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(570) Concerning «Wild» Psychoanalysis. C. P. II 23 (571) Psychogenic Visual Disturbance according to Psycho- 5, 10, analytical Conceptions! C. P. II 12, 13 (572) Contributions to the Psychology of Love. C. P. IV 9, 10, 13, 20 (573) Einleitung und Schlusswort zur Selbstmord-Diskussion, In Ueber den Selbstmord, insbes. den Schuelerselbst- mord, Bergmann, Wiesbaden, 1910 17 (574) Psychoanalytic Notes upon an Autobiographical 9, 13, Account of a Case of Paranoia. C. P. Ill 18, 20 (575) Formulations Regarding the Two Principles in Men- 4, 9, 16, tal Functioning. C. P. IV 19, 20, 23 (576) Types of Neurotic Nosogenesis. C. P. II 19 (577) The Dynamics of the Transference. C. P. II 3, 23 (578) Recommendations for Physicians on the Psychoanalytic Method of Treatment. C. P. II 23 (579) Totem and Taboo. Moffat. Yard, New York, 1918 5, 11, 14, 17 (580) Einleitung und Schlusswort der Onanie-Diskussion. In Die Onanie, Bergmann, Wiesbaden, 1912 5, 10 (581) The Predisposition to Obsessional Neurosis. С. Р. II 5, 14, 16, 19 (582) Fausse Reconnaissance (Deja Raconte) in Psychoanalytic Treatment. С. Р. II 9 (583) Two Lies Told by Children. С. Р. II 20 (584) Further Recommendations on the Technique of Psychoanalysis. C. P. II 23 (585) On Narcissism: An Introduction. C. P. IV 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 13, 16, 17, 18, 20 (586) The History of the Psychoanalytic Movement. C. P. I 23 (587) A Case of Paranoia Running Counter to the Psycho- В главе analytical Theory of the Disease. С. РЛ1 18 (588) Instincts and Their Vicissitudes. C. P. IV 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 12, 14, 16 (589) Repression. C. P. IV 9, 12, 20 (590) The Unconscious. C. P. IV 2, 4, 9, 11, 18, 20 (591) Thoughts for the Times on War and Death. С. Р. IV 11, 17 (592) Some Character Types Met with in Psychoanalytic 10, 16, Work. С. Р. IV 19, 20 (593) On the Transformation of Instincts with Especial 5, 11, 12, Reference to Anal Erotism. С. Р. II 14, 16, 20 (594) AConnectionbetweenaSymbolandaSymptom. CP. il 10 (595) Metapsychological Supplement to the Theory of Dreams. C. P. IV 12, 18 (596) Introductory Lectures to Psychoanalysis. Boni and 3, 4, 5, 6, Liverigat, New York, 1920 7, 9, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 23 (597) Mourning and Melancholia. C. P. IV 9, 17 (598) One of the Difficulties of Psychoanalysis. C. P. IV G (599) From the History of an Infantile Neurosis. С. Р. Ill 5, 9, 11, 14, 15, 16, 22 (600) Turnings in the Ways of Psychoanalytic Therapy. C. P. II 11, 16 (601) A Child Is Being Beaten. С. Р. II 5, 8, 16 (602) The Uncanny. С. Р. IV 20 (603) Introduction to «Psychoanalysis of War Neuroses. » 6, 7, Int. Ps-a. P., London, 1921 ' 20, 23 (604) The Psychogenesis of a Case of Female Homosexuality. С P. II 16, 23 (605) Beyond the Pleasure Principle. Int. Ps-a. P., London, 2, 4, 5, 1922 7, 9, 13, (606) Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego. Int. 16, 20, 21 Ps-a. P., London, 1922 4, 5, 6, 12, 14, 16, 17, 20, 23 (607) Certain Neurotic Mechanisms in Jealousy, Paranoia 5, 9, 16, and Homosexuality. C. P. II 18, 20
(608) The Ego and the Id. Inst. ofPs-a. and Hogarth Press, 2, 4, 5, 6, London, 1927 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 (609) The Infantile Genital Organization of the Libido. С Р. II 5 (610) A Neurosis of Demoniacal Possession in the Seventeenth Century. С. Р. IV 23 (611) Neurosis and Psychosis. C. P. II 8, 14, 18, 20 (612) The Passing of the Oedipus Complex. C. P. II 5, 6, 16, 20, 21 (613) The Economic Problem in Masochism. С. Р. II 2, 5, 6, 9, 10, 14, 16, 20, 21 (614) TheLossofRealityinNeurosisandPsychosis. CP. il 8, 9, 18 (615) A Note upon the Mystic Writing Pad. Jo. XXI, 1940 2, 4 (616) On Negation. Jo. VI, 1923 2, 4, 8, 9, 14, 19 (617) Some Psychological Consequences of the Anatomical 5, 6, Distinction between the Sexes. Jo. VIII, 1927 16, 20 (618) The Problem of Anxiety. Norton, New York, 1936 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 19, 22, 23 (619) The Problem of Lay Analysis. Brentano, New York, 1927 G (620) Humor. Jo. XI, 1928 17 (621) Fetishism, Jo. IX, 1928 8, 9, 16, 18 (622) The Future of an Illusion. Hogarth Press, London, 4, 5, 1928 17, 18 (623) Dostojewski and Parricide. The Realist I, 1929 13, 16 (624) Civilization and Its Discontents. Norton, New York, 1930 5, 8, 15 (625) Libidinal Types. Jo. XIII, 1932 20 (626) Female Sexuality. Jo. XIII, 1932 5, 10, 14, 16, 20 (627) The Acquisition of Power over Fire. Jo. XIII, 1932 16 (628) New Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis. Gar- 5, 6, 10, den City Pub. Co., New York, 1933 16, 23 (629) Analysis Terminable and Interminable. Jo. XVIII, 1937 8, 10, 20 (630) Constructions in Analysis. Jo. XIX, 1938 18 (631) A Disturbance of Memory on the Acropolis. Jo. XXI, 1941 9, 20 (632) Moses and Monotheism. Knopf, New York, 1939 4 (633) An Outline of Psychoanalysis. Jo. XXI, 1940 8, 9, 16, 18 (634) Medusa's Head. Jo. XXII, 1941 5, 15, 16 (635) Splitting of the Ego in the Defensive Process. Jo. XXII, 8, 9, 1941 16, 18 FRIEDJUNG, JOSEPH K. (636) Ueber verschiedene Quellen kindlicher Schamhafti keit. Z. I, 1913 8 (637) Die Pathologie des einzigen Kindes. E. inn. M. K. XVI, 1919 5, 20 (638) Beitrag zum Verstaendnis der Einschlafstoerungen bei Kindern. W. m. W., 1924 10 (639) Zur Kenntnis kindlicher Selbstmordimpulse. Paed. Ill, 1929 17 FRIEDLANDERMISCH, KATE (640) Die biologischen Grundlagen der Freud'schen Angst-theorie. Z. XXI, 1935 4 (641) On the Longing to Die. Jo. XXI, 1940 11, 17 (642) Charlotte Bronte: Zur Frage des masochistischen Char- akters. Z. XXVI, 1941 16 (643) Children's Books and Their Function in Latency and Puberty. A. Im. Ill, 1942 6 FRIEDMAN, M. (644) Cleptomania. R. XVII, 1930 16 FRIES, MARGARET E. (645) Interrelationship of Physical, Mental and Emotional Life of a Child, from Birth to Four Years of Age. A. ѓ. Dil. Child XLIX, 1935 4 (646) Play Technique in the Analysis of Young Children. R. XXIV, 1937 23 FRINK, H. W. (647) Report of a Case of Psychogenetic Convulsions Simulating Epilepsy. JV. Y. M. ]., March, 1911 13 (648) Morbid Fears and Compulsions: Their Psychology and Psychoanalytic Treatment. Moffat, Yard, New York, 1918 G FROMM, ERICH (649) Zur Psychologie des Verbrechers und der strafenden Gesellschaft. Im. XVII, 1931 20 (650) Ueber Methode und Aufgabe einer analytischen Sozialpsychologie. Z. Soz. I, 1932 2 3
(651) Sozialpsychologischer Teil. In Autoritaet und Fami- lie, Felix Allan, Paris, 1936 6, 20, 23 (652) Selfishness and Self-Love. Ft. II, 1939 5 (653) Escape from Freedom. Farrar and Rinehart, New 6, 11, York, 1941 19, 20, 23 (654) Faith as a Character Trait. Ps. V, 1942 22 (655) Sex and Character. Ps. VI, 1943 5, 20 FROMM-REICHMANN, FRIEDA (656) Contributions to the Psychogenesis of Migraine. R. XXIV, 1937 13 (657) Transference Problems in Schizophrenics. Q. VIII, 1939 18 (658) Notes on the Mother Role in the Family Group. Menn. Bull. IV, 1940 6, 20 (659) Recent Advances in Psychoanalytic Therapy. Ps. IV, 1941 18 (660) A Preliminary Note on the Emotional Significance of Stereotypics. Bull. Forest San. I, 1942 18 (661) Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy with Psychotics. Ps. VI, 1943 18 FUCHS, S. H. (662) On Introjection. Jo. XVIII, 1937 9 GARMA, ANGEL в главе (663) Realitaet und Es in der Schizophrenic Z. XVIII, 1932 8, 18 (664) Psychologie des Selbstmordes. Im. XXIII, 1937 17 GELEERD, ELIZABETH R. (665) The Analysis of a Case of Compulsive Masturbation in a Child. Q. XII, 1943 16 GERARD, M. W. (666) Child Analysis as a Technique in the Investigation of Mental Mechanisms. A. J. P. XCIV, 1937 2 3 (667) Enuresis, a Study in Etiology. A. J. Orthops. IX, 1939 12 GERO, GEORGE (668) The Construction of Depression. Jo. XVII, 1936 17 (669) Zum Problem der oralen Fixierung. Z. XXIV, 1939 16 (670) The Idea of Psychogenesis in Modern Psychiatry and in Psychoanalysis. R. XXX, 1943 18 GESELL, A., et al. (671) The First Five Years of Life. Harper and Brothers, New York, 1940 4 GILL, MORTON M. (672) Functional Disturbances of Menstruation. Menn. Bull. VII, 1943 13 (673) —and Brenman, Margaret: Treatment of a Case of Anxiety Hysteria by an Hypnotic Technique Employing Psychoanalytic Principles. Menn. Bull. VII, 1943 23 GILLESPIE, R. D. (674) The Psychotherapy of the Psychoses. M. X, 1930 18 (675) Psychological Factors in Asthma. В. М. J. I, 1285, 1936 15 (676) Psychological Aspects of Skin Diseases. B. f. D. L, 1938 13 GILLESPIE, W. H. (677) A Contribution to the Study of Fetishism. Jo. XXI, 1940 16 GITELSON. MAX (678) Direct Psychotherapy in Adolescence. A. J. Orthops. XII, 1942 6 (679) The Critical Moment in Psychotherapy. Menn. Bull. VI, 1942 23 GLOVER, EDWARD (680) The Significance of the Mouth in Psychoanalysis. M. IV, 1924 20 (681) Notes on Oral Character Formation, Jo. VI, 1925 20 (682) The Neurotic Character. Jo. VII, 1926 20 (683) Einige Probleme der psychoanalytischen Charaktero- logie. Z. XII, 1926 20 (684) Lectures on Technique in Psychoanalysis. Jo. VIII, 1927, and IX, 1928 23 (685) The Etiology of Alcoholism. Proc. R. S. M. XXI, 1928 16 1(686) The Screening Function of Traumatic Memories. Jo. X, 1929 7, 9 (687) The Vehicle of Interpretation. Jo. XI, 1930 23 (688) The Psychotherapy of the Psychoses. M. X, 1930 18 (689) Sublimation, Substitution and Social Anxiety. Jo. XII, 1931 20 (690) The Therapeutic Effect of Inexact Interpretation. Jo. XII, 1931 23 (691) The Prevention and Treatment of Drug Addiction. Lancet, 1931 16 (692) On the Aetiology of Drug Addiction. Jo. XIII, 1932 16 (693) Medico-Psychological Aspects of Normality. B. J. P. XXIII, 1932 23 (694) The Relation of Perversion Formation to the Development of the Reality Sense. Jo. XIV, 1933 16 (695) A Developmental Study of the Obsessional Neurosis. Jo. XVI, 1935 19 (696) A Note on Idealization. Jo. XIX, 1938 20 (697) The Psychoanalysis of Affects. Jo. XX, 1939 2, 19 (698) Psychoanalysis. John Bate Medical Pub. Co., London, 1939 G GLOVER, JAMES (699) Notes on the Psychopathology of Suicide. Jo. Ill, 1922 17 (700) The Conception of the Ego. Jo. VII, 1926 14 (701) Notes on an Unusual Form of Perversion. Jo. VIII, 1927 16 GLUECK, EDITH (702) Schauspieler der Wirklichkeit. Paper read at the Hungarian Ps-a. Society, 1934 20
GOLDMAN, GEORGES. (703) A Case of Compulsive Hand washing. Q. VII, 1938 14 GOLDSTEIN, KURT 1(704) —and Steinfeld, Julius J.: The Conditioning of Sexual Behavior by Central Agnosia. Butt. Forest San. I, 1942 4 (705) The Significance of Psychological Research in Schizophrenia. J. N. M. D. XCVII, 1943 18 GORELIK, BASEL (706) Certain Reaction Formations against Oral Impulses. Jo. XII, 1931 20 GRABER, GUSTAV HANS в главе (707) Die Ambivalenz des Kindes. Int. Ps-a. V., Wien, 1925 4 (708) Redehemmung und Analerotik. Paed. II, 1928 10, 15 (709) Realitaetspruefung und Weltuntergangsphobie. Paed. Ill, 1929 18 (710) Neurotische Typisierung. Z. XVII, 1931 14, 20 (711) Aus der Analyse eines nachtwandelnden Knaben. Merlin Verlag, Baden-Baden, 1932 12 (712) Die zweierlei Mechanismen der Identifizierung. Im. XXIII, 1937 4, 5, 16 GREENACRE, PHYLLIS (713) Surgical Addiction: Clinical Case Abstract. Psycho- som. Med. I, 1939 20 (714) The Predisposition to Anxiety. Q. X, 1941 4 GREENSON, RALPH R. (714a) On Genuine Epilepsy. Q. XIII, 1944 13 GREIG, AGNES B. (715) The Problem of the Parent in Child Analysis. Ps. Ill, 1940 23 (716) A Child Analysis. Q. X, 1941 23 GRIMBERG, L. (717) On Somnambulism. R. Ill, 1916 12 GRINKER, R. R. (718) —and MacLean, H.: The Course of a Depression Treated by Psychotherapy and Metrazol. Psychosom. Med. II, 1940 23 GRODDECK. GEORG (719) Die psychische Bedingtheit und psychoanalytische Be-handlung organischer Krankheiten. S. Hirzel, Berlin, 1917 13 (720) The Book of It. N. M. D. Pub. Co., New York and Washington, 1928 5, 13 GROSS, ALFRED (721) The Psychic Effects of Toxic and Toxoid Substances. Jo. XVI, 1935 16 GROTJAHN, MARTIN (722) Dream Observations in a Two-year, four-months-old Baby. Q. VI, 1938 4 (723) Psychoanalysis and Brain Disease. R. XXI, 1938 13 (724) Observations of Schizophrenic Patients during Metrazol Treatment. Menn. Bull. II, 1938 23 (725) Psychoanalytic Investigations of a Seventy-one-year- В главе old Man with Senile Dementia. Cj. IX, 1940 23 (726) The Process of Awakening. R. XXIX, 1942 4 (727) Brief Psychotherapy on Psychoanalytic Principles. III. Psych, J. II, 1942 23 GUNTHER, LEWIS (728) —and Menninger, Karl A.: Intermittent Extrasystole Directly Associated with Emotional Conflict. Menn. Bull. Ill, 1939 13 HADLEY, ERNEST E. (729) Comments on Pedophilia. M. R., August, 1926 16 (730) The Psychoanalytic Clarification of Personality Types. A. J. P. XCIV, 1938 20 HAHN, BENNO (731) Die Psychokatharsis als kausale Behandlungsmethode. Bericht i. aerztl. Kongr. f. Psychotherapie, Baden-Baden, 1936; Carl Marold, Halle a/S, 1927 23 HANFMANN, EUGENIA (732) —and Kasanin, Jacob: Conccptional Thinking in Schizophrenia. N. M. D. M. S., New York and Washington, 1943 18 HAPPEL, CLARA (733) Onanieersatzbildungen. Z. IX, 1923 12, 14, 15 HARMS, ERNEST (734) (Ed. ) Schizophrenia in Childhood. The Nervous Child I, 1941 18 HARNIKJENO (735) Discussion of Tic. Jo. II, 1921 15 (736) The Various Developments Undergone by Narcissism in Men and Women. Jo. V, 1924 5, \(, (737) Der Zachlzwang und seine Bedeutung fuer die Psycho-logie der Zahlenvorstellung. Vortrag VIII; Int. Ps-a. Kongr.; Autoref. 1. X, 1924 14 (738) Die triebhaft-affektiven Momente im Zeitgefuehl. Im. XI, 1925 14 (739) Die oekonomischen Beziehungen zwischen dem Schuldge- fuehl und dem weiblichen Narzissmus. Z. XIV, 1928 1 (, (740) Zur Psychologie des Zopfabschneiders. Z. 5. W. XII, 1928 16 (741) One Component in the Fear of Death in Early Infancy. Jo. XI, 1930 13, 15 (742) Zur Therapie der Homosexualitaet. Vortrag II;
Tgg. d. Deutschen Ps-a. Ges.; Autoref. Z. XVI, 1930 \(, (743) Introjection and Projection in the Mechanism of В главе Depression. Jo. XIII, 1932 17 (744) Zur Frage der infantilen weiblichen Genitalorganisa- tion. Z. XX, 1934 5 HART, MOSS (745) Lady in the Dark. Random House, New York, 1941 10 HARTMANN, HEINZ (746) Ein Fall von Depersonalisation. Z. ges. N. P. LXXIV, 1922 18 (747) Kokainismus und Homosexualitaet. Z. ges. N. P. XCV, 1925 16 (748) Die Grundlagen der Psychoanalyse. G. Thieme, Leipzig, 1927 3 (749) Psychiatrische Zwillingsprobleme. Jb. Ps. N. L and LI, 1934 20 (750) Ich-Psychologie und Anpassungs-Problem. Z. XXIV, 1939 4 (751) Psychoanalysis and the Concept of Health, ѓθ. XX, 1939 23 HARTMANN, MAX (752) Die Sexualitaet der Protisten und ihre Bedeutung fuer eine all gemeine Theorie der Bisexualitaet. Z. ind. Abst. LIV, 1930 16 HAWKINS, MARY O'NEIL (753) Psychoanalysis of Children. Menn. Bull. IV, 1940 23 HAWORTH, NORAH A. (754) —and MacDonald, Mary E.: Theory of Occupational Therapy. Williams and Wilkyns, Baltimore, 1941 2 3 HAYWARD, EMELINE P. (755) Types of Female Castration Reaction. Q. XII, 1943 20 HEALY, WILLIAM (756) The Individual Delinquent. Little, Brown, Boston, 1915 16, 20 (757) —and Bronner, F. A.: New Light on Delinquency and Its Treatment. Yale Univ. Press, New Haven, 1936 16, 20 HEIDE, CAREL VAN DER (758) A Study of Mechanisms in Two Cases of Peptic Ulcer. Psycbosom. Med. II, 1940 13 (759) A Case of Pollakisuria Nervosa. Q. X, 1941 12 HEILPERN-FUCHS, ELSE (760) Psychological Problems of Stepchildren. Д. XXX, 1943 5, 20 (761) Pregenital Anxiety in a Passive Feminine Character. Q. II, 1933 5 (762) «The Ego and the Defense Mechanisms»: A Review and Discussion. R. XXV, 1938 4 (763) Facts and Theories of Psychoanalysis. Knopf, New York, 1939 G (764) Suicide as Wish Fulfillment. Psych. Q. XIV, 1940 17 (765) Psychoanalytic Observations on the Aurae of Two Cases with Convulsions. Psychosom. Med. II, 1940 13 (766) Instincts and the Ego during Infancy. Q. XI, 1942 2, 4, 20 (767) Work and the Pleasure Principle. Q. XII, 1943 2, 4, 20 (768) The Discussion of the «Instinct to Master». Q. XII, 1943 2, 4, 20 HERBERT, S. (769) The Psychogenic Root of Enuresis. R. IX, 1922 12 (770) A Case of Pseudo-Epilepsia Hysterica. R. X, 1923 13 HERMANN, IMRE (771) Randbemerkungen zum Wiederholungszwang. Z. VIII, 1922 21 (772) Organlibido und Begabung. Z. IX, 1923 10 (773) Die Regel der Gleichzeitigkeit in der Sublimierungsar- beit. Im. X, 1924 9 (774) Das System Bw. Im. XII, 1926 2 (775) Die Zwangsneurose und ein historisches Moment in der Ueber Ich-Bildung. Z. XV, 1929 6 (776) Das Ich und das Denken. Im. XV, 1929 4 (777) Sinnesmodalitaeten und Denkformen. Im. XV, 1929 15 (778) Urwahrnehmungen, insbesondere Augenleuchten und Lautwerden des Inneren. Z. XX, 1934 4 (779) Die Psychoanalyse als Methode. Int. Ps-a. V., Wicn, 1934 3 (780) Sich Anklammern—Auf Suche gehen. Z. XXII, 1936 5 (781) Zur Triebbesetzung von Ich und Ueber-Ich. Z. XXV, 1940 6 (782) Studien zur Denkpsychologie. Acta Psychol. V, 1940 6 HILL, LEWIS B. (783) A Psychoanalytic Observation on Essential Hypertension. R. XXII, 1935 13 (784) The Use of Hostility as a Defense. Q. VII, 1938 11, 20 HINSIE, LELAND E. (785) The Treatment of Schizophrenia. Bailliere Tindall, London, 1930 18 (786) The Relationship of Psychoanalysis to Psychiatry. A. ]. P. XCI, 1935 18 (787) Concepts and Problems of Psychotherapy. Columbia Univ. Press, New York, 1937 13 H1RSCH, ERWIN (788) Eine Feuerphobie als Folge unterdrueckter Onanie. Paed. II, 1928 16 HITSCHMANN, EDUARD в главе (789) Kinderangst und Onanie-Entwoehnung. C. Ill, 1913 5, 10 (790) Paranoia, Homosexualitaet und Analerotik. Z. I, 1913 18 (791) Freud's Theories of the Neuroses. Kegan Paul, London, 1913 G (792) Ein Fall von Zwansbefuerchtung vom Tode des gleich-geschlechtlichen Elternteils. Z. Ill, 1915 11 (793) Ueber einen sporadischen Rueckfall ins Bettnaessen bei einem vierjaehrigen Kinde. Z. V, 1919 12 (794) Urethral Erotism and Obsessional Neurosis. Jo. IV, 1923 5, 20 (795) Die Indikationen fuer psychoanalytische Behandlung. Ars Medici XIV, 1924 23 (796) —and Bergler, Edmund: Frigidity in Women. N. M. D. Pub. Co., Washington and New York, 1936 Ю (797) Bemerkungen ueber Platzangst und andere neurotische Angstzustaende. Z. XXIII, 1937 11 (798) Beitraege zur Aetiologie und Konstitution der Sper-matorrhoe. Z. XXV, 1940 5
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