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Комментарии к выполненному заданию 1.2.3

Комментарии к выполненному заданию 1. 2. 3

Уверенное чтение, правильное деление на синтагмы, достаточно правильное произношение звуков и верное интонационное оформление коммуникативных типов предложений.

Оценка – 1 балл.


Прослушайте и оцените ответ № (051416)6858 на задание 1. Используйте критерии и дополнительную схему оценивания.

Grapes are not only a very tasty kind of fruit. They are also extremely valuable for our body. The health benefits of grapes are simply great. Even people in the past knew much about it. They widely used grapes in medicine. You see, grapes have a lot of important vitamins. They are also a rich source of such vital minerals as iron and copper. Iron, for instance, is especially concentrated in raisins. That is why grapes will protect you against many illnesses and give you much energy. Grapes really help to make your blood pressure lower. They are also used to treat nerve diseases and infections. Also, the berries are very low in calories. 100 grams of fresh grapes will give you just 69 calories but no cholesterol. So, people all over the world include grapes in their diets and enjoy eating them.




Прослушайте и оцените ответ № (391502)6761 на задание 1. Используйте критерии и дополнительную схему оценивания.


Task 1. Imagine that you are preparing a project with your friend. You have found some interesting material for the presentation and you want to read this text to your friend. You have 1. 5 minutes to read the text silently, then be ready to read it out aloud. You will not have more than 1. 5 minutes to read it.

Everybody knows about ants. Ants are small insects. They are usually yellow, brown, red or black. In various stories and fables ants are shown as hardworking creatures. They seem to be moving all the time, carrying objects to their homes. Ants can lift about 20 times their own body weight, which is amazing. Ants are social insects. This means that they live together in organized communities called colonies. Ants are found almost everywhere in the world, but they are most common in hot areas. They make anthills or live under the ground. Some cultures use ants for food and medicine. However, in many countries ants are considered pests. This is so because they can get into cupboards around the house. In fact, ants are very hard to remove from the house as it is difficult to destroy a whole colony of ants.  

ЗАДАНИЕ 24. Прослушайте и оцените ответ № (711517)2213 на задание 1. Используйте критерии и дополнительную схему оценивания.


Task 1. Imagine that you are preparing a project with your friend. You have found some interesting material for the presentation and you want to read this text to your friend. You have 1. 5 minutes to read the text silently, then be ready to read it out aloud. You will not have more than 1. 5 minutes to read it.


Ice hockey is a popular team sport. It developed in Canada from games played with sticks and a ball which was later substituted with a puck. Both men and women play hockey in schools and clubs, on amateur and professional teams, on national and international levels. Ice hockey is usually played on a surface called a rink. Several boundary lines run across the rink. Two blue lines divide the rink into three zones. Hockey is a rough sport, with a great deal of body contact between the players. Hockey players wear ice skates and move with great speed and skill across the ice. The game starts with a face-off in the center of the rink. Two teams of six players compete to score the most points. A team scores when it moves the puck into the opponent’s goal. Now ice hockey is a part of the Winter Olympics both for men and women.    


Прослушайте и оцените ответ № 8028 на задание 1. Используйте критерии и дополнительную схему оценивания.


Task 1. Imagine that you are preparing a project with your friend. You have found some interesting material for the presentation and you want to read this text to your friend. You have 1. 5 minutes to read the text silently, then be ready to read it out aloud. You will not have more than 1. 5 minutes to read it.

Like everywhere else, people in English-speaking countries enjoy different festivals and celebrations in each of the four seasons. Food, family and flowers are an important part of most celebrations. Most people like to have a family dinner on such days. A lot of people give chocolate and other sweets as presents, and some festivals have their special food. Restaurants and café s are usually very busy on these days. As for flower shops, they sell a lot of flowers. People today often live far away from their families, so they send greeting cards at special times like Christmas, or Mother’s Day, or Easter. Post offices and telephones are very busy too. Of course, times change, and festivals also change. But people have celebrated many of these festivals for hundreds of years and will still enjoy them in many years.



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