The evolution of innovative development and the prerequisites for digitalization and digital transformation in the global economy
УДК 004. 9 Kurdumova Ksenia Ural State Economy University Ekaterinburg, Russia e-mail: kurdyumova0202@mail. ru THE EVOLUTION OF INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENT AND THE PREREQUISITES FOR DIGITALIZATION AND DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION IN THE GLOBAL ECONOMY Abstract: the article examines the course of innovative development within the framework of scientific and technological revolutions and highlights the main prerequisites for digitalization and digital transformations. The author analyzes individual programs of the Government of the Sverdlovsk Region and Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation aimed at the development of digitalization, and also monitors data on the innovative development of the Sverdlovsk Region in the period from 2010 to 2019. Keywords: digitalization, economic development, third industrial revolution, innovations, computer technologies. Humanity entered a new era with the advent of the first computers. It is impossible to imagine modern life without computer technologies. Today people of all ages spend most of their time surfing the Internet. A new digital world, where information is the key factor of production, is developing around us. Innovative approaches to working with the dataset create new prospects for production, economic growth and transform existing business models. Digitalization is becoming the leading vector of development of the world economy, transforming its structure and introducing new elements into it. These changes are taking place not only in the economic sphere. They also entail a series of transformations in social, cultural and political spheres. This proves the need for a more detailed study of the evolution of innovative development and highlighting the prerequisites for digital transformations of the world economy (A. V. Babkin; A. V. Babkin, N. S. Alekseeva: 2020; 2019: 81-89: 16-25) The aimof the article is to consider and analyze some of the indicators of digital activities and transformations in Sverdlovsk region. The modern world develops according to the law of history acceleration. The First Industrial Revolution of the late XVIII and the first half of the XIX centuries was based on a radical change in the industrial manufacture. The Second Industrial Revolution brought global changes to all sectors of industry and trade. It was characterized by the proliferation of electricity, chemicals, and high-quality materials. Scientific and technological progress dramatically changed the existing way of life. The wave of transformations rapidly penetrated into all spheres of society's life, including economy. Scientists define the introduction of digital technologies the Third Industrial Revolution (O. V. Nikitenkova: 2020). The concept of digital revolution is inextricably linked with the name of the American social philosopher, economist and writer Jeremy Rifkin. According to J. Rifkin, the latest Scientific and Technological Breakthrough will have a completely different model in comparison to the previous ones (. J. Rifkin: 2011).
Speaking about Russian Federation, information technology development is based on the following two - the program " Digital economy Russian Federation", approved by decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 28. 07. 2017 № 1632-R; - «Strategy of information society development in the Russian Federation for 2017 – 2030» approved by the decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 9, 2017 No. 203. In addition, in accordance with Presidential Decree No. 204 of May 7, 2018, one of the national development goals of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2024 is to ensure the accelerated introduction of digital technologies in the economy and social sphere (Y. V. Gushchin: 2018). The new economy will include rapid analysis of the dataset, and rational regulation and artificial intelligence based resources allocation. According to Mikhail Mishustin, the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, the main prerequisites for digitalization and digital innovations are the following (M. Mishustin):
The Chief Scientific secretary of the St. Petersburg Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Economics, Professor G. V. Dvas claims that: “The fact that all innovations are associated with digitalization does not mean, that all digitalization is carried out through innovations”. G. V. Dvas also considers that “it is necessary to maximize the " regionalization" of the system of information collection and processing in socio-economic development at the current " digital" stage” (G. V. Dvas). As the paper deals with the analysis of digital transformation process in Sverdlovsk region, it was decided to consider main indicators of innovative activities of local organizations (without small business entities) for the period from 2010 to 2019. Among them are the following: the share of innovative goods, work and services in the total volume of good S shipped, work performed, and services delivered (%) (Fig. 1). The level of innovation activity of organizations (%) is presented in Figure 2. The number of organizations, which carried out innovative activities during a 10-year period from 2010 to 2019, are shown in Figure 3. The indicators are calculated in accordance with the international recommendations on the statistical measurement of innovation, implemented by the OECD in cooperation with Eurostat (the Oslo Manual). The methodology for calculating the indicator was approved by Rosstat Order No. 818 of 27. 12. 2019. The difference in the calculation of the indicator " The share of organizations engaged in technological innovations in the total number of surveyed organizations" is also associated with the use of the three criteria for classifying an organization as innovative. The methodology for calculating the indicator was approved by Rosstat Decree No. 788 of 27. 12. 201
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