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Study of law and economy in law schools: experience and prospects (on the example of sli-usla-uslu)

УДК 346. 1

Filippov Mikhail Yurievich

Ural State Law University

Ekaterinburg, Russia

e-mail: properpocket@gmail. com


Abstract: this article highlights the main stages of the formation of a modern institution of law and business. With this article, the author plans to reveal the importance of studying such a subject as economics in the process of preparing students in specialized law universities. The article presents some of the points of view of scientists and professors expressed on this issue and the author's own opinion.

Key words: economics, jurisprudence, science, faculty, national economy.

The aim of this aritcle is to cover the experience of studying law and economics using USLU as an example, as well as hypotheses about the prospects for the development of the subject.

Having the experience of introducing economic science as an example, I will turn to the history of the development of the Institute of Law and Business of the USLU, training in which directly affects the study of economic disciplines simultaneously with legal ones.

The foundation of this faculty (Institute since 1997) dates back to Soviet times. In 1931, for the two main training programs of the Faculty of Law of Irkutsk State University - Forensic Prosecutor's Investigation, and Correctional Labor namely were opened but a year later there was a plan to create another faculty - economic and legal, which, however, did not appear due to the lack of a large the number of those wishing to enter this faculty. But the chair of Soviet economic law appeared and existed until the end of the 1930s. In 1973, it was restored under the name of the Department of Economic Law and became the first chair of this type in the USSR.  (V. А. Bublik, V. D. Perevalov 2011: 368).

The next period of refers to 1970s. At this time in the USSR, all three specialized law universities of the country (Saratov, Kharkov and Sverdlovsk) trained students only for law enforcement, and only few university graduates were prepared for work in the field of the national economy. Such allocation began to negatively affect the interests of the national economy, which required more and more qualified staff in legal advice and arbitration (V. S. Belykh, M. F. Kazantsev, 2017: 12-13). The need to reform the education system in law schools became obvious. This is how the order of the Ministry of Secondary and Higher Education of the RSFSR dated July 7, 1976, appeared, approving the creation of the Faculty of National Economy and Law. Then, by order of the rector D. D. Ostapenko No. 164-a dated September 2, 1976, the Faculty of Legal Service in the National Economy with a total contingent of 240 people and an annual admission of 60 people was formed at the Sverdlovsk Law Institute[4].

With the introduction of the new faculty, tutors faced a need to develop an individual educational plan that would meet the needs of the national economy. On March 31, 1977, it was approved by the USSR Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education. (I. Y. Diyriagin, D. D. Оstapenko, 1981: 51-52). According to this plan, there were not only general, but also some uniquely-designed disciplines, for example: " Legal basis for the regulation of legal activity", " Organization of legal work in the legal economy", " Workshop on resolution of certain economic disputes", etc. Later, some special courses were added with an aim to strengthen economic and legal specialization. Also, compulsory industrial practice was introduced. Thanks to the partnership of the department with the legal departments of some enterprises, students could practice at such plants as Uralmash or Magnitogorsk metallurgical plant.  (V. S. Belykh, 2002: 41).

So That meant that a graduate of this faculty came out with an excellent knowledge of subjects and extensive practice behind his back. What’s more important is that he could not be afraid for his career, because even in the worst case scenario, they could count on further service in the field they used to practice at.

There are several concepts of commercial law that have changed over time. Previously, it was believed that economic law was the law of a planned economy, regulating relations between socialist organizations. Now opinions are divided into three different concepts, the main of which, however, can be called the concept that this is an independent branch of law, which is recognized by some scholars as a branch of private law, others - a complex industry that acts as a secondary branch in comparison to the primary - civil and administrative (V. S. Eliseev, 2020: 175-184).

By the 1980s, the faculty become one of the leading at the Institute. To a large extent, this was ensured not only by the great demand for specialists with a legal education in the bodies of the national economy, but also by good teachers some of which previously worked at the department of civil law. Th most important person in the history of the department was professor V. S. Yakushev. He is the one who started this faculty and organized the work of the department. In addition, he taught a whole range of subjects - civil, land, collective farm and family law. Lectures on commercial law were conducted by Associate Professor S. A. Khokhlov, who was later replaced by associate professor B. S. Mints. Financial law students were taught by Associate Professor L. S. Malokotin and V. S. Zapolsky. Also V. S. Belykh, A. V. Kazakov, G. G. Pilikin and many others took part in tution of the students. In addition to the teachers, the faculty was also famed by its graduates. For example, M. F. Kazantsev, who became the head of the Institute of Philosophy and Law of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Or N. D. Mershin, who became a judge of the Arbitration Court of the Sverdlovsk Region. (V. S. Belykh, 2002: 41).

In fact, things didn't always go well. From the very beginning of the emerge of the faculty and the department, there were many doubts and discussions at the institute and at a much higher level about the need to combine economics and jurisprudence.

 For example, most of the professors who participated in the Plenum of the Head Council for Legal Sciences of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Professional Education of the RSFSR in Kalinin supported the idea of implementation, but they were divided in the decision about at what stage of training it is necessary to introduce specialized economic disciplines. Ideas for implementation were proposed both from the first year and at the very end of training (in the third year), and etc.  (V. K. Sаmigullin, 1976: 139-140).

Speaking of the opposition - public idea was actually against the emergence of the department - it is believed that law universities should prepare students for a wide profile, and the introduction of something new leads to a narrow profile approach, which is unacceptable. Opponents were also, oddly enough, among the teachers of SJU. For example, Professor O. A. Krasavchikov actively opposed the emergence of the Faculty of National Economy, and even more so the department. The head of the department of labor law V. D. Shakhov was also against the appearance of the faculty. He was convinced that the university already had a well-established judicial and prosecutorial profiling, and the introduction of the Faculty of Economics and Law would require many changes in this already well-established and tested system.  (V. S. Belykh, M. F. Kazantsev, 2017: 16).

In my opinion, economics is definitely important for lawyers. Especially for those who want to connect their lives with the protection of entrepreneurship and business. Earlier, in the conditions of a command economy, knowledge of economic science was not very much in demand, but in a modern market economy without knowledge of all the processes and rules of the economy, a lawyer simply cannot protect the rights of entrepreneurs because of his incompetence. In addition, various economic crimes have become more frequent, which are becoming more confusing and dangerous, so the demand for defenders with knowledge of economic science is growing rapidly.

As a conclusion, I would like to note that the economy has become an integral part of our life, and the life of lawyers as well. As the experience of the past has shown, studying it in law schools does not harm the rest of the specialized legal sciences, but on the contrary develops the student's useful skills in working with various financial documents and information. Also, an understanding of economic processes and legal knowledge allow, if necessary, to competently organize your own business in compliance with all formalities.

List of references:

  1. V. А. Bublik, V. D. Perevalov History, present, future: 80 years of SLI - USLA / resp. editors V. А. Bublik, V. D. Perevalov. Ekaterinburg: Publishing house «Ural State Law Academy», 2011. 800 p.
  2. Vasiliy Stepanovich Yakushev: Front-line soldier, Jury, Teacher: To the 95th anniversary of his birth and the first Yakushev readings  / complied by V. S. Belykh, M. F. Kazantsev. Ekaterinburg, 2017. 80 p.
  3. Sverdlovsk Law Institute 1931-1981 / resp. editors I. Y. Diyriagin, D. D. Ostapenko. Moscow: Legal literature, 1981. 176 p.
  4. V. S. Belykh Memories of the past and thoughts on the future. Ekaterinburg: Publishing house «Ural Printer», 2002. 148 p.
  5. Самигуллин В. К. On the agenda - Problems of improving the quality of legal education  // Jurisprudence. 1976. №5. P. 139-140
  6. Eliseev V. S. Place of the theory of economic law in the system of legal regulation of economy // O. E. Kutafin University  Bulletin (MSAL). 2020. №7. P. 175-184.



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