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Ex. 1. Answer the questions. Language training. Ex. 1. Match the words to make word partnerships. Then choose any collocation to make up a sentence.

Ex. 1. Answer the questions.

  1. Have you ever taken part in a conference? What kind of experience did you have?
  2. Do you feel comfortable speaking in front of a large audience? Should all people possess this skill? What can we do to develop it?
  3. What kind of a thirty-second spiel can you prepare about yourself?
  4. If you happen to be a fellow-student of the person whose research someone loudly criticizes in the conference lobbies, what will be your reaction?



Ex. 1. Match the words to make word partnerships. Then choose any collocation to make up a sentence.

  1. a motivating
  2. to tackle
  3. on the front
  4. to get
  5. to set
a) deadlines b) burner c) the most from d) factor e) the hurdle

Ex. 2. Match the word partnerships in ex. 1 to their definitions.

  1. to set the point in time at which something must be completed
  2. to obtain from, use to the greatest advantage
  3. an external or outside reward which provides satisfaction and pleasure that the task itself may not provide
  4. in a position of relatively great importance or high priority.
  5. to pass by or over safely an obstacle/ difficulty


Ex. 3. Match the word pairs.


1. participant 2. accommodation 3. speaker 4. exhibition 5. to take the floor 6. to present a paper 7. seminar 8. overview paper 9. concurrent session 10. organizer 11. ceremonial session a)to submit a paper b)attendee c)reporter d)workshop e)review paper f)parallel session g)display h)to speak i)convener j)opening ceremony k)housing


Ex. 4. Translate into English using the basic vocabulary (see p. 140).

  1. Как магистрант, я собираюсь принять участие в университетской научной конференции аспирантов и молодых преподавателей.
  2. На открытии конференции с приветственной речью выступил декан факультета проф. Петров.
  3. Мой доклад будет опубликован в материалах конференции.
  4. Председатель открыл заседание секции, зачитал повестку дня и представил первого выступающего.
  5. Я не успела к указанному сроку представить в оргкомитет конференции свой доклад и аннотацию к нему.
  6. Приглашенные докладчики были освобождены от уплаты регистрационных взносов.
  7. Инициатива организовать конференцию принадлежала моему научному руководителю, доктору филологических наук, профессору Петрову.
  8. Докладчику из России не нужен был переводчик, потому что он свободно говорил по-английски.


Ex. 5. Match the exchanges and play out the dialogues[48].

Dialogue I

    A B
  When do I have to give my paper, Mr. Chairman? My name is George Brown.  
  1. Not at all.
  Oh, it suits me fine. Thank you so much.  
  1. Just a minute, Mr. Brown. Let me consult my notes. You know, there were some changes on the program. Yes. You come third on the morning session.
  I'm sorry to trouble you but is there any chance to put off my talk for the evening session? I need to be somewhere else in the morning and it's very important.
  1. All right. It can be done. You'll be the first in the evening, at five o'clock to be exact. Does it suit you?

Dialogue II

  A B
Congratulations. In our department we are trying not to miss anything interesting in the field of museum studies and I am sure your book will be a real success.
  1. How do you do, Mr Frolov? Nice to meet you.
I’m very happy to be introduced to you, Dr. Brown. I’ve read some of your papers and books on museum studies and I find them extremely interesting. It’s my honour to meet you.  
  1. I hope so. If you’d like, I can send it over to you as soon as it comes out. Leave me your address.
Dr. Brown, I’d like you to meet my young colleague Sergey Frolov. He is one of the best young researchers at our university.  
  1. I’ve just finished a new book. It will be published next year in Germany.

Ex. 7. What do you say in the following situations?

  • You are in a conference hall waiting for the beginning of the panel. Introduce yourself to the person sitting next to you.
  • You have forgotten the name of the person you are talking to. Find out his/ her name properly.
  • You are in a conference lobby. You want to get away from the person who does not stop talking.


Ex. 8. Talk to your partner about the conferences you have attended. The student reports on International Conference of Students of Systematic Musicology (SysMus) [49] will help you to arrange a dialogue. Don’t forget to ask:

ü What scientific conference did your friend take part in?

ü Was it a regional or a national (international) conference?

ü Where and when did it take place?

ü What was the official language of the conference?

ü Did he/ she present a paper at this conference?

ü What feedback did he receive?

ü Were there any workshops of general interest held during this conference?

ü Has he/ she made new contacts?

ü Was there any reception held after the final session?

ü What is his/ her general impression of the conference?

A SysMus11 took place in Cologne this year and for the first time in Germany. Master and Phd students came from all over the world, e. g., from Israel, Brazil, USA, Taiwan and several European countries. They all had the opportunity to present the results of their current work as a poster or talk. All presentations were held in English, which made it possible for non-native speakers of English to practice this important skill. The diversity of research was impressive, both methodologically and in terms of contents, which was also reflected by the invited keynote speakers (Prof. W. Tecumseh Fitch, Dr. Jin Hyun Kim, Prof. Anthony Moore and Prof. Ricarda Schubotz). Aside from their contribution they also gave conference candidates many useful and inspiring hints, comments and further suggestions for their research. The conference was also enriched by an extensive social programme, such as a guided tour through Cologne by night, an experimental concert and dinners together with all participants and the keynote speakers. We are all looking forward to next year’s conference in Montreal, Canada, which will again be an awesome opportunity to meet the young community of musicologists, share our findings and get an impression of international research in systematic musicology. B  Attending SysMus08was a refreshing experience. The conference provided a friendly environment to discuss and learn new things. My colleagues and I attended the workshop “Empirical research methods in systematic musicology”, which was a great opportunity as we received important feedback on our research and advice on how to deal with some particular issues. Even though it is quite fulfilling to attend big conferences where one has access to a great amount of research, one of the things I enjoyed the most about this conference was that it gathered not too many people. This allowed me to get to know better many of the participants and to discuss each other's work, both in formal situations with a high academic standard, and in informal, one-to-one reunions. The conference was particularly meaningful for me as it got me into contact with a community of young scholars from Belgium. It was a wonderful and inspiring experience. The organization of the conference was impressively professional. I enjoyed taking part in useful workshops, attending very interesting concerts and investigating the beautiful city of Ghent, as well as meeting old friends and getting to know new ones. I hope we will all meet again at SysMus10 in Cambridge!    

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