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Skills. Case study. Preparing for a conference. Step 1. Read the conference announcement. Decide whether you would like to attend the conference. Discuss the benefits of attending such a conference with your partner. Ask your partner if




STEP 1. Read the conference announcement. Decide whether you would like to attend the conference. Discuss the benefits of attending such a conference with your partner. Ask your partner if

  • he is going to take part in the Annual University Postgraduate Conference. Why?
  • he has already submitted the abstract template.
  • he is through with his conference paper.
  • he has discussed the subject of his paper with his advisor.
  • he has decided what concepts he will discuss in his paper.
  • the paper received any critical remarks of his research adviser.
  • the summary of the presentation will be published in the Digest of the Convention.



Fill in the Abstract Template and submit it to the conference committee.


Divide the class in two groups - the program and the organizing committees.

GROUP 1. You are members of the Program committee.

  • Read and acknowledge the abstracts.
  • Make-up a mailing list of prospective participants and inform them that their abstracts have been accepted.
  • Discuss who can be invited as a keynote speaker.
  • Draft a scientific program of the conference.
Annual Postgraduate Conference The Graduate School of the College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences holds an annual conference for all its research postgraduates in which to showcase their research and exchange ideas and network with their fellow postgraduates. This is an important event in the graduate studies calendar in which presenters from across the varied disciplines in the College participate. Annual Postgraduate Conference O’Rahilly Building, 10 November 2012 ** CALL FOR PAPERS**   The Graduate School of the College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences is inviting abstracts from Research Students for the upcoming Annual Postgraduate Conference which will be held on Saturday 10 November 2012. The Conference will be an important event in the Graduate Calendar which aims to bring all postgraduate students together to present and disseminate their research findings, network and socialize with peers and develop appropriate skills and graduate attributes: presentation, discussion, negotiation, abstract writing and chairing. It will also provide an opportunity for new scholars to integrate with the Graduate community. Proposals are invited covering a range of topics from any of the disciplines within the College. The Conference intends to showcase the high quality of research within the Graduate community in the College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences. Complete the abstract template form below and submit electronically to Ms. Marie O’Donovan at graduateschool@cacsss. ucc. ie For further information and queries regarding the Conference, please contact Dr. Silvia Ross, Associate Dean and Head of the Graduate School at s. ross@ucc. ie Deadline for submissions 10 October 2012    

GROUP 2. You are members of the Organizing committee. Discuss:

  • venue
  • accommodation (if necessary)
  • needed funds and sponsors
  • coffee-brakes and meals
  • audiovisual equipment (slide projectors, videorecorders, closed circuit television, power point and public address systems, computers) and a technical assistant
  • a candidate to welcome the attendees at the opening ceremony

Draft a social program of the conference



Graduate School, College of Arts, Celtic Studies & Social Sciences

University College Cork

Postgraduate Conference

O’Rahilly Building, University College Cork

10 November 2012


Email Address:  
Title of Paper:  
Abstract: Please aim for 300 words typed double-spaced (for a 15-minute presentation). An abstract could include: thesis of the conference paper, context, content outline, sources/ methodology, findings/conclusions.   Please consult with your supervisor(s) if necessary.  
Specific Requirements: All submissions must be sent electronically to the following email address Graduateschool@cacsss. ucc. ie by 10 October 2012.


UNIT 10.

Conferences: Delivering a Paper and Joining in Discussions


Ex. 1. Look at these sayings. What do they mean? How can they relate to the topic of the unit?

  • By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.

Benjamin Franklin (1706 – 1790), American politician and writer

  • The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function.

F. Scott Fitzgerald (1896 – 1940), American author

  • Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.

Henry Ford (1863 – 1947), American businessman


Ex. 2. Discuss these statements. Do you agree or disagree?

  • Writing a paper is easier than delivering a paper.
  • The conference presentation is also a performance.
  • Conference discussions are more valuable than the sessions themselves.
  • A discussion is a competition.
  • An effective discussion is one in which people listen to each other



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