Глава XXII 5 страница
nalysis, Richard C. Badger, Boston, 1916 Cornell Univ. Med. Bull. Cornell University Medical Bulletin C. P. Freud, Sigmund: Collected Papers, Institute of Psychoanalysis and Hogarth Press, London, 1924 D. A. Z. Deutsche AerzteZeitung Dis. Nerv. S. Diseases of the Nervous System D. Z. Horn. Deutsche Zeitschrift fuer Homoeopathie E. inn. M. K. Ergebnisse der inneren Medizin und Kinder- heilkunde Ess. Jones, Ernest: Essays in Applied Psychoa- nalysis, International Psychoanalytic Press, London, 1923 F. C. Ferenczi, Sandor: Further Contributions to the Theory and Technique of Psychoanalysis, Institute of Psychoanalysis and Hogarth Press, London, 1926 Fortschr. Med. Fortschritte der Medizin G. Concerning the psychoanalytic theory of neurosis in general III. Psych. ]. Illinois Psychiatric Journal Im. Imago Inst, for Ps-a. Institute for Psychoanalysis (Chicago) Inst, of Ps-a. Institute of Psychoanalysis (London) Int. Ps-a. Congr. International Psychoanalytic Congress Int. Ps-a. P. International Psychoanalytic Press Int. Ps-a. V. Internationaler Psychoanalytischer Verlag J. Ab. P. Journal of Abnormal Psychology J. A. M. A. Journal of the American Medical Association Jb. Ps. N. Jahrbuch fuer Psychiatrie und Neurologie J. Crim. Psych. Journal of Criminal Psychopathology J. Med. Journal of Medicine J. M. S. Journal of Mental Science J. N. M. D. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease J. N. Ps. Journal of Neurology and Psychiatry J. N. Psychop. Journal of Neurology and Psychopathology Jo. International Journal of Psychoanalysis J. Soc. Psych. Journal of Social Psychology Kl. B. Abraham, Karl: Klinische Beitraege zurPsy- choanalyse, Internationaler Psychoanalytischer Verlag, Wien, 1921 Kl. R. Klinische Rundschau M. British Journal of Medical Psychology Menn. Bull. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic M. ges. Sprach. Monatsschrift fuer die gesamte Sprach- heilkunde M. H. Mental Hygiene M. N. P. Monatsschrift fuer Neurologiy und Psychiatrie M. R. Medical Record M. R. R. Medical Review of Reviews Neue Erz. Neue Erziehung Neur. Z. NeurologischesZentralblatt New Engl. J. M. New England Journal of Medicine N. M. D. Pub. Co. Nervous and Mental Disease Publishing Com- pany N. Y. M. J. New York Medical Journal N. Y. S. Hosp. B. New York State Hospital Bulletin JV. Y. S. f. M. New York State Journal of Medicine P. Jones, Ernest: Papers on Psychoanalysis, 1st ed., Wood and Co, New York, 1913 Paed. Zeitschrift fuer Psychoanalytische Paedagogik P. B- Psychiatric Bulletin Proc. R. S. M. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine Ps. Psychiatry Ps-A. Psychoanalysis Ps-a. Psychoanalitic Ps-a. Bwgg. Psychoanalytische Bewegung Ps-a. Q. Inc. The Psychoanalytic Quarterly Incorporated Ps-a. V. Psychoanalytische Vereinigung Psychol. Rec. Psychological Record Psychol. Rev. Psychological Review Psychosom. Med. Psychosomatic Medicine Psychosom. Med. Monogr. Psychosomatic Medicine Monographs Psych. Q. Psychiatric Quarterly Q. Psychoanalytic Quarterly
R. Psychoanalytic Review Schw. A. N. P. Schweizer Archiv fuer Neurologic und Psy- chiatrie Schw. M. W. Schweizer Medizinische Wochenschrift S. P. Abraham, Karl: Selected Papers, Institute of Psychoanalysis and Hogarth Press, London, 1927 S. P. H. Freud, Sigmund: «Selected Papers on Hyste- ria, » N. M. D. M. S. No. 4, New York and Washington Tr. A. N. A. Transactions of the American Neurological Association W. m. W. Wiener medizinische Wochenschrift W. ps-a. V. Wiener psychoanalytische Vereinigung Y. Jahrbuch fuer psychoanalytische Forschungcn Z. Internationale Zeitschrift fuer Psychoanalyse Z. ges. exp. M. Zeitschrift fuer die gesamte cxperimentelle Medizin Z. ges. N. P. Zeitschrift fuer die gesamte Neurologie und Psychiatrie Z. G. G. Zeitschrift fuer Geburtshilfe und Gynaekologie Z. ind. Abst. Zeitschrift fuer induktive Abstammungs und Vererbungslehre Z. Psychoth. Zentralblatt fuer Psychotherapie Z. Soz. Zeitschrift fuer Sozialforschung Z. S. W. Zeitschrift fuer Sexualwissenschaften ABRAHAM, KARL В главе (1) The Psychosexual Differences between Hysteria and Praecox. S. P. 18 (2) The Psychological Relations between Sexuality and Alcoholism. S. P. 16 (3) Hysterical Dream States. S. P. 12, 13 (4) Remarks on the Psychoanalysis of a Case of Foot and Corset Fetishism. S. P. 16 (5) Notes on the Psychoanalytical Investigation and Treatment of Manic-Depressive Insanity and Allied Conditions. S. P 17 (6) Zur Psychogenese der Strassenangst im Kindesalter. In: Kl. B. 11 (7) Mental Aftereffects Produced in a Nine-year-old Child by the Observation of Sexual Intercourse between Its Parents. S. P. 5, 11 (8) Restrictions and Transformations of Scoptophilia in Psychoneuroses; with Remarks on Analogous Phenomena in Folk Psychology. S. P. 5, 10 (9) A Constitutional Basis of Locomotor Anxiety. S. P. 11 (10) Ueber Neurotische Exogamie. Kl. B. 16, 20 (11) The Ear and Auditory Passage as Erotogenetic Zone. S. P. 5, 6, 18 (12) Zum Verstaendnis suggestiver Arzneiwirkungen bei neurotischen Zustaenden. Z. II, 1914 2 3 (13) The First Pregenital Stage of the Libido. S. P. 5, 16, 17 (14) Ejaculatio Praecox. S. P. 5, 10 (15) The Spending of Money in Anxiety States. S. P. 14 (16) —Freud, Sigmund, Ferenczi, Sandor, and Simmel, Ernst: Psychoanalysis and the War Neuroses. Int. Ps-a. P., London, 1931 7 (17) A Particular Form of Neurotic Resistance against the Psychoanalytic Method. S. P. 14 (18) The Applicability of Psychoanalytic Treatment to Patients at Advanced Age. S. P. 17, 23 (19) The Narcissistic Evaluation of Excretory Processes in Dream and Neuroses. S. P. 5, 14, 18 (20) Manifestations of the Female Castration Complex. S. P. 5, 10, 12, 13, 16, 20 (21) Contributions to the Theory of the Anal Character. S. P. 5, 14, 20 (22) Discussion of Tic. S. P. 15 (23) The Spider as Dream Symbol. S. P. 4, 11 (24) The Influence of Oral Erotism on Character Formation. S. P. 10, 20 (25) Character Formation on the Genital Level of Libido Development. S. P. 20 (26) A Short Study of the Development of the Libido. S. P. 5, 9, 2, 16, 17, 18, 20, 22 (27) Psychoanalyse und Gynaekologie. Z. G. G. LXXX-IX, B главе 1925 10, 13 (28) Psychoanalytical Notes on Coue's Method of Self-Mastery. /o. MI, 1926 2 3 (29) The History of an Impostor in the Light of Psychoanalytic Knowledge. Q. VII, 1935 16, 22
ACHELIS, WERNER (30) Das Plattenlaufen. Paed. Ill, 1929 9, 14 AICHHORN, AUGUST (31) Wayward Youth. Putnam, London, 1936 16, 20, 23 (32) Zum Verwahrlostenproblem. Paed. I, 1926 23 (33) Psychoanalytisches Verstaendnis und Erziehung Dis-sozialer. In Federn-Meng: Ps-a. Volksbuch, 1926 23 (34) Erziehungsberatung. Paed. VI, 1932 23 (35) Zur Technik der Erziehungsberatung. Paed. X, 1936 23 ALEXANDER, FRANZ (36) The Castration Complex in the Formation of Charac- 5, ter. Jo. VI, 1923 14, 20 (37) Psychoanalysis of the Total Personality. JV. M. D. Pub. 6, 12, Co., New York and Washington, 1930 14, 19, 20 (38) The Neurotic Character. Jo. XI, 1930 16, 20 (39) Concerning the Genesis of the Castration Complex. R. XXII, 1935 5 (40) —and-Staub, Hugo: The Criminal, the Judgece, and the Public. Allen and Unwin, London, 1931 14, 20 (41) The Medical Value of Psychoanalysis. Norton, New York, 1932 10, 13 (42) The Relation of Structural and Instinctual Conflicts. Q. II, 1933 8, 20 (43) The Influence of Psychological Factors upon Gastrointestinal Disturbances. Q. Ill, 1934 13, 20 (44) The Logic of Emotions and Its Dynamic Background. 2, 13, Jo. X, 1935 19, 20, 23 (45) —and Wilson, George: Quantitative Dream Studies. Q. IV, 1935 13, 20 (46) The Problem of Psychoanalytic Technique. Q. IV, 1935 2 3 (47) —and Healy, William: Roots of Crime. Knopf, New York, 1935 16, 20 (48) Addenda to: «The Medical Value of Psychoanalysis» Q. V. 1936 13 (49) —and Menninger, William: The Relation of Persecutory Delusions to the Functioning of the Gastrointestinal Tract, ѓ. JV. M. D. LXXXIV, 1936 18 (50) —and Saul, Leon N.: The Human Spirogram. A. J. Ph. XLIX, 1937 13 (51) Emotional Factors in Essential Hypertension. Psycbo- som. Med. I. 1939 13 (52) Psychoanalytic Study of a Case of Essential Hyperten- В главе sion. Psychosom. Med. I, 1939 13 (53) Psychoanalysis Revised. Q. IX, 1940 11 (54) —and Saul, Leon N.: Respiration and Personality. Psychosom. Med. II, 1940 13 (55) —et al.: Proceedings of the Brief Psychotherapy Council, October, 1942. Inst, for Ps-a., Chicago, 1942 2 3 (56) Fundamental Concepts of Psychosomatic Research: Psy-chogenesis, Conversion, Specificity. Psychosom. Med. V, 1943 13 ALLEN, CLIFFORD (57) Introjection in Schizophrenia. JR. XXII, 1935 18 (58) The Sexual Perversions and Abnormalities. Oxford Medical Pub., London, 1940 16 ALLEN, FREDERICK H. (59) Psychotherapy with Children. Norton, New York, 1943 2 3 ALLENDY, R. (60) Sadism in Women. R. XVII, 1930 16 ALMASY, ENDRE (61) Daten zur manischen Assoziation und Affektuebertra- gung. Z. XIX, 1933 17 (62) Zur Psychoanalyse amentiaaehnlicher Faelle. Z. XXII, 1936 13, 18 ALBERT, AUGUSTA (63) The Latency Period. A. J. Orthopi. XI, 1941 6 AMES, THADDEUS H. (64) Prevention of Nervous and Mental Disease in Childhood. In Lorand: Ps-a. Today, Covici Friede, New York, 1933 23 ANDERSON, O. D. (65) —and Parmenter, R.: A LonTerm Study of the Experimental Neurosis in the Sheep and Dog. Psychosom. Med. Monogr., New York, 1941 2 ANDREAS-SALOME, LOU (66) Anal und Sexual. Im. IV, 1916 5 BACON, CATHERINE (67) Typical Personality Trends and Conflicts in Cases of Spastic Colitis. Q. Ill, 1934 13 ВАК, ROBERT (68) Regression of Ego-Orientation and Libido in Schizophrenia. Jo. XX, 1939 18 (69) Ueber die dynamisch-strukturellen Bedingungen des В главе primaeren Beziehungswahnes. Z. get. N. P. CLXVI, 1939 18 (70) Dissolution of the Ego, Mannerism and Delusion of Grandeur, J. N. M. D. XCVIII, 1943 18 BAKER, DORIS M. (71) Cardiac Symptoms in the Neuroses. Lewis, London, 1943 13 BALINT, ALICE (72) Ueber eine besohdere Form der infantilen Angst. Paed. VTI, 1933 5 (73) Liebe zur Mutter und Mutterliebe. Z. XXIV, 1939 4, 5 BALINT, MICHAEL (74) Ueber die Psychoanalyse des Charakters. Z. XIX, 1933 20 (75) Charakteranalyse und Neubeginn. Z. XX, 1934 20 (76) Der Onanie-Abgewochnungskampf in der Pubertaet.
Paed. VIII, 1934 5, 6 (77) A Contribution to Fetishism. Jo. XVI, 1935 16 (78) The Final Goal of Psychoanalytic Treatment. Jo. XVII, 1936 23 (79) Fruche Entwicklungsstadien des Ichs: Primaere Objektliebe, Im. XXIII, 1937 4 (80) A Contribution to the Psychology of Menstruation. Q. VI, 1937 13 (el) Eros and Aphrodite. Jo. XIX, 1938 5 BALLY, GUSTAV (82) Zur Frage der Behandlung schizoider Neurotiker. Z. XVI, 1930 18 (83) Die Wahrnehmungslehre von Jaensch and ihre Bezie- hung zu psychoanalytischen Problemen. Im. XVII, 1931 4, 13 (84) Ueber Hochstapler und Verwahrloste. Paed. IX, 1935 16 BALSAR, BEN H. (85) A Behavior Problem—Runaways. Psych. Q. XIII, 1936 16 BARINBAUM, MOSES (86) Zum Problem des psychophysischen Zusammenhangs mit besonderer Beruecksichtigung der Dermatologie. Z. XX, 1934 13 BARKAS. MARY. (87) The Treatment of Psychotic Patients in Institutions in the Light of Psychoanalysis. J. TV. Psychop., 1925 18, 23 BARTEMEIER, LEO H. (88) A Counting Compulsion. Jo. XXII, 1941 9, 14 (89) Micropsia. Q. X, 1941 12 (90) Concerning the Psychogenesis of Convulsive Disorders. Q. XII, 1943 13 BAUDOUIN, CHARLES (91) Ein Fall von Bettnaessen. Paed. Ill, 1929 12 (92) Ein Fall von Kleptomanie. Paed. IV, 1930 16 BEHN-ESCHENBURG, HANNS (93) The Antecedents of the Oedipus Complex. Jo. XVI, 1935 5 BENDER, LAURETTA (94) The Anal Component in Persecutory Delusions. R. XXI, 1934 18 (95) —and Schilder, Paul: Suicidal Preoccupations and Attempts in Children. A. J. Orthops. VII, 1937 17 BENEDEK, THERESE (96) Notes from the Analysis of a Case of Erythrophobia. Jo. VI, 1925 11, 20 (97) Todestrieb und Angst. Z. XVII, 1931 8 (98) Mental Processes in Thyreotoxic States. Q. Ill, 1934 13 (99) Dominant Ideas and Their Relation to Morbid Cravings. Jo. XVII, 1936 5, 16 (100) Defense Mechanisms and Structure of the Total Personality. Q. VI, 1937 20 (101) Adaptation to Reality in Early Infancy. Q. VII, 1938 4 (102) —and Rubenstein, Arnold: The Sexual Cycle in Women. Psychosom. Med. Monogr., Washington, 1942 13, 21 BERGLER, EDMUND (103) Zur Problematik der Pseudodebilitaet. Z. XVIII, 1932 10, 23 (104) —und Eidelberg, Ludwig: Der Mammakomplex des 5, 13, Mannes. Z. XIX, 1933 16, 20 (105) Psychoanalyse eines Falles von Pruefungsangst. Z. Psy-choth., 1933 11, 20 (106) Zur Problematik des oralen Pessimisten. Im. XX, 1934 16, 20 (107) —und Eidelberg, Ludwig: Der Mechanismus der De-personalisation. Z. XXI, 1935 18 (108) Some Special Varieties of Ejaculatory Disturbance not Hitherto Described. Jo. XVI, 1935 10, 20 (109) Bemerkungen ueber eine Zwangsneurose in ultimis. Z. XXII, 1936 14, 22 (110) Further Observations in the Clinical Picture of Psy- 10, 13, chogenic Oral Aspermia. Jo. XVIII, 1937 16, 20 (111) Die Psychische Impotenz des Mannes. Huber, Bern, 1937 10 (112) Preliminary Phases of the Masculine Beating Fantasy. Q. VII, 1938 16 П13) Beitraege zur Psychologie der Eifersucht. Z. XXV, В главе 1939 18, 20 И14) On the Psychoanalysis of the Ability to Wait and of Impatience. R. XXVI, 1939 16 (115) Four Types of Neurotic Indecisiveness. Q. X, 1940 10, 14 (116) The Gambler: A Misunderstood Neurotic/. Crim. Psych. IV, 1943 16 (117) Legorrhoea. Psych. Q. XVIII, 1944 20 (118) A New Approach to the Therapy of Erythrophobia. Q. 10, XIII, 1944 11, 20 BERKELEY-HILL, OWEN (119) The Anal Complex and Its Relation to Delusions of Persecution. Jo. IV, 1923 18 (120) Flatus and Aggression. Jo. XI, 1930 15 BERLINER, BERNHARD (121) Libido and Reality in Masochism. Q. X, 1940 16, 20 (122) Short Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy; Its Possibilities
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(193) Psychological Factors in Dementia Praecox: An Analysis. J. Ab. P. Ill, 1908 18 (194) Anal Eroticism and Character. J. Ab. P. VII, 1912 14, 20 (195) The Only or Favorite Child in Adult Life. N. Y. S. J. M., August, 1912 5, 20 (196) Hysterical Dreamy States. N. Y. M. J. XCV, 1912 12 (197) Psychoanalysis: Its Theories and Practical Application. Sounders, Philadelphia and London, ist. cd., 1913 G (198) Artificial Dreams and Lying. /. Ab. P. IX, 1914 20 (199) Fundamental Conceptions of Psychoanalysis. Har- court, Brace, New York, 1921 G (200) The Application of Psychoanalysis to Psychiatry. J. N. M. D. LXVIII, 1928 17, 18 (201) Diagnostic Errors in Neurasthenia. M. R. R., 1930 10 (202) The Sense of Smell in the Neuroses and Psychoses. Q. I, 1934 14, 15 (203) The Schizoid Concept in Neuroses and Psychoses. In В главе Schizophrenia: Assn. Research N. M. D., Hoeber, New York, 1938 18 (204) Tire Concept of Psychic Suicide. Jo. XX, 1939 17, 18 BROMBERG, WALTER (205) —and Schilder, Paul: Psychological Considerations in Alcoholic Hallucinations. Jo. XIV, 1933 16 (206) —and Schilder, Paul: Death and Dying. R. XX, 1933 11, 17 (207) —and Schilder, Paul: Attitude of Psychoneurotics towards Death. R. XXIII, 1936 11, 17 BROWN, J. F. (208) The Psychodynamics of Abnormal Behavior. McGraw-Hill, New York, 1940 G BRUCH, HILDE (209) —and Touraine, Grace: Obesity in Childhood. Psy-chosom. Med. II, 1940 13 (210) Obesity in Childhood and Personality Development. A. J. Onhops. XI, 1941 13 (211) Psychiatric Aspects of Obesity in Children. A. J. P. XCIX, 1943 13 BRUN, R. (212) Zur Psychoanalyse des Stotterns. Z. IX, 1922 15 BRUNNER, M. (213) Beeinflussung des Stotterns. Paed. X, 1936 15 BRYAN, DOUGLASS (214) A Note on the Tongue. Jo. Ill, 1922 15 (215) Speech and Castration: Two Unusual Analytic Hours. Jo. VI, 1925, 14, 15 (216) Bisexuality. Jo. XI, 1930 5, 16 BULLARD, DEXTER M. (217) The Application of Psychoanalytic Psychiatry to the Psychoses. R. XXVI, 1939 18 (218) Experiences in the Psychoanalytic Treatment of Psychoids. g. IX, 1940 18 (219) The Organization of Psychoanalytic Procedure in the 16, Hospital, J. N. M. D. XCI, 1940 18, 23 BUNKER, HENRY ALLEN (220) The Voice as (Female) Phallus. Q. HI, 1934 15, 16 BURLINGHAM, DOROTHY (221) Child Analysis and the Mother. Q. IV, 1935 23 (222) Phantasie und Wirklichkeit in einer Kinderanalyse. Z. XXIV, 1939 23 (223) Psychic Problems of the Blind. A. Im. II, 1941 5 BURROW, TRIGANT (224) The Group Method of Psychoanalysis. R. XIV, 1927 23 (225) The Structure of Insanity. Paul, Trench and Trubner, London, 1932 23 BUXBAUM, EDITH (226) Angstaeusserungen von Schulmaedchen im Pubertaet- salter. Paed. VII, 1933 6 (227) Exhibitionistic Onanism in a Ten-year-old Boy. Q. IV, 1935 12 BYCHOWSKI, GUSTAV (228) Psychoanalytisches aus der psychiatrischen Abteilung. Z. XI, 1921 18 (229) Zur Psychopathologie der Brandstiftung. Schw. A. N. P. V, 1922 16 (230) A Case of Oral Delusions of Persecution. Jo. XI, 1930 18 (231) Psychoanalyse im hypoglykaemischen Zustand. Z. XXIII, 1937 23 (232) One Relation between the Ego and the Superego. R. XXX, 1943 6 (233) Disorders in the Body Image in the Clinical Pictures of Psychoses. J. N. M. D. XCVII, 1943 18 (234) Physiology of Schizophrenic Thinking, ѓ. N. M. D. XCVIII, 1943 18 CAMERON, NORMAN (235) Schizophrenic Thinking in a Problem-Solving Situation, ѓ. M. S. LXXXV, 1939 18 (236) Deterioration and Regression in Schizophrenic Thinking. J. Ab. P. XXXIV, 1939 18 CAMERON, WILLIAM M. (237) The Treatment of Children in Psychiatric Clinics with Particular Reference to the Use of Play Techniques. Menn. Bull. IV, 1940 2 3 CAMPBELL, С MACFIE (238) The Form and Content of the Psychoses; the Role of Psychoanalysis in Psychiatry. Cornell Univ. Med. Butt. V, 1915 18 (239) Clinical Studies in Schizophrenia: A Follow up Study of a Small Group of Cases of Deterioration with Few Special Trends (Schizophrenic Surrender). A. J. P. XCIX, 1943 18 CANNON, WALTER В. в главе (240) Bodily Changes in Pain, Hunger, Fear and Rage. Ap-pleton, New York, 1929 13 (241) The Wisdom of the Body. Norton, New York, 1932 2 (242) The Role of Emotion in Disease. Ann. Int. Med., 1936 13 CANTOR, NATHANIEL (243) What is a Normal Mind? A. ѓ. Orthops. XI, 1941 23 CARMICHAEL, HUGH T. (244) A Psychoanalytic Study of a Case of Eunuchoidism. Q. X, 1941 13 CARP, E. A. D. E. (245) Die Rolle der praegenitalen Libidofixierung in der Perversion. Z. X, 1924 16 CARVER, ALFRED (246) Notes on the Analysis of a Case of Melancholia, ]. N. Pi. I, 1921 17 CASSITY. J. H. (247) Psychological Considerations of Pedophilia. R. XIV, 1926 16 CHADWICK, MARY (248) A Case of Cleptomania in a Girl of Ten Years. ]o. VI, 1925 16 (249) Ueber die Wurzeln der Wissbegierde. Z. XI, 1925 5, 10,
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