Separate from Neurasthenia a Definite Symptom Complex as «Anxiety Neurosis. » S. P. H. 9, and C. P. I 10, 13 [546) Obsessions and Phobias: Their Psychical Mechanisms and their Aetiology. С P. I 19 [547) A Reply to Criticism on the Anxiety Neurosis. C. P. I 9, 10 [548) Further Observations on the Defense-Neuropsychoses. C. P. I 5, 12 [549) Heredity and the Aetiology of the Neuroses. C. P. I 14, 16 [550) The Aetiology of Hysteria. C. P. I 3, 12 [551) Sexuality in the Aetiology of the Neuroses. C. P. I 9, 10 [552) The Interpretation of Dreams. Macmillan, New York, 2, 4, 5, 6, 1913 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 18, 20, 23 [553) On tne Psychopathology of Everyday Life. Macmil- 2, 3, 9, 10, Ian, New York, 1914 11, 15, 16, 20 [554) On Psychotherapy. С. Р. I. 20, 23 [555) Three Contributions to the Theory of Sex. N. M. D. 2, 5, 6, 8, Pub. Co., New York and Washington, 1910 9, 10, 13, 14, 16, 18, 20, 23 [556) Wit and Its Relation to the Unconscious. Moffat, Yard, 9, New York, 1916 17, 20 [557) Fragment of an Analysis of a Case of Hysteria. C. P. Ill 11, 12, 13 26* (558) My Views on the Part Played by Sexuality in the Aetio- В главе logy of the Neuroses. C. P. I 9, 10 (559) Delusion and Dream in Jensen's «Gradiva. » Moffat, Yard, New York, 1917 6, 22 (560) Obsessive Acts and Religious Practices. C. P. II 14, 19 (561) Civilized Sexual Morality and Modern Nervousness. 5, 10, С. Р. П 20, 23 (562) Hysterical Fancies and Their Relation to Bisexuality. С P. U 12 (563) Character and Anal Erotism. С. Р. II 14, 20 (564) The Relation of the Poet to Daydreaming. С. P. IV 12, 20 (565) General Remarks on Hysterical Attacks. С. Р. II 12 (566) Analysis of a Phobia in a Five-year-old Boy. 5, 9, 11, C. P. Ill 16, 19, 23 (567) Notes upon a Case of Obsessional Neurosis. C. P. 9, 10, 14, III 18, 19, 23 (568) Leonardo da Vinci: A Psychosexual Study of an Infantile Reminiscence. Moffat, Yard, New York, 1916 6 (569) The Future Chances of Psychoanalytic Therapy. C. P. II 23
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