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Задание 3. 4. Bacteria are subdivided into groups according to their shape: bacilli. Раздел 5. Условия выполнения задания

Задание 3.

1. The body provides a home for a great number of the smallest organisms - microorganisms.

2. Most of them are harmless but some take part in dental diseases.

3. There are three different groups of microorganisms: fungi, bacteria and viruses.

4. Bacteria are subdivided into groups according to their shape: bacilli, cocci, spirochaetes, spores.

5. Bacilli are rod-shaped bacteria. For example, lactobacillus is found in decayed teeth.

6. Streptococci are berry-shaped bacteria which grow in twisted chains.

7. They are associated with different diseases.

8. Staphylococci are bacteria which grow in small clusters like grapes.

9. There are also spiral bacteria (spirochaetes) found in acute
necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis.

10.  Spores can survive extremes of temperature.

Задание 4. Virus, non – cellular, reproduced, bacteria, capable, presence, describing, discovery, in detail, ecosystem on Earth, science, section of microbiology, causative agents.

Задание 5. Спутниковые вирусы, не бактериальные, табачные растения, табачно-мозаичный вирус, микробиология, иммунный ответ, приводит, приобретенный иммунитет, включая, человеческий иммунодефицит, гепатит, хроническая болезнь.
Задание 6. 1) Virus is a non - cellular infection agent that can be reproduced only inside living cells.

 2) Virus infect all types of organisms, from plants and animals to bacteria and archaea. Virus capable of replicating only in the presence of other viruses (satellite viruses) have also been detected.

3) In 1892 of an article by Dmitry Ivanovsky describing the non - bacterial pathogen of tobacco plants

4) More than 6 thousand types of viruses have been described in detail, although it is believed that there are more than one hundred million of them.

5) Viruses are found in almost every ecosystem on Earth

6)In animals, viral infection cause an immune response, which most often leads to the destruction if the pathogenic virus.

7) Antibiotics do not act on viruses; however several antiviral drugs have been developed.

Задание 7. resistance to disease 2. release antibodies 3. All such factors 4. pres-
ent in the blood 5. prevent any repetition of the same infection 6. acquired immunity 7. Artificially 8. Vaccination 9. they do stimulate 10. Thus 11. Inherit 12. natural immunity 13. this helps explain

Задание 8. обеспечиваться, причинные факторы, антигены, входить, помогают преодолеть, остаются всю жизнь, случаться, производится искусственно неимунным людям, мертвые микроорганизмы, последующее заражение, прежнее подвергание, более устойчив к болезни.

Задание 9. 1. Immunity means resistance to disease.

2. It is provided by certain white blood cells which release antibodies and antitoxins into the blood plasma.

3. Many causative factors can stimulate white cells to
produce antibodies and antitoxins; for example, microorganisms,
bacterial, plant and animal toxins; foreign bodies, transplants, transfusion of incompatible blood cells.

4. When infection occurs, inflammation results', and part of this
defensive reaction involves antibodies and antitoxins.

5. Some of these antibodies and antitoxins can remain in the blood for
life and prevent any repetition of the same infection.

6. Such life-long protection is called acquired immunity; but unfortunately does not occur for every type of microorganism.

7. Where immunity is possible it can be reproduced artificially in people who have never been infected by a particular microorganism.

8. It may be done by giving a non-immune person a dose of dead microorganisms.

9. Dead microorganisms cannot produce disease but they do stimulate the host's body to produce antibodies and antitoxins against the particular microorganisms concerned.

10. If there has been no vaccination or prior exposure to disease, acquired immunity is not present.

11. Аll individuals inherit some degree of natural immunity and this helps explain why some people are more resistant to disease than others.

Задание 10. 1. b, 2. a, 3. b, 4. b, 5. b,

Задание 11. Every body cell, for building, brain development, 10 more grams of
protein daily, before pregnancy, calcium, phosphorus, vitamin D, Zinc is another mineral, include meat, liver, eggs, seafood, low iron, anemia, food, rich in iron, cereals, start the day, glass of orange juice, leafy vegetables, folic acid.

Задание 12. 1) Protein is a component of every body cell and important
for building the maternal blood supply.

2) Protein also is necessary for fetal hair, skin, muscle, nerve tissue and brain development.

3) Women need approximately 10 more grams of protein daily.

4) Women need a total of 60 grams a day during the pregnancy.

5) Calcium and phosphorus are important minerals in fetal bone development.

6) Iron builds maternal blood volume and fetal blood and

7) Foods rich in iron include red meat, especially liver, raisins and fortified breads and cereals.

8) Folic acid is a vitamin important in protein metabolism, particularly in periods of rapid growth.

9) Pregnant women should start the day with a good breakfast.

10) Green leafy vegetables, liver and lentils are other good sources of folic acid.

Задание 13.

6. a, 7. b, 8. b, 9. b, 10. b, 11. b.

Раздел 5

. Болезни

Проверяемые знания, умения: общаться (устно и письменно) на английском языке на профессиональные и повседневные темы, переводить (со словарем) английские тексты профессиональной направленности. Самостоятельно совершенствовать устную и письменную речь.

Условия выполнения задания

1. Максимальное время выполнения заданий 90 минут для выполнения 13 теоретических заданий, 10 практических заданий

2. Словари, тестовые задания с эталонами ответов.


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