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Задание 1.1. для экзаменуемого


Прослушайте запись чтения того же текста другим экзаменуемым, отмечая в тексте задания ошибки, влияющие на оценку. Сколько баллов поставите вы за этот ответ? Сравните вашу оценку с экспертной, изучите комментарии к выполненному участницей ЕГЭ заданию. Согласны ли вы с этими комментариями? Можете ли вы что-либо добавить к ним?

Задание 1. 1. для экзаменуемого

Imagine that you are preparing a project with your friend. You have found some interesting material for the presentation and you want to read this text to your friend. You have 1. 5 minutes to read the text silently, then be ready to read it out aloud. You will not have more than 1. 5 minutes to read it.

Because birds have such fine eyesight, they are hard to approach. Bird watchers use binoculars to study birds. One way to watch them up close without using binoculars is to go to a place they go to often. Sit still, keep quiet, and wait until they come. Soon they will be doing things all around you.

You may get too close to the animals you are watching. Always stay at a distance that is easy for them and for you. Do not disturb nesting birds. And never approach an animal that is with its young. Wild animal parents can be very protective. If you come upon a baby animal that looks like it’s alone, let it be. Mother may be watching you from a hiding place nearby.

Do not touch or corner a wild animal. Never follow an animal into places you don’t know. There is no such thing as a tame wild animal.

Задание 1, вариант 1, ответ 2 (скрипт)

Because birds have such fine eyesight they are hard to approach. Bird watchers use binoculars to study birds. One way to watch them|| up close without using binoculars is to go to a place they go too often. Sit still, keep quiet and wait until they come. Soon they’ll be || doing things all around you. You may go… get too close to the animal you are watching. Always stay at || a distance that… is easy for them and for you. Do not disturb nesting birds and never approach the animal that is with its young. Wild animal parents can be very protective. If you come upon a baby animal that looks like it’s alone let it be. Mother may be get be watching you from a hiding place nearby. Do not touch or corner wild animals. Never follow an animal into places you don’t know. There is there is no such a thing as a tame wild animal.

Комментарии к выполненному заданию 1. 1. 2

1. Неправильно произнесённые слова: binoculars (не произносит окончание множественного числа, произносит binocular), animal (произносит слово animals), disturb (произносит слово неправильно), upon (up on – неправильно произносит предлог), animals (произносит animal).

2. Неправильное деление на синтагмы: “One way to watch them|| up close… Soon they’ll be|| doing… Always stay at|(неправильное фразовое ударение) a distance…”

3. Неправильно произносит межзубный звук [ð ] в слове “Mother” и звук [ŋ ] в слове “watching”.

Оценка – 1 балл.


Прочитайте и обсудите приведённое ниже задание 1. 2 для экзаменуемого. Прослушайте запись ответа 1. 2. 1, отмечая ошибки, влияющие на оценку. Сколько баллов поставите вы за этот ответ? Сравните вашу оценку с экспертной, изучите комментарии к выполненному участницей ЕГЭ заданию. Согласны ли вы с этими комментариями? Можете ли вы что-либо добавить к ним?

Задание 1, вариант 2

Imagine that you preparing a project with your friend. You have found some interesting material for the presentation and you want to read this text to your friend. You have 1. 5 minutes to read the text silently, then be ready to read it out aloud. You will not have more than 1. 5 minutes to read it.

Some paintings found in different caves around the world are recognized as the work of Stone Age artists. But what was the purpose of the paintings? Why were they hidden in a dark room where there is no evidence that cave people lived?

No one really knows, but there is one theory that makes great sense. It is called the theory of Sympathetic Magic. According to this, the cave people believed that if they could make a likeness of an animal, they could put a spell over it. This spell would give the tribe power over the live animal.

Stone Age existence depended on killing animals – for food, clothing, and even weapons and tools. The animals were large and fierce; the cave people had only the most simple weapons. Hunters had to be brave and fearless. They needed more than a spear or club; they needed all the magic they could get. The magic could help the hunters catch the animals.

Задание 1, вариант 2, ответ 1 (скрипт)

Some paintings found in different caves around the world… are recognized as the work… of stone-age artists. But what’s the purpose… of the paintings? Why were they hidden in the dark room where there is no evidence that сave people lived? No one really knows. But there is one theory that makes great sense. It is called the theory of…. sympathetic magic. According… according to this... theory the cave people believed… that if they could make a likeness… likeness of an animal they could put a spell over it. This spell would give the tribe power over… the live animal. Stone-age… existence depended on killing animals for food, clothing and even weapons and tools. The animals were… large and fierce. The cave people had only the most simple… weapons. Hunters had to be brave and fearless. They needed… more than a spear or club. They needed… all the magic they could get. The magic could help… the hunters catch the animals.


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